DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

Here I go again,since you mentioned Aztecs ,I will pass on some info I learned about years ago,
If you go south on 25 from T or C , you will come to the Hillsboro exit, take it towards Hillsboro for a few miles,
while traveling up the road watch on the left side of the road, and down in a valley you will see a windmill next to a wash.
it was told to me years ago that there are loads of Aztec glyphs on the bed rock in the wash next to the windmill, if you are going to look it would be advisable to get permission , also the university may have info on this site, be safe, np ps this is very close to the caballo's

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roger, very true,thanks for sharing. have some :coffee2: np

here ya go
the answer

it's in this song I wrote

song ::::::::::::::::

~~~ Whim of Life ~~~~

ashes to ashes
dust to dust
suffers impermanence
and turns to rust

Something as simple
as a spoken word
can turn your world
as much as can be heard

Nothing exist in a final form
rather ageless or ancient
or never been born

everything changes
with or without
our consent

even our minds
as our reason is spent

Magical World
twirling ,,,
in a spin

as large as life
as small as the head of a pin

You've no need to know
the balance of all

however large
however small

you've only your mind
on which to rely
scream out your pain
or quietly lie
waiting for deliverance
from deaths gleaming Sy

Nothing matters
but ,,,
it doesn't matter
so matter begins
to take on a strut

that promises
to change
your life
take you out of
your rut

It's a magical World
we have no need to know

just relax and be calm
and watch life flow

You live as well as die

why bother yourself
with beliefs
based on a lie

Mystery School
has always been bent
so ignore the message
and meanings it's sent

and live like today
is the last
and never look back
to ponder those events
from your past

for Angels wait not
on those whom are late

and leave them to wander
in the void
facing a far darker fate

Run now child
and live the Magic of love

smile as the wind
under the wings
of the dove

fly to heights never
before seen

and live your love
like a beautiful
never ending dream .

~~~~~~ End ~~~~~~~

Mystery school has always been bent
so ignore the message
and meanings it's sent

simple that , eh ?

I know you are trying to say somthing. Important,but I just dont understand what you are saying. Can you dumb it down a little for me.

Hi Rog,
seems that fan base grows even with out being on TV, LOL
some folks get so caught up in the line and verse , they forget the meaning . 'they want light or dark ???
they should try looking in the mirrior , that's a good test for anyone . hey just my two cents .
take care amigo .///bob

Hi Kanbite
I'll go down in Infamy . or not go at all .

Live life like it's one long childhood , when the time comes to leave the playground , POP the Ball ,
leave a sign you've been there . heh heh

I'll quote : " What do you really know? Do you walk the walk? "

want the answer in an open forum do you ?

See if this Helps

it is not learned at a Mystery School
it is not a group you can join

there are no Earthly Teachers ( Ethrean , yes , Earthly no )

You walk the Walk only if :

You walked it before entering the Fetus of the Womb ,
you are born with it ascribed in the DNA of your sould .

You are not picked , selected for it .

it's like your freedom is , you are born with it .

You do not choose to walk the walk

by the nature of your spirit , you walk the walk , it is always there , always available for you
to engage , for it is a Nature of being .

You maintain Honor , integrity , dignity by design of the Fractal Consciousness, You maintain extending loving kindness , compassion ,empathy by the will of the soul ,
and reserve it for those who understand the gift you give and will not
crap on it .

It is of your being .

There is an interesting product that comes out of the telling of this annotated section
of history .
That being , how some take the material , and through their greed motivated minds , attempt
to grab it and make money with it .

If at some point , we were all forced to peer for a long length of time at our mirror ,, ( I mean all of us and this so called civilization we exist in )

I believe it possible that doing so , just might cause us to change .

There is an interesting product that comes out of the telling of this annotated section
of history .
That being , how some take the material , and through their greed motivated minds , attempt
to grab it and make money with it .

If at some point , we were all forced to peer for a long length of time at our mirror ,, ( I mean all of us and this so called civilization we exist in )

I believe it possible that doing so , just might cause us to change .

People have become to good a excusing their behavior,and blaming others. Civilization is based on the lie that a select few are deserving real pleasure.

Nothing will change.

People have become to good a excusing their behavior,and blaming others. Civilization is based on the lie that a select few are deserving real pleasure.

Nothing will change.

I think your talking mainly about ole pale face, i dont think the indians,buddhist monk and such place much values in such, of course not all pale faces

We're on line at the same moment , good

My sword predated many centuries columbus .

The area we speak of , has some very interesting secrets . I walk that area a lot in my life , the first time I did,,
some imprint stopped me , some reason , like a latent memory , past life type thing , I stood transfixed
on one particular formation for a long time .

If I have it right , I think this cave is near a flat top boulder with what looks like a Horse shoe carved in it
though it is not a horse shoe at all .

past it as you enter the canyon , is a cave where a sword was found , I recall that story vaguely , The person who found it
I have no name for though , I can't bring it up in my memory .

I know that one person working for the USGS , mapping springs of the area , came across something near there
a sword and other artifacts .

and to the east further , near a small peak ( actually the terminus of a finger ridge ) under a grove of trees
was a flat top boulder , on it were perhaps centuries of mulch , under that mulch set four or five silver bars .

behind that in the bluff , was a sealed cave containing who knows what , for the Cave was balsted aprat
and empty when I went back to it it 2002 .

raided no doubt by Gov.'t .

across the canyon and north of that , is the 30ft high carving of the symbol I outlined in red on the
back of the nugget , a cave to the right of the entrance had also been excavated and raided
at the top of that symbol
two initials are carved J-R , for Jorge Rascone .

Thanks treasminder2, seeing that Rascone name helps me, its in my area also. + the silver bars just sitting there, yea, same thing, but i think the ones in my area are ancient origin, they look like what i would say is pig iron,lol,doc noss,doc noss, thats what i thought when i spied them. Thanks 4 the 411

Thanks for putting this info. out treasminder2, and thanks to mdog for making me aware of it. i was taking about finding a large standing stone,with a stone chair at the base, and finding a green stone there. Thanks again for the FREE info.

Originally Posted by dog, the treasure hunter
to my my left is a giant turtle made out of stones,with its head supported by smaller stones, its unreal how much work they did to get all those stones there, then to lift the massive head stone. i found a very usual green stone there, natural cooper? i dont know, havent found one since.

Hey Dog,

Can you tell us how big that stone is and what shape it is? Roger Snow wrote about green stones that glowed in the moonlight and were part of Tanit monuments.

Thanks treasminder2, seeing that Rascone name helps me, its in my area also. + the silver bars just sitting there, yea, same thing, but i think the ones in my area are ancient origin, they look like what i would say is pig iron,lol,doc noss,doc noss, thats what i thought when i spied them. Thanks 4 the 411

And to add to this, I left the pig iron right where it was at. So if any knucklehead gets the bright ideal that i have them,wrong. but i do have some copper and lead if you want a sample of that to assay.

Thank you NP

The Mystery School ,
some believe in a society of people , whom are Arcane knowledge vassals .

Whether it's Scottish rights masons , Kabballa ( Can't spell at all right now )
or Mystics .

right hand / left hand / light /dark

As the checker board beausant Flag of the Knights Templar , Black and White squares
is to some , a symbol that they dabble in the arts , good and evil . light and Dark , Magical arts et al

Secrets passed only to people who have the where with all .

Many who read what I post , believed I knew the secrets ,

My training , as they believe , was through apprenticeship .

what do I say to them ?

That no , this knowledge is imprinted on the soul , not something a person can learn ?

to the unknowledgeable , and the inexperienced , it sounds crazy .

so , given that , I post at times in cryptic ways .

Right ?

No , not at all , actually , why I am so cryptic at times , I was admonished decades ago , to not give out material
to the public , for all they will do with it , is make money by movies , films , and books .

and that has been the case many times ( note I turned down History Channel and many other film producers )

I would like to inform people , and do this in a manner by which it is free to them .

yet , in doing so , some monkey can and will , always grab it and use it for self aggrandizing purposes .

Note the Tomb being pilfered and blasted .

There is a Higher mind possible for all of us , and selfish motivations do not exist in that mind .

Complex world , is it not ?
yes indeed
I face conundrum , Give all freely in an open forum , and hope we respect the knowledge
enough , and watch people use it for profit ,, or with hold it , and it dies back into the dark .

The song

it's about change , note I first relate the dark mood , and then give direction to reach
the light mood .

in it , I state : Release , nothing matters so much , that we should miss being alive with
happiness .

Nothing matters ,,,, but it doesn't matter .

I think I know what you mean. Some people have a insight or a knowing before hand.

The others dont have that ability. Its not in them. The bible speaks of the two groups.
Wheat the children of god with great potential.
The tear the children of the devil. They can only twist and ruin everything.
The tars will always be h bent on destroying the wheat.
Before a person can began enlightenment. They have to find out if they are wheat(light) or (tar) dark.

Is that what you mean.

quote : Roger Snow wrote about green stones that glowed in the moonlight and were part of Tanit monuments. "

Man , you dug into some very old post of mine , yes There must be some type of Chrystal in those balls of stone
on a full moon , they do glow a phosphorescent green hue , and have a halo like emergence around them .

I have no true name for the Mother Culture that set these , but suspect the age of them to predate
The Giza Monuments .

Hi Johnmark , yes the correlations can be tied together , all knowledge on Earth , has a connection .

we find that across the globe in every culture , just certain people of each , seem to be plugged in to something ,
no matter their geophysics .

I do not ascribe any one religion to this , for I do not perceive it as a singularity , I think that these people
all have the same knowledge and gave it their own names .

Years ago I asked : if all souls were created at the exact same epoch , where was yours when Moses Walked the Earth ? "

Though time is not lineal , Time here is specific to this particular realm , the question posits
where was your soul before it entered this realm .

Do we have a Home World and this one is a visitation , a site , that we choose to experience as we would
visit another shore on this planet ?

Point , where has your soul been BEFORE here , if every soul is ever lasting ?

and did it come here from the same home world as every other soul here , or are there different worlds
that have different levels of evolved consciousness ?

Complex thought ?
Nothing is easy to the seeker , they seek , not just sit and wonder .

Hi rog,
ya i have no name for them either , not very much info in one place either, just bits and pieces here and there.
very hard to track that one down , maybe its a layer cake type of answer.
not a singular but a fractal kind of thing . who knows ?
here is thought of a small" bit and piece" to ponder. Emb_logo.webp
take care.

and it is that Complex thought pattern that does not stop at a single answer , there is always more then one
answer , and by their nature , they will expand their search as their knowledge , experience , and wisdom
expands .
It's the nature of the complex thinker , what they share ( Internet expands that for all of us now ) touches
others whom , are of like thought patterns , and each empowers the other with insights of their own .

We are an interconnected group , each a fractal portion of the whole of it all . Like pieces , which when we come
together and connect with one another , create a more perfect picture by which all of us to view .

we posted at the same moment, you a second before me , see how it works ?

fun , eh ?

quote : Roger Snow wrote about green stones that glowed in the moonlight and were part of Tanit monuments. "

Man , you dug into some very old post of mine , yes There must be some type of Chrystal in those balls of stone
on a full moon , they do glow a phosphorescent green hue , and have a halo like emergence around them .

I have no true name for the Mother Culture that set these , but suspect the age of them to predate
The Giza Monuments .

Hi Johnmark , yes the correlations can be tied together , all knowledge on Earth , has a connection .

we find that across the globe in every culture , just certain people of each , seem to be plugged in to something ,
no matter their geophysics .

I do not ascribe any one religion to this , for I do not perceive it as a singularity , I think that these people
all have the same knowledge and gave it their own names .

Years ago I asked : if all souls were created at the exact same epoch , where was yours when Moses Walked the Earth ? "

Though time is not lineal , Time here is specific to this particular realm , the question posits
where was your soul before it entered this realm .

Do we have a Home World and this one is a visitation , a site , that we choose to experience as we would
visit another shore on this planet ?

Point , where has your soul been BEFORE here , if every soul is ever lasting ?

and did it come here from the same home world as every other soul here , or are there different worlds
that have different levels of evolved consciousness ?

Complex thought ?
Nothing is easy to the seeker , they seek , not just sit and wonder .

Its been said. We all come from the same place. Thats why when we meet others we either like or dislike them,because we knew them before and either formed a friendship or a dislike for each other.
Where that was I dont know,but I do believe we were with god,and will return to him.

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