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I was reading in Morals and Dogma....again. LOL! and I came onto this and I just thought it belonged on this thread.



* * * * * *

To understand literally the symbols and allegories of Oriental books as to ante-historical matters, is willfully to close our eyes against the Light. To translate the symbols into the trivial and commonplace, is the blundering of mediocrity.

All religious expression is symbolism; since we can describe only what we see, and the true objects of religion are THE SEEN. The earliest instruments of education were symbols; and they and all other religious forms differed and still differ according to external circumstances and imagery, and according to differences of knowledge and mental cultivation. All language is symbolic, so far as it is applied to mental and spiritual phenomena and action. All words have, primarily, a material sense, however they may afterward get, for the ignorant, a spiritual non-sense. "To retract," for example, is to draw back, and when applied to a statement, is symbolic, as much so as a picture of an arm drawn back, to express the same thing, would be. The very word "spirit" means "breath," from the Latin verb spiro, breathe.

- Albert Pike

The Holy Spirit Of God, Leads And guides Us Into All Truth...

I believe these guys made it so just anybody can't find what they left to be reaped, and that they selected the proper person by control and certainty in that persons faith in God or that person would never find what they left. That is just one of the areas they controlled to select a proper candidate.


Ahh.... OBaRIT....I see and appreciate your use of the QaDaSH.

I must admit, there for a minute I thought you may have been attempting to lecture me on my morals, L.C...heheheh. :tongue3:

Symbols have been used by man to name the unnamed for millenniums. Religion, as Science, is a Man Made attempt to define the undefined. The language may differ, but the intent stems from the same fear of the unknown. Fear has been used by Man to control and rule for millenniums as well.

It is the ones who have defeated that fear...and understand how it has been used....that will find the unfindable. :wink:

Aman :treasurechest:


Please remember our rules on religion...

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas at the beach..... winedrinkingsmileytoast.gif


Last toast......countdown begins.....:clock:


Ok, Hmmn, more vague words and confusion?

Nothing you say or quote, means anything of value to me, I believe.
Because it is not anything, of my Awesome Heavenly Father, whatsoever.
So what does that potentially say clearly, perhaps about yours?
... :sunny: :fish:


Sorry if I offended you my friend, perhaps I misunderstood your faith.



Ok, the reason that I was possibly rude and short with You,
Is that for all of your learning, which may be impressive,
still you potentially don't get it, from my humble perspective.

I have been strained, under pressure, and shorthanded of late,
lol, so I will answer you, in a more patient, appropriate manner,
if you will be so gracious...

Lots going on and I am up for the challenge, but let me say this
first. It is all of, and always by The Holy Spirit, NOT OF MAN'S
choosing... Sigh..

I will get back on track after awhile, as I am still dealing with
hindrances of other voices and opinions now, but the answers,
are elementary... But TRUE...

Thanks, With All Due Respect,
... :sunny: :fish:


I had no idea of your circumstances. I was just blurting out my own thoughts under your original threads title question. Do treasures have real spirits. I believe they do my friend. Thanks for the apology, but I am not easily will have to try harder than that! LOL!:thumbsup:


When The Holy Spirit Draws a man or woman to Jeshua, It is at the direction of
The Father Of Lights. There is nothing one can do to prepare, or to bring it about, because
it is God Initiated. So the way that men consider potential candidates, and select them
for their initiation and training, is different than the various reason(s) and the way that
The Most High God of the universe selects people, for His kingdom, and for His purposes.

"Many are called, but few are chosen", is in reference to those souls that passed the test,
"Before the foundation of the world". Nevertheless, God is No respecter of persons,
but always honors those, who honor him, who conceive, believe, and try their best to keep
His Holy Word. Is all scripture perfect? Maybe not, but that does not take away from the truth that remains. That is where The Holy Spirit, can help His, Gods people, by "Leading and guiding them into all truth. Everything that has been taught through the millenniums,
and accepted as doctrine, is not necessarily totally correct, for example. The Holy Spirit
sometimes chooses, at God's instruction, and reveals truths to people who are chosen.

"If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, then you shall know the truth,
and the truth shall make you free." Jeshua...

Sometimes the truths, are different from what has been taught, perhaps for centuries,
There have been those who have tampered, with the correct translations, of the original
manuscripts. Then, there are the traditions of men. Something Christ warned against.

Truth is there for everyone to see, if they are able to...

"Teaching for commandments, the traditions of men". There is much, much more that
one can learn, if desired, that is also quickened to ones spirit as truth, even revelation,
by The Holy Spirit. But men do not do the real choosing. They may choose people for
offices and positions in their organizations. But the True Gifts and Callings, which
"are without repentance", The Holy Spirit does, at the direction of God The Father,
of all creation, for His Will, and For His good Pleasure, In this great test and contest,
of which you and I are participants, at this current time... A True Spirited Treasure...
... :sunny::fish:


Thanks for the insight, perhaps it isn't my mind that lacks the worthiness to succeed. It is food for thought as I am babtized as a Christian, but I went to a Catholic based Military School in Missouri making me half Catholic and half Baptist...which I believe is a cactus. I need some work! LOL!:thumbsup:

P.S." So the way that men consider potential candidates, and select them
for their initiation and training, is different than the various reason(s) and the way that
The Most High God of the universe selects people, for His kingdom, and for His purposes."

I agree with you completely on this. What I was intending to portray was the fact that the K.G.C. wanted to make sure a that a proper candidate knew God and understood the Bible and it's teachings. :thumbsup:

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Merry Christmas to all my friends here.


Merry Christmas and God bless you Crosse

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

Marius, our good Greek Amigo,

How are Ye? Having a great start, to the new year we hope... :sunny: :fish:


I'm fine , thanks . i wish the New Year to keeps all of you healthy and to to fulfills all your desires

Same to you Amigo :cross:, and Happy 2016 to everyone here.

We received the new year in a good friends barn in the middle of the South Texas brush. Plenty of bbq, menudo, Lone Star beer, and good spirits for everyone as Wes Nickson, and his band entertained us.


The Amazon warrior Spirit in a Greek " Zeimpekiko " ritual dance


This is another good one , Zeimpekiko Spirited dance


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