DOC NOSS-Victorio Peak OR The Caballo Mountains

i kinda figured that. just wandered who he was? what was being worked there? there is a pretty good sized A-frame built above a shaft right next to the cabin. theres also a side entrance thats pretty sketchy alittle ways away. i didnt go in them, just curious if these were for mining or associated with treasure hunting...

hopefully this pic goes through


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i have never seen/found the spring though

I think that tower is for a windmill, and the tank to hold the water it pulled up from the spring. Thanks for that photo! First one I have ever seen of that site!

if you can zoom in to the left theres a wooden structure that helped move dirt/ore/rocks. where the a frame is, is definetly a shaft that was dug. theres wood framing inside it and it goes pretty deep.

here is another pic of a different site we found after we drove through Apache canyon and started heading south. the heart shape just stood out so pronounced that we stopped and looked at it. it was on the canyon wall that had several small caves that only went in a few feet. my wife had climbed up there during this pic. but the heart shape just looked perfectly carved out in person...image.webpimage.webp

this is where the above pic was taken

one more question for many of yall have actually driven the Palomas Gap road? that is pretty knarly LOL. also, the road is def a man made/improved road. just curious how old/long ago it was built? thanks for any replys!... i love the caballos and dont know many people with any experience there
I attempted to come thru polomas gap a few weeks ago from the East side.
my navigation system gave out so i was just attempting by memory.
I end up going too far north. I did eventually get to the top and start down the west side, but was way north of polomas gap.
the "trail" i was on was quad only i dont think a side by side could get thru. too narrow in spots and incredibly washed out. definitely not maintained.

whiskeyrat have you ever taken the road that heads south off of the palomas gap road? its a few hundred yards before you complete the trip and come to the cave/mine on the west side. i havent yet but on google earth it looks like there was a pretty large mining operation down that road....

whiskeyrat have you ever taken the road that heads south off of the palomas gap road? its a few hundred yards before you complete the trip and come to the cave/mine on the west side. i havent yet but on google earth it looks like there was a pretty large mining operation down that road....

I have not been in that area yet.

Jerry continued the search of this area for over a year after Victorio Peak was closed. Unfortunately for him, his investors grew tired of funding his efforts. Many of his investors had already spent most of their life savings on the Victorio Peak project. They had little left to give. Once the money ran out, the few people involved were forced to move on to other endeavors.
Many people continue to search the Caballo Mountains for treasure of some kind or another. I don't believe any further effort has been undertaken on this particular project of Jerry's.
If you have any specific questions, I will try to answer them. NP:cat:

np: yes, i have a specific question:

does sardine canyon have a series of natural terraces (steps) running at an angle across its bottom entrance where it dumps into burbark canyon?
one would have to climb up these natural steps to go up sardine canyon as they go all the way across the canyon?


Im just curious, has anyone had a chance to use the info I posted on here about what doc had hidden next to the spring at Rincon? this is first hand knowledge of something hidden by doc that has never had the location given out to my knowledge. I hope someone takes the time to go look. because, as far as I know the family never did, good luck. np:cat:
yes i have just this month.
I spent many days going out of Hatch, and Rincon to all the springs I could get to with a very capable quad.
I also went up toward Upham using the Spaceport exit, cut West to Grama then north to get across the RR tracks and gain access to many springs north of Rincon which can not be accessed using the Rincon exit as you can not cross the RR tracks near Rincon anymore.
I did not find any spring (yet) with a cliff above. They were all on relatively flat ground with no elevation around.
However, there are 3 further south toward Rincon that appear to be up against mountains and may have cliffs above.
As luck would have it, i could not find access to those 3 as the roads (actually not roads, just old paths) were destroyed for miles by washouts that went great distances in all directions.
Easy to get lost when you start trying to get around washout after washout after washout. eventually everything fades into nothingness.
I plan to visit those remaining springs (and others) but will have to plan more time and walk in. Not possible to get even a very capable quad to them at this time.
I was not prepared for multiple day bivwac excursions on this trip but might be what it takes to access those locations in the future.
thanks again for all your info.

hey wr sent you a pm

Does anybody know where the "Yellow Paint Mine" is?

I dont find it in the mindat system.

thanks for any info.

:coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::director: To all Vets Happy Veterans day, To everyone Happy Holidays :occasion18: :icon_santa: NP :cat:

it seems the threads have gone silent. nobody is talking about treasures in caballos any more.
has everyone given up?
are we all convinced there are no more treasures to be found?
are we convinced willies cave is empty?
do we think the govt got it all?
or did everyone but me find some and they all shut up????

HJola whiskey rat, nah, the Caballos are loaded, but as the WW1 song goes "It's a long way to Tipperary' so it is from Mexico, so I stick to the Main source of that 'gold & Silver in the mines of western Chihuahua and Sonora, principally Tayopa. Heck I can't even find the entrance to the Depository here, even though I know exactly where it is. --- which is exactly the same as at Victoria peak and the Caballos,.

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