From a Satirical Book I write .
I Looked,,, and BEHOLD !!!!
" Figure it any way you might , deny , support , refuse to acknowledge ,,
or just down right forget about it ,,,
Of all the Faults in the Universe ,,
The one sore thumb always stands out and gets attention first .
Last Night I was beset with very disturbing dreams
one abutting the next
damned *******s would end and another would slide right in on it's heels
One or two of these dreams were so disturbing , I rent the crap out of my Blankie
while asleep ,,,
When I woke , which was every 10 minutes or so ,,,
The inside of my upper lip was covered in sweat and blue nodules ,,
I swear man , in this one , I am Standing on the Cliff above the Beach in a Malibu Beach house
devoid of furnishings .
There beside me , an Old Girlfriend I always hated desperately .
But in the dream , I am in fear for her safety ,,, which made a lot of sense NOT
I always wished for her to BURN IN HELL LIKE A DRY TWIG !
The Sun is brightly blasting through a sliding Glass Patio Door
that faces the Waves out there
Not a Seagull in the Sky , low fluffy white Clouds passing on a brisk breeze ,,,
and a disembodied Voice ask : " Did you do as asked , is it secured ? "
I turn to face a direction which sure seemed as the one the Voice came from
and the damned room changed to a stone walled courtyard ,,,
Hearing a very loud RIP !!!!!! across the sky my eye caught a swift glimpse
of a Huge Bird or Raptor swooping past us ten feet away and just above line of sight ,,,
I looked ,,, and BEHOLD ,!!!!!
The scene changed to a Sea Grass dotted dune on a Beach so
desolate as to cause me to feel it was the Beginning of time
and her and I were alone there on the planet ,,,
In the Glint of a wake in the Sea , rose a light to the Heavens ,,, cylindrical
spinning ,,, opaque ,, yet , exuding enough shimmer to light beyond
The sun ,,,
and into what I believed to be an Alternate galaxy ,,
In Like , a same light came down from that Galaxy and poured over her and I ,,,
I woke as it lightly lifted us off the ground ,,
I rose , turned to Beepers ,,, sleeping soundly ,, and petted her head softly ,,,
laying my head back down ,, I closed my eyes . breathed my mantras ,, and slid right back out and into the next continuing scene of the dream ,,,
We sat on a float in the Sea amongst rolling waves ,, and no worries did we have of being found and rescued , nor starving or drowning ,,, simply ,,
we were at total complete peace with our situation ,,
I looked ,,, and BEHOLD ,,,,,
There lit upon the cloud out on the Horizon ,, The Raptor ,, back to switch the
landscape again ,,,
and we were now Bundled in a Tortilla ,,
garnished with Salsa and Cheese ,,,
laying prostrate on a Hot Plate ,,,,
and a Big Beak was Open right above us ,,,
I woke in fright ,,, and SCREAMED Three times
So ,,,
Just to let ya'all know ,,,
next time ya'all want to get together and go out to throw stones at Crows ,,,
Thank You