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Hi Marius,

Nice thought on the video, but when I try to view it,
a note: The uploader has not made this video available in
your country appears. Are you in a foreign country, lol...

Thanks anyway friend, the title sounds interesting... :sunny: :fish:

Your friend,


Try to see the video by clicking on the " YouTube " setting below the video . Maybe this works . If not , type the singer and the song in YouTube and maybe they give you a version for your country .

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Yes my Friend,
That worked. Why didn't I think of that? Smile...
Don't know, but my Recording Tech. called, and is on
his way over, for a recording session today, coolness!
... :sunny: :fish:



is not the same music with the video that i posted . Try this

and another


Thank you Crosse , i am very well . I hope all of you are very well too . I am glad your heart Princess came back .

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What is with all these music posts? I thought this was a treasure forum... Please explan.

What is with all these music posts? I thought this was a treasure forum... Please explan.

Start at the first post and read then if you need an explanation.

The music post's are directed at some one. Or some thing.

Start at the first post and read then if you need an explanation.

The music post's are directed at some one. Or some thing.
THAT"S gonna take FOREVER relchair! :BangHead:
Why don't you just tell us what we want to know? :laughing7: like Kramers dial-a-movie..... :laughing7:

I was kinda wondering too, I just figured he's conjuring, channeling energy, or just discovered youtube? :icon_scratch:

True Spirit story:
About a month or more ago, I'm tekkering my favorite site. Just got in the water, 1st hit bottlecap, 2nd hit, penny,

3rd hit....... now, before I scoop I remind myself to sing the "HU" song, I told Fluffy (my excal) to sing it, too.
She has a beautiful mid tone range, my "HU" complimented hers, and I pulled up a big gold mans ring!
I'm in knee deep water and scared the tourists gonna see it shining, LOL.

Well, I'm happy cat, day is early, about 2 hours later, I get an awesome tone, start to scoop, then remember "I gotta sing my HU". HHHHHHHHHUUUUUUUUUUUU HHHHHHHHHUUUUUUUUU

out pops a MOTHER of a ladies platinum wide band ring all encrusted with diamonds in flowers and butterflys. I figured the space station could see that beauty blinging. :laughing7:
Cain't tell me, I ain't highly favored, much loved, and greatly blessed. And, I know it!

Sooooo...... is it the spirit in the treasure OR the spirit we PUT in the treasure?
(pppsssstttt crosse, I'm pretty big on that Yeshua fella too, numero uno love typa thingy) :notworthy:

this'll work here......


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"The cosmos was built with music, arithmetic, geometry, harmony, system, and balance. The building blocks were all of the same material - the life essence - God simply changed the wavelength and rate of vibration of these building blocks thereby creating the patterns for multitudes of life forms." Edgar Cayce

Edgar Cayce on Human Origins

You talking to me "hi back to ya baby" or cwp? :laughing7:

Who Am I Callin' Baby?
Oh sorry, yeah reckon I should clarify... Lol!

cwp= She who carries Winchester packin', (cwp for short), Kicks like a mule, and bites like a crockadile, lol!...
(the very best Lovin' though)

But, Ms. pet-tekker-cat:
But the way you write, find gold and platinum rings encrusted with diamonds,
have favor, are blessed, and above all, Love Yeshua, I'm sure You Are A Babe too... Just Not mine, lol!
... :sunny: :fish:


PS. But we Can, Be Friends, sending friend request now... Shhh! :laughing7: :occasion14:
I can certainly respect a woman like that, but I sure don't wanna get between no one. :laughing7:
I thought we was already friends..... 6 one half or a dozen...... one can never have too many friends!

Howdy :cross:,

I've been tied up with one of many treasure legends, just dropped by to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving Day. Just as I typed that it reminded me of the song "Easy Loving", it's an old song that I find myself singing every now, and then. I would dedicate it to you, and cwp, but I still haven't been able to post videos.

Bonita, I hope you are doing a lot better, and can only imagine a Thanksgiving dinner at the Hacienda De Los Santos.

Pat-tekker-cat, good to see you here, hope you have more spirit stories, we all ran out of our own, and have been talking about everything else. Always enjoy your posts.:cat:

Marius, I was wondering if you have a celebration day similar to Thanksgiving, or maybe several?


LOL, I think this is the one he meant crosse..... :laughing7:

Pat-tekker-cat, good to see you here, hope you have more spirit stories, we all ran out of our own, and have been talking about everything else.
LAWL, that just cracked me up! LOL. Like old friends, heard each others stories for decades, lol.
Good to see you, too! I can give you more stories, all in good time.
I've been accused of walking to close to spirit, at times. :laughing7: gotta stay grounded.....
Time..... the one answer, my Dad always told me, would answer any question I ever had.
But for now, I'll bid ya'll a Happy Turkey Day and see ya'll round the tnets. :notworthy:

haz funz :laughing7:


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We have not in Greece Thanksgiving celebration day . Here we use to celebrate by cooking turkey at the New Year's Eve . Also in the morning of the Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve , children go from house to house and sing festive songs , and the house owners give them sweeties or money . This spiritual exchange could be considered something like a Thanksgiving celebration .

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Hola Homar! Thanks for all of our happy wishes. This season I am in our little cabin in the mountains of New Mexico bordering on where I grew up. So, it's pretty darn sweet. The snow is beautiful, but no skiing for me this time. A few more weeks and I should be as good or better than new.

What are you all up to? I am sending wishes of good spirits, and tons of fun and special times for all in our unique tribe. Keep the flames burning on this awesome fire you two lovebirds started. Whoosh! It's getting hot in here. Smile!

Marius, I really liked those angel songs. Very cool. Thanks.

Pat-cat, great to see you here. I was hoping you were okay. Great to see all is wonderful in your world.

Sending bundles of white sage and green chili!!!

Big Blessings to you and your loved ones this holiday.

Yes. I had something funny going on as well. It was reverting back to Mastiff4me. Anyway, yes. The kids are growing so fast. My 15 year old is taller than me, and the other two younger ones are not far behind. Already had few visits from the deer. They had babies. We're on the green belt, so we've had a chance to see quite a few critters already.

Speaking of babies/critters. The week after we get back our mastiff is having puppies. We have a dog sitter/vet and nursery [emoji171] all set up. I can hardly wait!
Feel like a new mommy all over again. All of our other dogs have been rescues, so this will be a first.

Wow! I am most definitely impressed by your guitars. Can't wait to hear them around our real campfire at the reunion one of these days. They are gorgeous!

Hugs to cwp! Have an awesome Thanksgiving and so grateful for close friends like you. -J-


I'm glad you liked the angels songs . I hope you will enjoy this angel's song too .


Good one, Marius. Do you remember the one you posted with a Greek and American singer doing a duet? Who was that or what was the name of the song?


The name of the song is " Tonight... "


That's it! Thanks. :)

Another song by Andrea


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