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The wild turkeys are grazing happily, deer move freely about
eating and drinking, almost unafraid, still not tame. :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:

I once walked down a deep wooded creek in the heat of the summer.
Cross sected with a bigger, wider one, in the valley. When I turned and
looked, I saw a Hawk, fly around the corner of where I had just come
from, then going around the first bend, disappeared.

I had to turn 180* to see where it was going, but thought it odd, when the
large bird, in the corner of my eye, seemed to fall out of my peripheral sight.
I thought that was strange, so instead of walking farther, I decided to turn
around and head back up, where I had just walked from...

When I made the bend, I was surprised to see the Redtail fluttering in
the water, almost simulating the appearance that it was drowning.
Without stopping to think, I found a short piece of tree branch,
about 2"x3.75' long , and when slowly offered in front of it in
the pool of water, it reached and grabbed it with both feet,
and I carefully raised the treasured hunting spirit out,
holding it fairly straight out, so that my new
feathered friend would be comfortable...

We looked at each other, as I walked slowly, the warm summer air
feeling a bit cooler, as I walked up the narrow canyon. I tried to
touch the Hawk's foot, and when I got it close, it reached out
and touched my finger, with sharp talons. I pulled my hand
back quickly, sensing no harm intened. I tried once again,
and slightly felt my friends claws again, looking into it's
eyes, neither of us even flinching. When I got to the
shaded upper creek, we both felt cooler, and I let
the Hawk slowly down, on the cool shaded bank,
under a tree, and left it safely there. It never
took it's eyes off of me, and I went back a
little while later, but couldn't see my friend
anywhere, even in the sky... A true story,
no added detail, just happened that way.
Sometime after that, the Falcons moved
in, and I haven't seen Hawks around...

I thought maybe it had gotten too hot, and fell
into the water on purpose, though I had never
seen a Hawk take a swim. But there it took the
branch I offered, and that was an unusual thing,
I still think. But then I have talked to a wild and
wounded, thirsty Eagle, another feather of a story...

That was a treasured experience, and a special, and
unforgettable spirited life's memory, for me a real smile... 8-) :fish:

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There is a special reason he chose to come to you. I will see you again, Crosse'. Thanks for the hospitality. You are a mighty fine gentleman with an amazing spirit. Keep looking up, my friend. And, if you do look down and see a rat, LOL, just shoo him away, okay! To the good times!!!

Thanks for the kind words and encouragement,
and for the last tune, all the positive things that
have made us smile, and know there is still good
people, here in the good 'ol USA. House of the 'ol
wanderers from ancient captivity... 8-) :thumbsup:

I would like to know where it's coming from.
That I believe, can possibly be done...

Take Care, and I'll talk to y'all, sometime on
down the road. I've got lots of gardening to
do also, and a few sessions, always busy...

You have an amazing, encouraging spirit also. 8-)
Good things come to those, that sometimes have to wait. :find:

All The Best to you, and all of yours, always, Crosse... :fish:

PS My 16 yr. old school friend, taught me to play Blackbird,
with tablature he wrote down for me, when I was 17. My other bass
and guitar playin buddy Sergio, started teaching me Beatles, and Paul
Mc Cartney, "Wings" tunes. He was a Spanish American rocker, with huge music
talent, and a good voice, we worked on playing acoustic and electric guitars, and harmonies...

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Crosse, I can't believe it, you had an almost identical experience as I did, Mine was in the ocean and it was a red tail hawk

That sounds interesting Amigo. Will be happy to hear it.
Amazing, sometimes maybe events confirm kindred spirits,
similar reactions? Coffee :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2: :fish:

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Crosse, have you ever gone coastal eel fishing ? To do so, for those that haven't, you get long pole, put about a meter or so of stout line terminated with a fish hook baited with a clam, fish or whatever. then you stick it under, between, rocks or wherever you would NOT put your hand.You will quickly know if an eel has his home there. pulling a 3-4 foot squirming, fighting eel is your next problem. Wonderful eating, pure white filete's.

Well I had decided to collect some eel for dinner and went to Muir beach, just below Stinson Beach in Northern Calif

There is a 90 ft cliff to get down to the rocky beach. As I was on top I saw where there was evidence of a fight i the dirt, but gave it no further thought but concentrated on catching some delicious eel for dinner.

I had been fishing fir perhaps 1/2 an hr when I noticed this thing floating in the gentle surf, upon closer inspection I saw it was a huge red tailed hawk. Things then clicked with the evidence on top of the cliff - The hawk had hit something bigger than he could fly with and had soared out over the ocean where the weight pulled him down into the water where his prey had managed to release himself, but the hawk being water soaked couldn't fly and was flopping around.

I carefully slipped the tip of my pole under him, he quickly got the idea and grabbed the tip of the pole.

I carefully eases him onto some large drift wood were he simply sat ruffling his feathers for a while.

When I finished fishing I looked t him, and he at me so I decided to see just how onery he would act, so I approached hm and 'v e r y' carefully put my hand out. He looked at it for a minute then equally carefully reached out then transferred his weight with both claws. For some reason I decided to take him home with me to give him a chance to fully recover so gently transferred him to my shoulder ??? He made no aggressive move

So I ascended the cliff with him on my shoulder, still no move, just looking intensivly into my eyes - my primary concern -, but he made no move.

When I arrived at the car I tried putting my hand under his claws on my shoulder, he merely stepped up on it. so i eased him into the car on top of the passenger seat, He never moved even I started the car, so I drove home.

We had a abandoned chick house up in the trees so I placed him in there - at no time did he ever make any aggressive move.

I kept him there for a few days to fully recover. I fed him raw meat, first on the tip of a stick at which he would grab it, screech then eat it. He eventually took the meat from me very delicately then ate it.

after a few days I turned him loose, the last that I saw was a flock of crows diving on him. bthering him.

soon he took off and flew across the valley

From his actions I thought that someone had raised him then freed him. My ego said that we had somehow cummunicted.

I like your story Amigo, that's a nice one maybe you'll
elaborate on more, in time, nicely on parchment. 8-)

Wish I'd spent more time with mine, just didn't think
bringing it out of the creek was a good idea. My 2- M/F
blue merle/red tri Aussie Sheperds, the warmer air up
out of the shaded creek bank with air moving down the
canyon. It was like instinct I guess, to set it down and
leave it. But I took my wife, watching for her, and then
when she got home, went back down and was going to
show her, maybe 20-30 mins., but my friend was gone.

I think you did the best that could be done. I have seen
crows bugging, pecking at in sequence, harassing Hawks,
several times. The Hawks keep going their way, rolling
back and forth resisting, and can fly higher than the
pesky crows, wild flying blackbirds I have seen.
Just not as quick in the lower altitudes... :angel4:

Once I was in Idaho, near the Payette river...
I drove easy around the curve in the mountain rd.,
on an explore/prospect trip. When I got up to the
clear creek there it was, a mature Golden Eagle,
dragging one wing. I quietly parked the car and
got out with my Canon 8mm camcorder, filming.

Eased across the road, the Eagle ran from me,
dragging her right wing. Up the hill, a little
grade, through the short grass, about 30 ft.
to the far side of low hanging scrub oak limbs
in the shade, wounded and afraid, looking around,
and at me. I could see the pain In it's eyes, and short
tired breathing, and realized she was needing water bad,
and may have been shot, or hurt somehow.

I got down low and zoomed in, her face and eyes full screen.
When I spoke softly, she looked straight into my eyes, and told
me about her, and mankind, a story. I eased back after a few minutes,
slowly walking, as I watched her panting for water. Got turned around
and went to call for State Wildlife Dept. help. The officer said he'd send
someone to check on it, but I sensed something in his voice,
when I answered the question.

Is it a Bald Eagle? I said no, it's a Golden Eagle. Ok, he said, sounding reluctant,
"I'll send someone to check on it". I drove back, maybe an hour of so after
the encounter, but the beautiful wounded bird, was nowhere to be seen...

We went gold panning in an old mining district, though the only thing else
I found was mercury at bedrock, only the Eagle we happened on, was Golden... :fish:

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Great stories guys. I really enjoy them! It's so good when animals and birds can interact with humans in ways as you guys have told about.
Well, I haven't been on TNet as much lately as I'd like to be. Busy doing other things. I have a little travel trailer parked by the driveway that was in bad need of being leveled. So I spent some time Monday getting one side of it done, but got into some carpet cleaning on Tuesday and Wednesday. I'll try to get back to the camper today or tomorrow. That old problem of the COPD keeps me from accomplishing anything in a short amount of time.
A close friend living in Texas, sent a laptop to me that had quit working. It would come on, after a while it would display the desktop, then after a few short minutes just go blank. A man that lives down the street from them had worked with the laptop when it got slow. He said that the hard drive was almost full and needed to be defragged. Then he called them and told them that there were too many 'bugs' in it, and it needed to be wiped and reloaded. Instead of reloading the XP from the 'restore' partition on the hard drive, he wiped it and loaded an unauthorized version of XP. He loaded some oddball virus protection on it and gave it back to them. This was just a short while ago.
I know these people well, good Christians. Don't believe they would ever have anything to do with watching porn on the internet. The lady said they were getting 'popups' from porn sites the last few days before the computer quit working.
I suspected the fan, but didn't know if that was the only thing wrong, so I put the laptop on top of a cooling fan that helps laptops to remain cool. It ran nicely except for some glitches here and there. I managed to burn the pictures, music, and documents onto a disc so they wouldn't be lost. There was a lot of evidence of malware and possibly a couple of viruses on it. It kept popping up that for $49.99, the computer could be restored to its original condition with no more viruses or malware on it.
I ordered a new fan for it and waited. Yesterday the new fan came. I already had the laptop apart. In fact, the last three screws in the laptop that had not already been removed, held the fan in place! I installed the fan and put everything back together. Plugged it in and it came on nicely! I then wiped the memory, and loaded the Home Premium version of Windows 7 on it. I got some of the Windows updates loaded last night before bed. I'll spend some of this morning loading the rest of the updates and the Microsoft Security Essentials.
So anyway, that 's what I've been doing this week. Maybe by next week I can have the rest of the carpet cleaning done, the camper leveled, and my bedroom carpet/rug replaced. I ruin my little 5' X 8' rugs on the floor of my bedroom/office/living/dining quarters quite often. All of my 'work' is done here at my desk, such as cleaning guns, refinishing guns, working on computers, and even most of my meals. I've been living in this room for about 4 years. This is the 3rd rug that I've had on the floor. I hate getting out of bed, barefoot, and stepping onto cold linoleum! I don't really like carpet like is in the rest of the house. If I was wealthy enough to have it replaced every 3 or 4 years, it would be ok. I think after that period of time, carpet is some of the filthiest part of the house. Regardless of how well it's cleaned, if you have 2 cats and 2 dogs living in the house, and 5 people, the carpets are gonna get filthy. I've got a really great Hoover 'something' II carpet cleaner, but it can only do so much. I paid over $300 for it a few years ago, and that was when it was 'on sale'.
Hey, sorry for going on and on and on! I'll be checking in along, but just gotta do what I gotta do. lol Keep the wonderful stories coming!

I like Don Jose's Hawk story a lot,
putting a wild Redtail you pulled out
of the Pacific, up on yer shoulder, to
take in the car, headin' toward home. :thumbsup:

Does country life get much cooler than that? :icon_sunny: :fish:

So, anyone been out treasure huntin' lately?
Was going Saturday, but got held up. Had to
do somethin 'bout a valentine. So I cooked up
some good spaghetti, whole wheat, thick garlic
w/ Angus sauce dinner yesterday, and garlic bread. :thumbsup:

Today is not ideal, too wet and cold. Maybe
the weather is better out West, and South... 8-)

Put another log on the campfire, an slide the
old iron bean kettle over to start cookin for supper...

Coffee? :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2::coffee2: :fish:

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What you gonna cook for supper? I might want some! Hope everybody had a great weekend.

What you gonna cook for supper? I might want some! Hope everybody had a great weekend.

Beans and cornbread??? No fresh meat, or road kill, too cold.:icon_scratch:
Coffee and cake for dessert. :dontknow:
Another log or three, it's cold! :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:
Where'd the sun go? :sunny: :fish:

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Beans and cornbread??? No fresh meat, or road kill, too cold.:icon_scratch:
Coffee and cake for dessert. :dontknow:
Another log or three, it's cold! :coffee2::coffee2::coffee2:
Where'd the sun go? :sunny: :fish:

NOW snowing in Lynchburg, Va.; DANG right, it's COLD! 6-8" by Tuesday evening... yellow snow, LATER! :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: Coffee, HOT Tea, or WASSAIL! (HOT Apple Cider with Cinnamon)...? :icon_thumleft: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:

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Keep it hot! I'll be there as soon as I can!

Yellow? You mean the crude oil tankers derailment ???
I now that's not :censored: funny at all :censored:.

Well, been here before, it's still winter,
Arctic blast with precip. Put more logs on the
fire, an now someone else take over, on watch... :fish:

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In 43 on my second period in the Pacific, they sent me to the seaplane over haul base at Ile Nou, in New Caledonia,

It also happened to be the fleet storage dump for the Pacific. They were hauling away shiploads of municitions and simply dumping them at sea, they claimed that it was far simpler and cheaper than trying to forward it.

As a result I had access o almost unlimited amounts of munitions,and the ability to use overhauled PBY's for my personal benefit. Every day I would have a seamen load up ...30 and 45amo by the box which I would take to the firing range at the end of the Island and fire away to my hearts content. with machine guns. All by myself.

My favorites were the lil twin 30s and the old Lewis machine guns, the one with the drum on top. . in between times when ever I heard that a PBY was scheduled for engine run in time I would have them load it with !00 water filled bombs .and would schedule a flight over the numerous ship wrecks of the ships that ther captains thought too much of their navigational abiity and had run aground on the coral reefs.

I never used hi explosives on the ships since occasionally the natives would use them for camping and fishing purposes.

That is where I earned My master Horizontal Bombardier - 11 mil average = 11 ft pr 1000.ft of altitude

For a gun nut like me, it complimented my training on interior and exterior ballistics

This is how I spent the rest of 43, then it was off to the phillipines.l

Would be good, and great fun, to get to practice with
various guns and ammo, as part of "the job", if one desired.
I would have tried to utilize it also, Don Jose. Too bad about
the waste, heered about some of that from others too.

Sounds like a good affordable way to practice, an sharpen up though...:thumbsup: :fish:

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Brain to brain cuminication

Joseph Curry

12:38 PM

So We now have wired communication, now we can go for wireless, then acceptance of natural telepathy which I showed existed 70 years ago with
Bunny in my experiments in the paranormal.


Miguel Nicolelis: Brain-to-brain communication has arrived. How we did it

18:57 minutes · Filmed Oct 2014 · Posted Jan 2015 · TEDGlobal 2014
You may remember neuroscientist Miguel Nicolelis — he built the brain-controlled exoskeleton that allowed a paralyzed man to kick the first ball of the 2014 World Cup. What’s he working on now? Building ways for two minds (rats and monkeys, for now) to send messages brain to brain. Watch to the end for an experiment that, as he says, will go to "the limit of your imagination."

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Twas a human involved also, remember he booted the ball with his mind alone - with the usual devices ?. A fantastic achievment.

Rats and monkeys

How else could it have been accomplished ???? or would you rather that they used babies or other humans ?

In the future animals could call for food & water or medical attention, course Judy has an advantage, she knows what most human males feel or think, sigh.

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