Do the Stone Tablets lead to somewhere OTHER than the Superstition Mtns?


Today, 03:23 PM


Not Peralta

Mar 2013
195 times
All Types Of Treasure Hunting

I am the horse, sounds like you need to get things straight, bob ward never give me the photo, never give me a map ,please get your facts

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Are you saying you never posted this:

Apr 12, 2013, 03:28 AM


Not Peralta

Mar 2013
195 times
All Types Of Treasure Hunting

in my theory of the stone tablets i mention the mission and have given its location, its also mentioned in chapter 3. page 59. of bob wards book.the stone on page 59 that was found at the mission site a hundred feet from his gate to his cabin ,also says dios,or god ,it also has the mission symbol on it in plain site,the picture i posted of the mission was given to me by bob ward , he had several of the same photos,they were given to him years ago, if you get to the exact location and look at the back ground you will know your in the right spot with out a doubt, ive been to the same location a hundred times , its even verified on older maps as a ruins, yet people that dont like my theory, say the mission never was there.look at the evidence and decide for your self , im showing the whole world my theory and location so they can look for them selves,and enjoy it, there are people vested in thinking the stone tablets will lead them to treasure in the superstitions,well thats fine if thats what they beleive, but the stone tablets say nothing about treasure, gold, silver ,or any riches, they dont even give a location , they dont mention peralta ,or the name of the river ,these people that are so vested should show the whole world there theory before judgeing some one elses, these threads on this site are for people who want to share there stories,and get advice not to be judged,i have put the superstition mountains ,and all its memories behind me ,the few that are trying to discedit my theory is for there own reasons ,matter of fact they wont even go look for the mission,it doesnt fit with their agenda, why not show the world your theory,if you have one,hope every one that reads my theory will go enjoy it,remember its on spiritual grounds respect it , np

Last edited by Not Peralta; Apr 12, 2013 at 03:54 AM.​

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So did Bob Ward give you the picture or not?:dontknow:

Seems like a reasonable question.

Joe Ribaudo


Today, 03:23 PM


Not Peralta

Mar 2013
195 times
All Types Of Treasure Hunting

I am the horse, sounds like you need to get things straight, bob ward never give me the photo, never give me a map ,please get your facts

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Are you saying you never posted this:

Apr 12, 2013, 03:28 AM


Not Peralta

Mar 2013
195 times
All Types Of Treasure Hunting

in my theory of the stone tablets i mention the mission and have given its location, its also mentioned in chapter 3. page 59. of bob wards book.the stone on page 59 that was found at the mission site a hundred feet from his gate to his cabin ,also says dios,or god ,it also has the mission symbol on it in plain site,the picture i posted of the mission was given to me by bob ward , he had several of the same photos,they were given to him years ago, if you get to the exact location and look at the back ground you will know your in the right spot with out a doubt, ive been to the same location a hundred times , its even verified on older maps as a ruins, yet people that dont like my theory, say the mission never was there.look at the evidence and decide for your self , im showing the whole world my theory and location so they can look for them selves,and enjoy it, there are people vested in thinking the stone tablets will lead them to treasure in the superstitions,well thats fine if thats what they beleive, but the stone tablets say nothing about treasure, gold, silver ,or any riches, they dont even give a location , they dont mention peralta ,or the name of the river ,these people that are so vested should show the whole world there theory before judgeing some one elses, these threads on this site are for people who want to share there stories,and get advice not to be judged,i have put the superstition mountains ,and all its memories behind me ,the few that are trying to discedit my theory is for there own reasons ,matter of fact they wont even go look for the mission,it doesnt fit with their agenda, why not show the world your theory,if you have one,hope every one that reads my theory will go enjoy it,remember its on spiritual grounds respect it , np

Last edited by Not Peralta; Apr 12, 2013 at 03:54 AM.​

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So did Bob Ward give you the picture or not?:dontknow:

Seems like a reasonable question.

Joe Ribaudo


I seem to recall somebody mentioned they had a stroke. Possibly memory a bit foggy...........................

Sometimes you have to shovel a little :censored: to get to pay dirt. Sometimes you get tired of wallering in it.

I for one would be interested in the possibility of some "outpost" in the area. If it can be proved or not is another matter, much like so many stories we debate on here. Despite what we have put Np through and he has put us through, I would still like to have a friendly discussion with him.

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Sometime you have to shove a little :censored: to get to pay dirt. Sometimes you get tired of wallering in it.

I for one would be interested in the possibility of some "outpost" in the area. If it can be proved or not is another matter, much like so many stories we debate on here. Despite what we have put Np through and he has put us through, I would still like to have a friendly discussion with him.


So would I, so would I. I do believe that NP has something to offer us all.......much like someone else who used to post here. If someone is the end all, be all, there is no need to prove it with questionable stories.

Just one man's opinion.

Take care,


to all, I had to take a long look into what I think was right concerning the mission photo. I do not believe this group of relatives would have lied to me about anything,with that said , I do believe its
very possible that some other relative lied to them about the photo. the relatives that left me the photo were not treasure hunters or had anything to do with prospecting,we did not have conversations
concerning anything to do with those subjects, only what they were told about the photo. I believe that the photo's are the same, but for me its hard to accept because of the circumstances behind it,
but, with that said, it doesn't take away from the fact that there is proof that there was a mission on burns ranch, and that's what needs to be focused on and talked about. now that we accept that we do
not have a photo of the mission itself , takes nothing away from the evidence that there was a mission there. I personally have been were the mission was supposed to be located, the first time I was there
it had about two foot of wall almost all the way around it,and the center of the building was completely dug up with a thirty or forty foot hole in the center, I have already given its location, its hard on me
the way I feel towards family but this is part of history that needs to be examined . hope this posting helps . np:cat:


Did the above Burns Ranch wall look anything like this:

Joe Ribaudo

TO anyone concerned or cares if I have written something down use it as you will.
I have had many smaller strokes since my first one, my health just in the last year and a half has been so bad that yesterday morning I asked treasure net to lock
down and close all my threads, due to my health,its very hard for me to post. if you would like to verify this ask them, they can give you the reason why they couldn't close them.
I will admit I like posting with everyone, but sometimes every thing just isn't working right.and I realize this, sorry, but every day is worst for me, every once in a while I will try to say hello. np:cat:

you mean to tell me that moderators cant even close a thread on this forum?even when a person asks?well **** why follow the rules than?

Just because a member request we close a thread(s) doesn't mean we will, it depends on multiple factors.

TreasureNet owns all threads posted, if closing a post affects multiple members posting on active threads that we feel are still relevant it is mods decision on if post is closed.

As far as your " why follow the rules than?", members who don't follow TN's rules can find they no longer have the ability to post...

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

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Leave NP alone ! Stop the wolf attacks ! Respect !

Nobody is perfect .


Leave NP alone ! Stop the wolf attacks ! Respect !

Nobody is perfect .


Agreed. On the other hand, we have been dealing with these kinds of stories for many years and most of us are fed up with people who just keep dreaming this stuff up. For many, it's a game to see just what we will fall for. You are relatively new to this game and quite far removed from the legends and the reality of the Superstitions.

Since we don't personally know NP, it's difficult to be patient with his health problems. It's the same situation we had with the Blind Bowman........until we got to meet and talk to him in person at one of our Rendezvous'.

Speaking only for myself, I will respect NP's condition and just won't carry on a serious discussion with him. Many have gone that route ahead of me.

Take care,

Joe Ribaudo


Joe is correct. Between Riley, Garrison, Kemm, Bowman, etc. We have seen many of them come and go. Several times the same person comes back using different names after being called out. Riley had a ton of aliases (and probably still does). The biggest clue usually is someone that will not give their name. If nobody knows them, and they stay anonymous, it is a huge red flag. Most of the people in the Dutch Hunting/Stone Map Community know (or at least know of) each other. Anyone seriously getting into this subject will at some time meet one, some, or most of the people involved.

When I get a bad feeling about someone, I typically just don't interact with them. I used to go to great pains to call them out and give them full broadsides, but it gets really boring after a while. Although some may just have some whacky ideas, many more are just trolling to get a rise out of people. That's why they are called trolls! HAHAHA


Something else some readers may not take into account is that quite a few of us have met in person and generally get along quite well. But treasure hunting being what it is everybody has their own conclusions and information they really don't want to disclose, with a few exceptions. I think trust is the true treasure, more valuable than gold, since it is usually rarer and sometimes gets broken and becomes worthless. I seem to recall somebody asking me if I were Not Peralta, not sure how to disprove that one but I can honestly say I am myself and not anybody else, so I guess that statement comes down to trust.

Either way, I feel lucky to have met some good people and have some good chats. Just hope somebody doesn't remove my nuggets when I see em' again :nono:

One other thing, I have no problem meeting anybody who would like too, keep in mind that years of "construction behavior" have made me a bit rough around the edges. I try to be more "proper" around "civilized" individuals and it may seem a bit awkward to most.

Just don't keep rescheduling a meeting and give excuses, "Excuses are for those who make them." and I don't have time for that kinda :censored:

I share all the time. Several personal friends have a copy of that map. That and other secret things. That is what friends are for. Those friends also share things back. Right guys!


Leave NP alone ! Stop the wolf attacks ! Respect !

Nobody is perfect .


With all due Respect Sir, Respect isn't just giving, Its earned, its not a Privilege. So the above named person should face up and earn some respect instead of throwing down the sympathy card.


All members are to be treated with respect as per our rules...

Any more mocking, attacks or insults will not end well for the guilty party..

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