First, thank you np for the interesting information. It helps support my contention that Victorio Peak was merely a dummy discovery site for gold that was found in the Caballos. It was likely chosen by Doc Noss to deflect attention away from the Caballos.
And Mike, that was a very enlightening post (#719) - thanks. This information opens the door for a rational explanation of the two Victorio Peak stories, the Doc Noss segment from 1937 to 1949, and the government segment that followed.
Story 1. Doc Noss and Willie Doughtit likely found a major gold cache in the Caballo Mountains in the 1930s, maybe earlier. In order to protect the cache's location and avoid possible murder liabilities in the Caballos, Noss moved maybe a couple hundred gold bars across the Jornado to Victorio Peak, where he knew there were caves he could use, and staged a "treasure discovery" there. He soon dynamited the entrance to his "treasure room" to prevent future access to it, and engaged in years of fraudulent activity designed to appear as if he were trying to re-enter the treasure vault. He was also scrambling to sell off whatever gold he could, considering it had been illegal to possess it since the Gold Act of 1933. His scams and schemes ended in 1949 when Charley Ryan killed him. Ova Noss was along for the ride, but probably was never told the truth by Doc, and believed the VP treasure tales to the end.
Story 2. The US military looted Nazi war spoils following WWII and moved a lot of gold back to the states while top officials tried to figure out how to keep it for themselves. Some genius heard about the Noss scam and figured the military could annex Victorio Peak into the White Sands complex, then move the Nazi gold into the VP caves, maybe about 1957-8. Then the Feige gang made their "discovery". The government got their ducks lined up and planned to call the discovered gold bars "Spanish treasure", not only located on government ground, but also unspecified by that crazy Noss back in the 40s. Therefore, it's a treasure trove and belongs to the government, fair and square. Next comes Swanner and the "recovery" operation, the gold moved to black ops, personal bank accounts of the elite, and who knows where else. That crazy Ova had to be stonewalled of course, because she still believed Noss's treasure tales from the old days, which was OK because there was never any Noss gold in those caves in the first place.
Swanner's conscience bothered him because he may have suspected the gold was actually melted Jewish dental work, stolen family assets, and other thievery. He spilled the beans to his family to help ease the guilt. This may have caught up to him later if he was indeed murdered. Concerning the Daniels Kennedy connection claims: do you realize Mike that Roger Snow made similar allegations several times in the past? Maybe your recent fireworks that got Roger kicked off the forum was some sort of Good Cop/Bad Cop theatrics by you two for the fun of it. Ha ha.
Anyway, there's my speculation for the day, subject to change of course. Noss scammed the VP story. The government piggybacked Doc's lies as a means of big time money laundering.