DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

Its hard to know as a researcher or treasure hunter when you shouldn't ask questions. If someone tells me they cannot reveal something, I back off and respect that. And I would much rather they do that than lie to me to get me off on a goose chase. But until they do so, or otherwise indicate my questions are unwelcome, I like to ask questions. And get answers too. That's just being a good investigator. Now I can understand if many people approach you over the years that gets pretty old. But if we don't ask questions, what then? Where do you go from there? Its a fine art in learning how to read people and approach them in ways that are acceptable and welcome. Not in the interest of manipulation or being sneaky, but as a way to develop relationships that result in your knowledge base growing.

I never expect to find SPIT! I don't think any gold bars have my name on them in some cave or cache. I just enjoy the hunt, and the learning about so much on the side that you must engage in to truly understand the main focus of your research. This bothers a lot of people, when you don't share their greed or their need to control, and they often try to sabotage your research in any number of ways. Often the truth is the most threatening thing, when it shows there isn't a treasure, or that what a person considers as valid evidence really isn't...

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Its hard to know as a researcher or treasure hunter when you shouldn't ask questions. If someone tells me they cannot reveal something, I back off and respect that. But until they do so, or otherwise indicate my questions are unwelcome, I like to ask questions. And get answers too. That's just being a good investigator. Now I can understand if many people approach you over the years that gets pretty old. But if we don't ask questions, what then? Where do you go from there? Its a fine art in learning how to read people and approach them in ways that are acceptable and welcome. Not in the interest of manipulation or being sneaky, but as a way to develop relationships that result in your knowledge base growing.

I never expect to find SPIT! I don't think any gold bars have my name on them in some cave or cache. I just enjoy the hunt, and the learning about so much on the side that you must engage in to truly understand the main focus of your research. This bothers a lot of people, when you don't share their greed or their need to control, and they often try to sabotage your research in any number of ways. Often the truth is the most threatening thing, when it shows there isn't a treasure, or that what a person considers as valid evidence really isn't...

See, thats the difference between Rog and myself. I know that people ask questions. I do as well. His thing is that he thinks everybody asking is some kind of spy or mole. He has great fun in sending them off on wild goose chases (it is a thing he learned from his dad to hear him tell it). I am usually pretty good at separating wheat from chaff when it comes to people. If I think someone is working me for information, I usually just clam up and stop contact with them. I can also regurgitate old worn out treasure stories (I know most of'em by heart). I never send anyone someplace that could get them injured or killed, and I don't send anyone into the mountains or desert for no reason. I would rather just say that it is an ongoing project (which they usually are) or that I am bound by promises not to speak about certain things (which really happens a lot as well). My word is very important to me. When I tell someone something, it is gospel as I know it. If it is a theory or a guess, I preface it with "I think" or "I believe" or "I was told". I don't lie in any aspect of my life. In my 51 years, I have been a lot of crazy places and done a lot of crazy things all over the world. I have a lot of stories, but none of them are BS. Then you have Rog with his whole Joe Batson tripe. Caught in a bald faced lie, he can't admit it. Something like that would embarrass me to no end. If you get repeatedly caught lying or flinging BS, how can you expect anybody to take anything you have to say seriously?

The easy answer is................. YOU CAN'T!

On the serious note: Roger has a lot of good information. But (deleted by mod) you have to take every one of his statements with a huge grain of salt. In one of his last posts about the cave of 1300 steps (which nobody has counted or been to the bottom of to know there are 1300), he scrambled at least three different stories into the crap he spouted. If Roger told me the sun was shining, I would still have to look out the window!


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UncleMatt, There are some Treasure experiences that are gone forever,those days will never return,there are treasures that have been recovered that you will never here about,
the treasure world is a cat and mouse game today and you better be on top of it, as of a week ago I can tell you that there are 27 private groups looking for any treasure they can
get their hands on ,all of these groups are well funded and will stop at nothing to get info. some have the best equipment available , really choose your friends in this field carefully ,
all the old guys know all this, I am just passing it on to you since your interested in doing this. have fun and be safe. np:cat:

NP, I agree with your comments about finds being made on the down low. And I am sure that in some cases your view on well funded organizations is true, like the Lost Dutchman, but in most cases there are at best a few individuals focused on finding specific treasures. Many people avoid the most popular treasure tales, and look for smaller, less well worn tales. Of course, that is just my opinion, but I tend to reign in my paranoia unless it warranted in reality. I also think a new generation may have different feelings and a different approach to treasure hunting. Not quite so adversarial, more cooperative and sharing, and more focused on what they learn as the real treasure. I am sure there are people who read what we post here without ever contributing, and imagine they will glean something that will give them the edge in their particular search. For the most part I think that is a fantasy, and I don't engage in it myself. I enjoy sitting at the feet of the masters and simply learning from people who have experienced a lot more than I have when it comes to treasure hunting.

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Hey peeps I agree completely with you, but in my case, since I am protected, I encourage questions, some them the ole wheat and the chaff applies, others -- ex NP sending me that controversial old map, which is correct, but on such a broad scale that it is useless to most, but in my case it was the physical key, it clicked Without NP I would never have known about it. A good example of questions and answers thingie.

Since I will never go after any still unfound deposits in the Caballo / Victorio Peak I can discuss all perfectly freely., in fact if more 'are' found along with them will be found evidence of Jesuit involvement.-- my goal.

I have applied for the Explorers Club $ 100,000 exploration grant, but more s a fromality than actual hope --- who in their right mind would authorize a 91 year old Male to go nosing around, snooping, into one of north America's most contested and active smuggling routes ???


I am almost a Thread unto itself man

You dudes and Dudettes want serious info

then ask

I've been posting it all over these threads ,, right ?

so posit something i can get into seriously

and perhaps I'll set my clown hat aside and help .

Just ask straight forward man

Keep in mind that this arena brought CRAP into my life

I did not need to try and help Dad , that was a matter of my compassion .

and outsiders Brought to me their PROBLEM

so once stung , twice shy ,,, right ?

is that an excuse ?


whiners are those complain , but do not propose a solution ,,, right ?

I solved the Problem for the outsiders .

get it

Post something I can work with

and I'll try to perform like a good Dog Show Puppy /.

If it's symbols and monuments

I pretty much gave all that in post that these MODERATORS deleted here .

and when something like that is done to a person as myself who has fought the intrusions of spys

get it
Am I to trust this forum by much after that ?

get it ?

See what I mean. Loves to hear himself talk. Like I said, I bet he reads aloud everything he types just so he can hear himself saying it! HAHAHA

There are probably good tidbits in there, but they carry a thick coating of bull$hit!



I pretty much gave all that in post that these MODERATORS deleted here .

and when something like that is done to a person as myself who has fought the intrusions of spys

get it
Am I to trust this forum by much after that ?

get it ?

When a line in a post violates our rules you have a good chance that the entire post will be deleted, "these moderators" are under no obligation to edit any post that violates TN rules....

Members don't want their post deleted then post by TN rules and it want be deleted....

FYI soneone baiting other members also violates TN rules...

Roger, I wrote something for you to look at on post #459 do you want to share, if not I will understand, that's ok, np:cat:

View attachment 1067680

It was asked where the connection of these sites come

a photo of the Horse of God at Rennes Le Chateau France

Exact Monument insitu in the Organ Mountains

On the North Bank of Main wash : Soledad Canyon just below a Vault treasure up the ridge "

I will post a link for a Man who has some very cool photos

Andy and I used to compare notes years ago
and photos of duplicate monuments we were finding , His at Rennes , Mine the Organ Mountains .

Scroll past the blog on documents down to where he addresses the artifacts

you may wish to see his photos at his page as well .

Many of the Symbols you may note , found in and around that Area of France , Match what you are finding here
in this hemisphere .

Yes , a certain society was involved , Jesuit ? perhaps as late comers , but not the progenitors at all .

Link here

Articles_Evidence | Andrew Gough


I do not expect folks , to at first , catch much of the meaning ,

for as Mike says about me , Some material written by some people , was formulated disinformation inserted ,

You will have to , well , it takes some time to tell all of this , and you may be starting with little right now .

So bare with .

it will connect the dots in time as I Illustrate each piece to this .

View attachment 1067680

It was asked where the connection of these sites come

a photo of the Horse of God at Rennes Le Chateau France

Exact Monument insitu in the Organ Mountains

On the North Bank of Main wash : Soledad Canyon just below a Vault treasure up the ridge "

I will post a link for a Man who has some very cool photos

Andy and I used to compare notes years ago
and photos of duplicate monuments we were finding , His at Rennes , Mine the Organ Mountains .

Scroll past the blog on documents down to where he addresses the artifacts

you may wish to see his photos at his page as well .

Many of the Symbols you may note , found in and around that Area of France , Match what you are finding here
in this hemisphere .

Yes , a certain society was involved , Jesuit ? perhaps as late comers , but not the progenitors at all .

Link here

Articles_Evidence | Andrew Gough


I do not expect folks , to at first , catch much of the meaning ,

for as Mike says about me , Some material written by some people , was formulated disinformation inserted ,

You will have to , well , it takes some time to tell all of this , and you may be starting with little right now .

So bare with .

it will connect the dots in time as I Illustrate each piece to this .


The only thing that would cause people to disbelieve your information comes straight from you! You admit yourself that you happily send people asking for information on wild goose chases, and you have freely admitted that you routinely misinform people and make things up. Why should ANYBODY take you at your word?


Alrighty then

First note , ignoer the babble of Plantard and authors like Dan Brown ( Da Vinci code )

Dan Brown's mysterious Vatican secret service exist , it is NOT Opus Dei , which in Latin : Work of God

The actual agency is : Ormi Dei , which in Latin : Army of God

I give that just as information not many know .

Ormi Dei has been since it's creation , actively seeking out Artifacts for the Vatican for I do not Know exactly how long .

This is one group who did take notice of the Victorio peak Legend when it became known .

Just to familiarize you with a Society you may have never heard of before , that played in this venue of Ancient
Treasure in the southwest .

Now to address the comments that I ride on my fathers name .

I'll do one attempt , and one only , to get it clear .

In 1960 , Christopher Brooks , of Brooks County Georgia , My Great Grandfather paid me a visit with KT
material concerning this legacy .

My Father had left my Mother 2 months before I was born , and i had no contact with him, with exception of
three or four times when very young , until 1980 or so .

The material was handed down to me, before I had any real influence through my Dad .

That should get that clear .

Dad knew SOME of this material , he blew Great Grand Dad's trust , and lost out on the material , and it was past to me
in his stead .

It was held , and would not resurface for a couple decades after I was viewed as Mature enough to handle it .

It goes way deep , way back , and all the way to the top .

When age old Institutions , that held power over people , have a vested interest in maintaining control of Knowledge for the
power it gives them over others,,,,

They send their operatives such as Ormi Dei to gather any evidence of truth .

Church and State were very active in recovery projects and operations

All I can say to that , is believe what you will .

it is FACT as loud as I can say it , to the rest , believe as you will anything you so choose .

Roger, thank you very much for answering me, and no I was not sent on a wild goose chase, my chasing days are over, this info was for my own peace of mind to see if someone
had the same thought. roger what do you think about the full strike mark mixed with two others, and the full strike mark having a dedication to someone, thank you. np:cat:

I mentioned my linage above
and with overview of the Man I'll reveal the connection to this saga .

Christopher Brooks was the Grand Master of a NOT publicly advertized Knights Temaplar Society here in the U.S. .

As the linage in the time of the persecution and before , It holds great wealth .

He drove Packards , said to be the best Vehicle the U.S. had at Market in the form of mass produced vehicles

He traded those in once every two years for a new one .
When Packard went down to Stude and were ceased to be produced , He went to the next best on the market .
Cadillac .

He had MASS wealth and no need for treasure , he however had access to the information .

So before it is asked why he himself did not go after These sites

He , as many up our linage , had all he could use , and each generation within our linage that may lack , had
an opportunity to take a little .

Though their Code if Honor based , so the character of a scion was under scrutiny , before such was allowed .

Many caches found through accident , the finders have related how those were found to have a prior finder
previous , for there was evidence there that led to that conclusion .

Hard to fathom that story line , is it not ?

Well , a familiarity with how this Society lays it's well thought out protocols , is a must to understand how they
work .

Secret as a Templar was a common used adage back in time .

I want to make it very clear , the Templars did not lay down the initial deposits .

NOT as Templar's , for that entity was formed way after this Bloodline .

I supposed that they must at that time , Give some legitimacy to a Public Nomenclature of some sort , in order to
move about clandestinely in their mission , without raising too much suspicion to themselves .

Think in the same light as the C.I.A. Creating Front Businesses for clandestine operations .

Understand ?

Alright , that covers Chris , who played a bigger part in my life and these Legacies then I knew about until I was about 30
years old .

These missives will wreak with mysterious articles all throughout them .

It is the way it is .

Secrets hold POWER , that is the nature of the Beast , we cannot realistically expect for SPOOF operations
and lies to not be inherent in this .

Folks read " 100 tons and Gold "

and if they think in a way that many of us did at that time about all this , The Predominate Thought
in their mind was : " Where did all this GOLD come FROM ? "

You see that asked of me here in this forum and all across the web where I post of this Site .

" Where did the Gold Come from ? "

The Templars did not bring it here , they did build better Vaults and move some of it around however .

and that is why , out in the field , you may find caves and holes that were built by the hand of Man , but are empty ,,,
and you have no idea what these were purposed for if not as a Vault of domicile .

Yet , these stand open and empty .

Answer is in some cases , that the original Vaults over the Aeons , when found by certain groups , had deteriorated ,
or earthquakes had caused these to cave in or shift and exposed them as Caches .

Since these men had enough , and some I suppose must be held somewhere for future events where they may again be tapped.
The new Vaults were built .

No Better Bank could these Treasures be in at the time .

Reason one , is the Transport of the Artifacts , could leave them vulnerable to attack and loss .

Bob's Book : " The Sentinel " comes to mind ,,, right ?

Bob , had so much correct it was chilling to me .

and I have to say this about Bob , He had that " Good Old Boy " Nature about him that is mindful
of many in my linage .
I respected that in him greatly .

and trusted him as well as I could trust another Man .

When I started my search. I avoided reading many of the books. I was try ing to avoid wild goose chases.
I stuck to the core story,newspaper, and what people were willing to share.
I found the correct location. I was excited as I looked across the land and saw the things described by waltzs. Some things described by Celeste jones,and others.
I saw things from the holmes manuscript. Understood the flaw in the direction.
The problem I ran into. Was money and belief. I dont have enough money to get it done alone,and I have yet to get anyone to belive me.
Except for two guys. They dont have money either. Haha.
I found the ldm location,but because it contradicts someone idea. No one listens.
Many of the old stories are wild goosr chases. Combined with wrong info.
Maybe when I finish filming. People will believe.

Early or late Jesuit involvement "No le hace" Makes no differemce. Post em if you have any.

Can we trust to their admitted goals here in the Continent really ?

Note I reveal Ormi Dei

about a decade ago I made that exact statement to a Friend

he sought on the web , using the term

and could find nothing that referred to that term with exception
of a Wedding arrangement Company somewhere in Italy .

I have not done a search engine in years on the term
however last time I did so .
There were several referenced sites on the web
NONE , had material concerning the Vatican Connection .

We can suppose only , that the Ormi Dei , is search of the Vaults was involved and guised as Jesuits for the operations
here in this Hemisphere .
Supposition of course , lacks solid evidence .

Did the Jesuits find any of the Vaults ?

I supposed such an investigative group may have , if indeed that was purposed ,

Take the term Opus Dei instead of Ormi Dei and give it a search

I point to the Priest that is said to have founded the Order , was he a Jesuit ?

Even if such , can we trust that the Org is actually " THE SECRET SERVICE OF THE HOLY SEE ? "

No we cannot
for we are not of the inside ring or circle .

Tight is held the Grip on secrets
I am not of that faith

Just the opposite , this Entity , the Holy Roman Empire , betrayed the Trust of the Knights Templar .

That is Historical fact .

I can relate that The Church was active in concerns with this legacy in hopes to gain possession of the wealth .

Whether they at the time of the Jesuit operations here , were actual Jesuits working as agents of the Pope
to locate and recover these , I can state that mask were worn by both sides .

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