Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?

this is just for my game playing special friends,and you know who you are,in my site I have talked much about terra incognita and the lost and forgotten,but once you found out how deep my thoughts were,you backed off with your crap about calalus and oz,when you found someone who knew more about what you were trying to dish out you backed off ,because you couldn't even answer my questions that I asked you in code,your a fraud,and so is your friend,the readers of this site deserve better than people like you and your friend, SO within the next 24 hours if my viewers and I do not get a formal apology on this site for what you did, im going to give every one on this site a lesson on the Tucson artifacts, the stone tablets , calalus,and oz and other things connected directly to your whole world, and that is a promise,np ps do not e mail me,you have your directions,

Hi my friend , what is this oz and Tucson artifacts? You don't have to answer,are the Latin hearts part of it?

peralta,when the time specification, for these people to appolgize not only to me but every one on this site,which will expire this afternoon ,I will tell exactly what I know and im a good authority on the subjects im going to talk about,im sure i'll answer you questions,np

Originally Posted by Not Peralta
...SO within the next 24 hours if my viewers and I do not get a formal apology on this site for what you did, im going to give every one on this site a lesson have your directions,

Are we nearing the big reveal? I will need to take NP off ignore for awhile as the suspense is killing me.:sleepy2: Wonder if he will alert Kraig as he really liked the Spirit Mountain stuff. Believe those kind of stories are right up his alley.:wink:

Joe Ribaudo

From May 21, 2013 until June 11, 2013, I waited.
I don't feel I'm betraying a trust, I feel my trust and this site are being betrayed.
I was told of a temple find and expected to be informed of its location if I just waited "a few more days". After speaking to others knowledgeable in the area, I don't believe any thing has been found. I realize that any one can say any thing on the Internet. If a story can't be verified, we have to presume that it's made up. I trust the signs, symbols and monuments in the Spirit Mtn area lead to something because I've seen them myself. I've waited for this person to confirm his claims long enough to doubt his story. I don't see what satisfaction can be derived from claiming a find and not sharing the discovery. If you want to keep it for yourself, keep it to yourself. Otherwise, all it does is foster distrust.
It's easy to hide behind the claim that the "government" told me not to talk.
I quit communicating for a few days to see if I could verify any of the story. I can't. If you have any proof of your find, call me, you have my number. Otherwise, I will consider it all a hoax.

times up


As I wrote , I don't believe how exist any KGC temple in Spirit M. . If you believe how exist and you have evidences , go there and find it . It's all yours . About cala lus , I wrote only my opinions , and nobody can prove something because they didn't leave evidences . I am waiting for your theory about . Your threats , only laughter can cause .


To start with. Julia Thomas took care of Jacob Waltz, so she, of all people knew everything he had. Which was nothing. That's the reason she made up the story about the Dutchman and his Lost Gold Mine and sold the story to a reporter. It was such a popular story other papers printed it and each time changed the story a little more to make it exciting to read. Thus, a legend was created. And for the people that claim they have the Dutchman's gold, Horsepucky. How would you ever prove it? Julia Thomas finally ended up on the streets selling free Dutchman maps.

For Cactusjumper and the rest of you following my thread::laughing7::laughing9:
Hey, we're not in Kansas anymore, there is no wizard, there is no Oz and there's definitely no Calalus. And as far as the Tucson Artifacts goes, there 's clear undeniable evidence that a man and his son made different objects out of lead. They were lead sculptors, artists, that lived right there near the property where the artifacts were found. So for someone to take and try to make a story out of the Tucson Artifacts to match whatever crazy idea they had about creating a whole new chapter in the stone tablets and the Dutchman story and a fantasyland called Calalus, and a new race of people just to get a book published is nothing more than a serial predator. I played their little game for about a month, even give them my phone number. One claimed to live right across the river from me. But, after all his fantastic tales, he couldn't take the time to meet me for coffee or even call me. Then the next thing I know he's in "trouble" over what he found. About a week goes by, I never hear from him again. The this "other" person emails me saying he's a friend of the first person and that "he's OK" because he got him "some help". Then this person claims to be from Calalus, and again I have to listen to the same garbage. Then after a couple more emails, this person tells me that because of what the first person found, he's in trouble with some really bad people and he can't help him any more. They have no idea if they will be able to have any further contact with me. That's the story I promised within 24 hours. NP

That's it? You threaten us with that? :laughing7:

NP I'm sticking with my Julia theory. As with all women her mouth was running non stop thus she did not pay attention to the directions. This is easy to prove. Give your gal directions and see where she ends up. I also have trouble with the gold under the bed. Every time I stick gold under my bed the next morning it's gone. A smart woman always gets what she wants. People do strange things do we will never know for sure. Julia was nuts so that does not help the issue. Everyone has been following clues from a crazy person. Think about this guys. Just read her history. One thing I've learned over the years. Crazy folks partner with crazy folks. They think alike. So her partners were not much help. Would you take a trip into the mountains with a crazy person? Well if you have been following their directions that's exactly what you have been doing!


I have followed this thread since it's start, and enjoyed what information that was posted. But frankly the ending, and the drama has totally distracted from the posts. In other words it has been a total waste of my time. I know that I am a nation removed from this story, but the injection of all this drama has totally turned me off> IN closeing this rant I do want to acknowledge that I have learned a lot from the posts of Cactus, SH, and a couple others, and thank you for that, but I can't continue to follow . Good luck to you all, and hope you all find that gold at the end of the rainbow ,

To start with. Julia Thomas took care of Jacob Waltz, so she, of all people knew everything he had. Which was nothing. That's the reason she made up the story about the Dutchman and his Lost Gold Mine and sold the story to a reporter. It was such a popular story other papers printed it and each time changed the story a little more to make it exciting to read. Thus, a legend was created. And for the people that claim they have the Dutchman's gold, Horsepucky. How would you ever prove it? Julia Thomas finally ended up on the streets selling free Dutchman maps.

For Cactusjumper and the rest of you following my thread::laughing7::laughing9:
Hey, we're not in Kansas anymore, there is no wizard, there is no Oz and there's definitely no Calalus. And as far as the Tucson Artifacts goes, there 's clear undeniable evidence that a man and his son made different objects out of lead. They were lead sculptors, artists, that lived right there near the property where the artifacts were found. So for someone to take and try to make a story out of the Tucson Artifacts to match whatever crazy idea they had about creating a whole new chapter in the stone tablets and the Dutchman story and a fantasyland called Calalus, and a new race of people just to get a book published is nothing more than a serial predator. I played their little game for about a month, even give them my phone number. One claimed to live right across the river from me. But, after all his fantastic tales, he couldn't take the time to meet me for coffee or even call me. Then the next thing I know he's in "trouble" over what he found. About a week goes by, I never hear from him again. The this "other" person emails me saying he's a friend of the first person and that "he's OK" because he got him "some help". Then this person claims to be from Calalus, and again I have to listen to the same garbage. Then after a couple more emails, this person tells me that because of what the first person found, he's in trouble with some really bad people and he can't help him any more. They have no idea if they will be able to have any further contact with me. That's the story I promised within 24 hours. NP


I told you from the start that this was all BS, including the Spirit Mountain/Calalus portion of the story. All of this comes from Ben Davis, or someone who wants to bootstrap the notoriety, which is minimal at best. He will never honor a promise to show you anything or even meet you somewhere. The man has a history, which you seem to be unaware of.

Put it behind you and just move on to something else.

Joe Ribaudo

gmd52 good luck

I could use the e mails I received since they mention you,np

You are more than welcome to post the email string.
In fact, I encourage you.


This thread has been like a poorly written movie..............Started out strange got really weird and controversial then the ending was a "What the :censored:, that was a weak ending" maybe you "Should have bought a Squirrel"

Every movie needs music at the closing credits


To start with. Julia Thomas took care of Jacob Waltz, so she, of all people knew everything he had. Which was nothing. That's the reason she made up the story about the Dutchman and his Lost Gold Mine and sold the story to a reporter. It was such a popular story other papers printed it and each time changed the story a little more to make it exciting to read. Thus, a legend was created. And for the people that claim they have the Dutchman's gold, Horsepucky. How would you ever prove it? Julia Thomas finally ended up on the streets selling free Dutchman maps.

For Cactusjumper and the rest of you following my thread::laughing7::laughing9:
Hey, we're not in Kansas anymore, there is no wizard, there is no Oz and there's definitely no Calalus. And as far as the Tucson Artifacts goes, there 's clear undeniable evidence that a man and his son made different objects out of lead. They were lead sculptors, artists, that lived right there near the property where the artifacts were found. So for someone to take and try to make a story out of the Tucson Artifacts to match whatever crazy idea they had about creating a whole new chapter in the stone tablets and the Dutchman story and a fantasyland called Calalus, and a new race of people just to get a book published is nothing more than a serial predator. I played their little game for about a month, even give them my phone number. One claimed to live right across the river from me. But, after all his fantastic tales, he couldn't take the time to meet me for coffee or even call me. Then the next thing I know he's in "trouble" over what he found. About a week goes by, I never hear from him again. The this "other" person emails me saying he's a friend of the first person and that "he's OK" because he got him "some help". Then this person claims to be from Calalus, and again I have to listen to the same garbage. Then after a couple more emails, this person tells me that because of what the first person found, he's in trouble with some really bad people and he can't help him any more. They have no idea if they will be able to have any further contact with me. That's the story I promised within 24 hours. NP

just in case you didn't get to read it

cactusjumper,these people had nothing to do with my temple theory, they jumped on board later with their little game.thanks,np

To the followers of this Thread:
I spent a lot of time hiking in the Spirit Mountain area and studying their history. As I'm sure many of you have done in the Superstitions.
I never expected every one (or any one) to believe my theory that the stone tablets lead to Spirit Mountain rather than the Superstitions.
I DID hope that my theory would be treated with respect, and to some extent it HAS.
Obviously, none of has the answer, YET.
I am disappointed that some people have used my theory as an opportunity for ridicule and misrepresentation.
Shame on you, you know who you are.
Happy Hunting, NP:cat:

If you follow the canyon that I previously said the hasp of the dagger (knife) rock points towards,img155.webp
halfway up this canyon, you will find the hooked arrow img169.webp further up in the canyon is a rock formation that makes a perfect "5".
The color of this "5" rock formation is not found any where else in this entire mountain range. And it is also the same color as the stone tablets.
Happy Hunting, NP Be sure to click on the photo to enlarge. I apologize for the quality.

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