Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

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pippinwhitepaws, we did , and 40 years ago it didn't mean much,because no one cared, np

somero, are you kidding 40 years ago you could not even get someone in the supes to look for missing hikers,np

somero, are you kidding 40 years ago you could not even get someone in the supes to look for missing hikers,np


That is a misstatement. Here are a few of the searchers for Adolph Ruth:

There were many more than this and it took place 82 years ago. Ever hear of Jay Clapp?

Joe Ribaudo

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pippinwhitepaws, now people do, but that was a dfferent time, kind of like apache junction, now its a tourist trap, 40years ago it was truly the last of its kind,np

pippinwhitepaws, thank you fpr understanding. np:cat:

somero, are you kidding 40 years ago you could not even get someone in the supes to look for missing hikers,np


No I am not kidding, the discovery of human remains would be a priority for any law enforcement agency. If they were found to be of ancient origin then archeologists would take over the scene.

cactusjumper, it was not a misstatement, I was there and lived it ,you weren'

cactusjumper, a real misstatement is when you first put crazy jake in the supes? np

cactusjumper, I have never posted anything on your crazy jake thread, but there should be further research done on when he actually first went in the supes, remember he made a living being a professional

cactusjumper, I have never posted anything on your crazy jake thread, but there should be further research done on when he actually first went in the supes, remember he made a living being a professional

I actually think Jake was just overly obsessed with his ideas, like so many others, and was determined to prove himself no matter what, and it may have been his partners who were more devious.

cactusjumper, it was not a misstatement, I was there and lived it ,you weren'


Anyone can say they were there when they are nameless and faceless. I have many photo's of myself, family and friends in the range. This is my uncle and myself 54-years ago. My dad took the picture. You may recognize West Boulder.

Not saying you were not in the mountains 40-years ago, but right now you are a ghost. Most of us have no fear in saying exactly who we are. I'm sure you have your reasons for not saying who you are, and have no doubt they are valid reasons.

The thing is, you are trying to get the people on this forum to trust your word and believe in your theories. You remain a complete stranger to us.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

somero, Im not going to get in a debate about crazy jake, if I wanted to do that I would have gone to the crazy jake thread, I was still in the mountains when crazy jake and bob corbin and company was there and some of the time lines are wrong for him , np

somero, Im not going to get in a debate about crazy jake, if I wanted to do that I would have gone to the crazy jake thread, I was still in the mountains when crazy jake and bob corbin and company was there and some of the time lines are wrong for him , np

You are correct Jake should be discussed on that thread.


No I am not kidding, the discovery of human remains would be a priority for any law enforcement agency. If they were found to be of ancient origin then archeologists would take over the scene.

I believe we are currently debating human remains and what happens when they are discovered.
I would think sealing them away for all time would be considered a crime.

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cactusjumper, that's nice you have photo's, when I was in the mnts I could not afford the luxuries, only the basics, I used to camp in the supes for three months straight, go in town for two or three days , then go right back in for another two months, that was my routine for about seven years straight, and I wasn't even treasure hunting, I guess that's why I learned so much about my surroundings, and the mountains, I didn't let all this other stuff cloud my mind with garbage, only true history lived every

cactusjumper, you of all people should understand, im a three tour Vietnam veteran disabled,service connected, before I went in the service ,I was in the supes, when I got out ,I went back to the supes, I minded my own business, and did my own thing,I had many friends in and out of the supes,most are gone now, with the knowledge of the supes and the people, I like sharing so the real history as I know it doesn't get lost, if people want to believe me, fine, if they don't,then check out the clues I give and prove me wrong,and I have given many clues to different things, I hope people do check them out, they actually might learn more about the supes, and yes I like being a knowledgeable ghost,np

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