DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

When I started my search. I avoided reading many of the books. I was try ing to avoid wild goose chases.
I stuck to the core story,newspaper, and what people were willing to share.
I found the correct location. I was excited as I looked across the land and saw the things described by waltzs. Some things described by Celeste jones,and others.
I saw things from the holmes manuscript. Understood the flaw in the direction.
The problem I ran into. Was money and belief. I dont have enough money to get it done alone,and I have yet to get anyone to belive me.
Except for two guys. They dont have money either. Haha.
I found the ldm location,but because it contradicts someone idea. No one listens.
Many of the old stories are wild goosr chases. Combined with wrong info.
Maybe when I finish filming. People will believe.

Is it not the nature of it , that when we have the money , we do not have the time ?

so true that .

As with the Ben Sublett find

so many related that Ben pointed out the location from a distance , and it was in the southern Guadalupe's .

Interesting is a Photo of a Rock covering a hole in the Organ Mountains
found was a wooden sign with Ben Sublett burned into it .

father moved that boulder aside

and at his death he had 11 Alca Seltzer Bottles filled with Gold Nuggets .

As he related to me, Dick ( Dads friend ) is dead set on the Guadalupes for this stuff , he has sought many times over there .
it's not there ,,,
But I can't trust him to keep it quite if I take him there , he talks a little too much .

I think Claudes Son posted here something about Claude showing him the Adams diggings .

clue to it is

3 small hills at a distance

a small mountain the profile of which
has the appearance of a Lady lying on here back with her hair stretched out to the flats

I think I pointed that out while springfield and friend were with me , from a position in the Organ Mountains .

Those two land marks can be seen looking from Baylor pass Canyon trail , looking somewhat N.W. toward the Dona Ana
range .

Meanwhile , many sought over near the ,,, whats the name ? Mogollons ?

For what it's worth
Just north of San Agustine pass in the San Andreas is a Canyon named Rose Canyon

if the Adams diggings is not in that Canyon , the Dad was mistaken .

I may have the canyon wrong
but I recall that name being said about the adams diggings .

Roger, thank you very much for answering me, and no I was not sent on a wild goose chase, my chasing days are over, this info was for my own peace of mind to see if someone
had the same thought. roger what do you think about the full strike mark mixed with two others, and the full strike mark having a dedication to someone, thank you. np:cat:

That would be interesting to find

I cannot relate what I'd think of it without being there at that site , and sorry to say , I just do not
intend to go anywhere near sites again .

Too ,, well , tired , too much attention is paid me in the field ( note cowboy hat story with Springfield )

and I am not about to expose others to that problem with the spy guys .

ok ?

btw NP

on wild goose chases, I was asking Gollum ( Mike ) if I'd ever sent him on one .

Not you
sorry , i did not make it clear whom i was addressing with the post .

treasminder2.... do not resort to calling members names (trolls) or telling people to shut up. I am not going to edit post I just delete them and important information could be lost.

And consider it a final warning since I issued one earlier today and TnM just issued another......

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quote you here Johnmark : "The problem I ran into. Was money and belief. I dont have enough money to get it done alone,and I have yet to get anyone to belive me.

Above is a Photo of me in the Organ Mountains

On first sight , without hearing me speak , a person would profile me on my appearance and not believe me , nor trust me .

I know well the conditioning peoples mind have under gone , which causes them to be
convinced of what they believe are facts ,
yet , will not believe truth , no matter what you evidence for them .

We only have to look at the 1960's and the Lone Nut Gunmen label , given Oswald's persona .

and no mater what is evidenced , some will simply wave it away as Conspiracy theory ,,
and laugh at the person who states anything other than the Mainstream lie .

as i illustrated above
Ben Sublett mine remained unfound for many years for that condition in people .

The square flat boulder covers a crevice entrance , You would not see that crevice standing there next to it .

Dad , just happen to be right at that boulder shooting film of the canyon below , he sat on the boulder

I think he said something about his feet movement caused some gravel too fall down the crack
and hearing it fall and then hit the ground at the bottom of the shaft ,,

he investigated ,

He came back with a long steel pry bar , moved the boulder aside a couple of feet ,, and LO !

He tied off and repelled into the crevice , and there a stream was .

The water during the melt comes up aways away as a spring

The gravel of that wash , when scooped up to pave a road for the Army , by a Civilian Contractor
was found to be rich in Placer .

The Contractor sought the provost Marshall out and made the offer to build any road they desired
for free of charge ,

IF,,, they would allow him to stake claim to that gravel

He was refused , for the Gunnery range faces that wash , and the wash is where the shells
hit at times .
They would not redirect that facility so he could work a claim .

interesting is it not

and just for interest

The Wash is the Main Wash that runs out of Glendale Canyon on the East side of the Organ Mountains

Though the square boulder and crevice are further away and must be climbed up to on a ridge .

You can still see on Google Earth Maps , the grade marks in the Wash done by the Contractor all those years ago .

A Prof from the college was right there when i went in 2003 , he was to study these little yellow bugs that
seem to be only in that area .

I stopped to talk a bit , eat and rest .
I told him to check that gravel , move the gravel away until he was down about a foot

use a pan and his water
and see what comes up .

a few weeks went by

I was at The coffee shop across from the University , Millagros Coffee on University Ave .

The Prof was there when I walked in

he rose

came to me before I had a chance to reach the counter

whispered : " can we taalk outside a minute "

Outside he went to his vehicle and retrived what he had found

in the sack
amonst the placer

a NICE Nugget ,, thumb sized .
same as in dads Bottles .

In that same area ( East End ,)
In a Canyon is the Blue Mud found , it crosses a bedrock area too .

Blue Mud in Africa , is where they first found Diamonds .

everywhere that Blue Mud was in Africa , there were Diamonds .

is it not

btw NP

on wild goose chases, I was asking Gollum ( Mike ) if I'd ever sent him on one .

Not you
sorry , i did not make it clear whom i was addressing with the post .


I can say that you have never sent me on a wild goose chase. The main reason being that after reading your posts about sending people on wild goose chases that had asked you for information, and lying to others, I have never asked you for anything specific. You just run on and on. I read what you post. I take in what I think might be of value and ignore the rest. I should have said most of the rest.


Treasminder2, your wrong, what is not needed is your insults and attacks on members and it is never a good idea to insult and attack mods after a final warning.............Bye

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Hi Roger, your remark on judging by appearances brought back memories of when I worked at San Quintin, Calif., max security prison while going to pre med. at night,, I locked up many a choir boy faced inmate each night

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Don't address any posts to Treasminder, he can not reply....

Don't address any posts to Treasminder, he can not reply....

Wow. You try to provide a place people can come together and explore the past and someone wants to mess it up for everyone.

JHi oro it'll be a bit of relief to not find the Knights, King David, Or any others other than the Jesuits involved in the storing of the bars in Caballo / Victorio Peak.Sides it ruins all of my 'carefully thought out' theories.:laughing7: It is really quit simple.

I still maintain there are still other Major caches - storerooms unopened. Shall we go at it ??

Its a shame we have become such a thin skin society,with a over abundance of laws, rules,regulations. Yea, i believe there are way more storage sites to be found,than ones that have been found.

TNMountains and TreasureHunter,

Roger Snow is a long time poster here under a couple of different pseudonyms. He gets banned every once in a while and time outs occasionally. As a kid, he had a front seat for a lot of his dad's treasure hunting and exploring of the Southern N.M. Area. If he could dial in his meds and learn to keep his posts under 15,000,000 characters, and stop being insulting, he has a lot of information. Too bad its just so intertwined with the bat$hit crazy part of his brain. HAHAHA


Real, Oroblanco,:laughing7: almost makes you miss Starman?.:dontknow: np:cat:

Ed T, What fictions do you create to entertain yourself because of your pain, its really sad in a way. why don't you get a puppy or something. np:cat:

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