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Twas a human involved also, remember he booted the ball with his mind alone - with the usual devices ?. A fantastic achievment.

Rats and monkeys

How else could it have been accomplished ???? or would you rather that they used babies or other humans ?

In the future animals could call for food & water or medical attention, course Judy has an advantage, she knows what most human males feel or think, sigh.

Heh, heh, heh...


Maybe peoples spirits will someday read the minds of treasure spirits,
for the good of mankind. Not just for their own power only... :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::fish:

Not touchin the last comment... :angel4:

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Been burning brush when the wind is right, cuttin' a bit too.
Getting a new garden spot cleared and cleaned up.

Cousin called me the other night, to check out home security panel,
and fortunately I found a loose wire. She wasn't gonna let me leave,
without fixin it.

Uncle sent word to see him before I left, and gave me a Makita 20"
chainsaw, excellent condition. New mixed gas and bar oil, started
it right up. Had to sharpen chain teeth, file drags. Cuts fast now,
good and straight, throws good chips. Heavy saw, will work for
cutting big stuff, lickety split. Not that I needed another chain
saw, it's heavy duty like the old Stihl's. Uncle said they used
to go through a new one very frequently, in the 50's cutting
big timber in New Mexico and Arizona. They were cutting
100,000+ board feet a day, working 6 days a week.

That was a hoss work schedule... :fish:

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Ok gals, guys, go to the patio where Lupita will serve you cold drinks of your choice.

It was back in the winter of 1864 - 9? can't remember dates too clearly lately (snicker but I was following up a story on a lost jesuit mine when a local mentioned that there was copper near by.

So I saddled up my mule, and off I went. It was a two day journey, and I had two cold, very high rivers to cross.. The first night I spent in an Indian's small hut, since it was drizzling, and I was grateful to have a dry place to sleep instead of under a small piece of tarp.

I remember as I rode up to his isolated little hut, he came to the door and told me "Bienvenido senor, mi casa es suyo" "Welcome sir, my house is yours.

After unsaddling and seeing to my mules comfort and dinner, I returned to his hut. I found him, his wife, and three lil kiddies inside. It was a single room with a small open fire on one side to cook with. He had a small wobbly wooden, home made, table and three similar chairs. All cooking utensils were home made from wood or clay.. They slept on the floor with one blanket.

As I was laying out my blankets, his lil wife came to me and shyly told me that dinner was ready. I went to the table to find two tortillas, a few beans and a glass of warm sugar cane juice. Hmm, as I was folding the tortilla, I noticed the three little kiddies huddled in the corner, watching me very intently and anxiously?

I asked my host why they weren't eating.? He rather matter of fact said that his crop of corn had failed, and that was all they had to eat, this and his sugar cane juice.

Sheesh, for some reason my appetite just disappeared, so I opened my saddle bags and brought out my store of day old Tortillas, dried meat, some spices, and Coffee. So we had a nice dinner and put the kiddies to sleep with full tummies.

His wife almost cried over the coffee, she said that she hadn't tasted any in over a year, so naturally I left my coffee with her. I also left the #5 bag of hard candy which I always carried for the isolated ranch kiddies that I met.

To me it wasn't a big thing, but to them it was , since the head of the family probably only made one or two trips a year and their candy was low priority.

The next day was clear and sunny, so I left my wonderful hosts, who were willing to share whatever they had with a stranger. I also left most of my trail money with them and continued on my way

As for getting a mule to cross two swift rivers, with icy water chest high, sigh, that is for another day. However, after crossing I cleaned up, shaved and made myself presentable.

The trail wound up and up until it broke out into a valley with the trail running up the middle with houses on both sides

Since I had an interested and critical audience, I sat straight in the saddle with the most dignified manner that I could think of, and continued.

The trail passed over a small rock wall that had collapsed. As my mule reached this spot, she gave a little jump and slid completely out from under the saddle leaving me still sitting in the saddle on top of the remains of the wall...

My audience broke out in a roar , laughing and yelling, with tears running down their faces, sheesh talk about embarrassing. Naturally, all that I could do was to shrug my shoulders and grin. They loved it, and they are all still my friends to this day, as you all are..

Don Jose,

I like these stories, and can only say Encore!

There must be some more, very good Patrol
stories yer hangin onto, for the book... :sunny:

Bacause I know there will definitely be very many,
people reading it, and that would be a good thing, right?...8-) :thumbsup: :fish:

A chapter that will be needed, to complete my version of
events, I suppose a coffee session may be inevitable, if possible...:laughing7: :tongue3:

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Judy doesn't talk enough to be a female- just sayin

You knew I was gonna say what? :icon_scratch: :laughing7:

Just thinkin, I mean try ta stay, none a me dern :censored: he ha,
yer both hilarious...:laughing7::laughing9::laughing7::laughing9:

An ya know that's exactly what I's a spellin, innocent... :thumbsup: :tongue3: :fish:

An ye got no real evidence to otherwise, either... 8-) :laughing7:

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gracias for the vote

Probly X-Rayeded, and I'd have ta' quit, just sayin... :laughing7::laughing9: 8-) :fish:

P.S. Don't know bout Don Jose, suspect he's really a Saint,
when he wants to be, though claims innocence. 8-) :dontknow::tongue3:...

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I wouldn't want Judy to be a man, Whatta i do with that polar bear skin rug in front of the fireplace ??

Well you know, ---- err, what I meant is,---- ! ah the heck with it, Drink yer wine and let's discuss aardvarks :unhappysmiley: :occasion14:

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That's very disappointing, I had misjudged you apparently. Sigh

It has been my experience that whenever someone feels it necessary to call my gender into's because they are insecure of their own masculinity. Does implying that I am really a man make you feel better about yourself? Does the fact that a woman can be strong and fearless make you feel insecure? Does a woman who is secure and confident emasculate you? Why do you feel it necessary to devalue my worth as a female by insinuating I am a man?

Throw down your sword and shield, Jeff-Gordon. You're not worthy to follow me into battle.

...Just sayin'

That wordy enough for ya?

hahaha I knew that would get to you! I guess you see now who is in control?

first of all I just wanted to get you to respond
and second you would be following ME into any battle

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But, since Jeff IS so sassy and over confident, he deserves whatever... :laughing7: :laughing9::dontknow:

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...and let's discuss aardvarks :unhappysmiley: :occasion14:[/QUOTE]

Ever ate one a them? Been too windy to hunt... :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2: :coffee: :fish:

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Anyone get any ice, sleet, or snow?

Should say that's bout enough?

Heard of the year without a summer, in North America?...

In 1818, or thereabouts... Can't wait to
have ta mow grass again? :dontknow: :laughing7:

Maybe the bugs won't be so bad out in the spring woods... :fish:

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