Rog, that challenge to Gully is a bit silly. 20 people can look at that rock and come up with 20 different interpretations all of which will be incorrect, yet each will believe that theirs is the only correct one, so effectively it is a useless challenge unless you can back it up with physical data. Don't throw the dice with mother nature. She is a master of deceit.
Drink yer coffee my friend, a fresh pot had just been mde.
Oh Really ?
If a Mole like Oren can collect the property of my Dads Group , for his Little Drama's
Have you not noticed that Oren and His group have tons of My dad and Claudes
material ?
as I said
Oren was a Mole he never knew any of this stuff .
Yet , he wanted every story he could get
Useless question is it ?
Hold your tongue and just and watch how this works out .
He cannot answer the question
for none of us told Oren or others what the Stone is called and the meaning of them
Oren was fishing
he was fed lies and bait .
That stone has significance
You do not knpow the answer
and yes , I am aware that people will attempt to answer the question
I can name the stone for you
Enough of the fishing
and just for Your info
Can you or Oren , Mike or anyone else say that stupid cave in the photo is even in The San Andreas ?
No , none of you can
Post the Photo of Claude standing in a Flue , Oren emailed it to me .
Oren had all of Dads photos and his portfolio
answer why he had Material Belonging to my Family
give that a try
Answer how he got all of our groups stuff
but went no where with it ,
This is fun
These oren post reveal that he was working with a Group attempting to claim jump the original Hunters
It brings back memories of Those Clowns even walking on my Job Sites dressed as Construction workers
trying to smooze up to me to get Treasure info .
THAT , is Stalking a person
so how many CRIMES do you think ONFP / Mormon Tabby Cats / Texas and Utah Wealth monge3rs got away with Mike .
Post so more of our photos
I'll ask the questions
and see what is answered
Lets play , shall we .