DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

What if the source of the majority of VP gold was from beneath it? In the book a couple of geologists examined the site on behalf of the government to establish whether it had any actual mining potential requiring a permit. They stated a granitic dike bisected the peak, and the stone from the top of the peak tested positive for trace amounts of gold. They also stated it was highly likely that at the contact boundaries of the country stone and the dike that gold deposits existed. There is also talk in the book that Doc believed it was the actual site of the Padre Larue site. If his community moved there and mined the gold for decades while storing the proceeds from it, that would develop quite a "rick" of gold bricks. And the story goes Larue died rather than admit the location of the mine the Spanish/Catholic authorities came to confiscate from him.

Saw the rabbit ear map before.

Hello all,

This is my first post . For good or bad I am a arm chair hunter. I just wanted to let everyone know I really appreciate you guys.
I have seen the bat map (rabbit ears and heart) before this thread had started. I only called it bat map cause I thought it may have referred to bat cave canyon. Having never been to the Caballo's some names just run together. I know N.P. said there were at least three copies made.

On to the map. I have a pdf book that has the map story in it . I wanted to verify it was not copyrighted. As of yesterday it is still posted on the website for free. I feel this is one of the best books on the Caballo's. The story appears about page 187.

Title - Lure of the Caballos
Author- Joe Cummins
Website -

Hello all,

This is my first post . For good or bad I am a arm chair hunter. I just wanted to let everyone know I really appreciate you guys.
I have seen the bat map (rabbit ears and heart) before this thread had started. I only called it bat map cause I thought it may have referred to bat cave canyon. Having never been to the Caballo's some names just run together. I know N.P. said there were at least three copies made.

On to the map. I have a pdf book that has the map story in it . I wanted to verify it was not copyrighted. As of yesterday it is still posted on the website for free. I feel this is one of the best books on the Caballo's. The story appears about page 187.

Title - Lure of the Caballos
Author- Joe Cummins
Website -

What the name of the website. but you can Google title

I posted a link to the book earlier in this thread. I agree that it is one of the best books I have read on Caballo Treasure Lore.


did you ever consider what ir takes to move a couple hundred 50 - 60 # bars in a narrow tunnel? All with the possibility of being seen, or leaving signs such as a heavily traveled trail??? ?

, This is for Mike alias golyota, This shows where a Jesuit was killed ( fell to his death ) looking for Tayopa and the deposits There is a tunnel system cut in the section indicated.

Cerro del Cura, tunnel system shown.webp


  • Cerro del Cura.webp
    Cerro del Cura.webp
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TexAu, , have some :coffee2:, yes mike had already posted that info earlier, but thank you for bringing it up again, this time I spent some time and read it, good read, and if anyone is interested in
reading about the story about the map it is in the third part, yes, when several people have copies of a map its hard to say what they will do with them, use them if it helps, I hope, the real question is the
whole story behind the maps, the real story, can only be told by the person that really knows, they could not give the whole story,and did not share the other maps that I posted, but I shared the whole story here for every one to share, that's the difference in reading about treasure stories, and knowing the full truth behind the story being told. there's still a few details I left out, but, none of it is about the map, or treasure, and only I know these details.pertaining to the story. thanks for posting here, hope you come back and share with us. np:cat:

did you ever consider what ir takes to move a couple hundred 50 - 60 # bars in a narrow tunnel? All with the possibility of being seen, or leaving signs such as a heavily traveled trail??? ?
AMIGO,:coffee2: my old mule could have done that while I was having my nap,:laughing7:, np:cat:

:coffee2: anyone, In regards to what I actually think about the map, after 20 years of having it, and what I know about it, which absolutely no one else knows, unless, aliens come pick my brain tonight, I was lead to believe that it was a Jesuit master map, yes, I said Jesuit, and not for of one location, but, of a long route or trail to many locations. and to other maps. np:cat:

NP, I am still considering your posts about the Mexican families around VP having accessed the voids/fissures/caverns there prior to Doc's claims starting in 1937-1941. Can you offer any more on that front? Is there still someone alive who could be interviewed about that?

:coffee2: anyone, In regards to what I actually think about the map, after 20 years of having it, and what I know about it, which absolutely no one else knows, unless, aliens come pick my brain tonight, I was lead to believe that it was a Jesuit master map, yes, I said Jesuit, and not for of one location, but, of a long route or trail to many locations. and to other maps. np:cat:

You were led to believe by whom, William White?

One thing I am disappointed about in the Gold House Trilogy that I have read so far is no photos of treasure. I have seen photos posted of a crown, and a sword, in various threads, so why none in the Gold House? I just began reading book 2, so maybe it lies ahead of me in my reading, but I expected more in the first book when it came to showing what Noss claimed he found in the vaults of VP. Do any such photos exist?

More on the Gold House book. I'm reading about several reported episodes of Noss selling gold to various people in the late 30s. Remember, this is New Mexico, an historically low income state (even today), during the Depression when most people didn't have a pot to piss in, let alone a window to throw it out of.

In one instance, he allegedly sold bars of gold for $32,000 at $20/ounce. That was an enormous fortune, equivalent to something a bit less than $2 million cash today. And this was only one of a number of reputed cash sales. The book (family) claims that, oh, Doc would go on a spending spree and three weeks later he was broke again! Or he would bury a trunkload of cash in the desert, never to be found again. Or, he was paranoid the government was watching him, so he never spent the cash. And so on. This doesn't set real solid with me.

My thoughts are that if Noss was selling this much gold and the government was on to him, why didn't they just arrest him and his buyers? He was obviously dog dirty, everybody in T or C, Las Cruces and vicinity knew it (even the cops), or at least that's what Doc seemed to want them to believe. The rationale is, I guess, that the government was trying to figure out where the gold was coming from, so they kept operating a catch-and-release program with Doc whenever he got himself in trouble, which was frequently, according to the book.

Then you have the auxiliary stories that Noss not only had access to a VP treasure, but also the Willie Cave in the Caballos (which at least six or eight others could walk right up to and into when they wanted), plus the bonus treasure vault in the Caballos that he and his Yaqui pal were tapping. And the G-Men couldn't figure any of this out? Bull$hit. If any of this stuff is true, sorting out what really happened by trying to make sense of the family hearsay (which they heard from Doc of course) needs to be approached carefully.

sdcfia, not by anyone you know , or ever will know, np:cat:

One thing I am disappointed about in the Gold House Trilogy that I have read so far is no photos of treasure. I have seen photos posted of a crown, and a sword, in various threads, so why none in the Gold House? I just began reading book 2, so maybe it lies ahead of me in my reading, but I expected more in the first book when it came to showing what Noss claimed he found in the vaults of VP. Do any such photos exist?

Bingo! Nothing from the Noss's (except that faked "LaRue" bar), nothing from the various recent Caballos discoveries (except a few single rough-casts used for investment bait), nothing from Swanner at VP. Not a single photo of the giant "ricks" of treasure described at VP, Willie's Caballo cave, Doc and the Yaqui's Caballo cave. Doc had a camera and took pictures during this period didn't he? I don't know about you, but if I found a mountain of gold, I'd sure get some pics for old times' sake.

In regards to the map, how could the Jesuits move the clandestine metal to Rome, since they didn't have a regular shipping schedule set up, for obvious reasons.they had to store it somewhere. Side thing, Tayopa was a silver mine, but there were many others of Gold production in the Tayopa complex, . Some where in th Caballo mts there is an enormus deposit of Silver !

Incidentally, Silver was on par with Gold in the first years.

sdcfia, They are not secrets, they are request by certain individuals that had enough B.S thrown their way. its called respect. np:cat:

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