Digital cameras CAN see buried gold

EE THr said:
JG said:
Men will believe anything, the more preposterous the better.

So, you also believe that using a quote from someone else, is a good substitute for actual data? Very scientific, Einstein!

You quoted me Bar EE.

Some of us are of the opinion that all the fluff and sidestepping on the topic is proof there is nothing valid in the statement that a digital camera can see buried gold, unless it is exposed for observation. Sounds like snakeoil, smells like snakeoil, tastes like snakeoil. The statement of fact for proof is a poison idea and a departure from reality.


There is a big difference in quoting what you said, to show what I'm referring to; and your quoting someone and claiming it to be some kind of proof of anything.

For you to say that they are the same, is nothing more than a cheap attempt at an insult. Which seems to be 99% of what your posts are, anyway.

When are you going to actually contribute with some data?

Or are you here, like I pointed out before, just to stir things up. Are you on a diet, and miss stirring the fudge?


P.S. You talk like I'm making claims about the photography of indicators for gold or silver being an absolute. Can you show me where I indicated that? Do you need to make up stuff to invalidate? That's like having a conversation with yourself, isn't it?


Don, did you get any seat time, ever? Are you a tree-top flier down mesico way? How about doing a little side work for Evergreen?
You know that a ride in a primary glider off a hill is not exactly a whole lot of qualification to be a pilot. I knew such a brown shirt. Any pilot military or civilian would have no problem with a little trig proofing and would easily convince anyone what Carl was asking for. Even Carl. God Bless him.

If you have the qualifications, why sidestep a simple mathematical proof? You seem quite lucid and not senile for a man that is 161 years old. I am surprise you were not an astronaut. Are you José Jiménez from The Ed Sullivan Show? AKA Bill Dana? .
Bar EE, once again, sigh. If you are fence sitting on the topic, then please make up your mind and quite vacillating man and find some gravity in your life. Your rudderless back paddling and invitations to argue are,... sigh!

Here you go. the sqeeky wheel gets the oil:

Here you go. the squeeky wheel gets the oil:


What does your Wiki page say about your opinion of the topic?

I'll give you a hint: N-O-T-H-I-N-G. That's very similar to zero, in case you lack in scientific understanding. In other words, that's pretty lame.

You still have merely posted a lot of insults, with no offer of data references to your pseudo-opinions.

Is that your version of scientific method?

Maybe you need something to raise your enthusiasm. Here you go.

Fudge With Nuts.webp



JG said:
If you are fence sitting on the topic, then please make up your mind....

Now you want to tell people what kind of opinions to have?

What you are indicating that you want, is not a discussion, it's politics.

Sorry, I don't play that game.

When are you going to apply your "scientific method" to the topic?


HI JG mi compadre" Your posts are just about as accurate as your figures. I have already stated my actual age several times. I was born Oct., 3 1923, you take it form there. Incidentally I was not drafted, I volunteered, a silly thing that I did several times during the war.
You posted -->You know that a ride in a primary glider off a hill is not exactly a whole lot of qualification to be a pilot
I have to give you credit for trying, he he he check the attachment. I am in the front row, third from the left, the runt with the big ears.

As for crop work ---> sniff you Do understand that it was NOT my fault ??? weeeellll

You also posted -->Any pilot military or civilian would have no problem with a little trig proofing and would easily convince anyone what Carl was asking for.

Nope, and just how would a simple trig factor, if it were possible, answer his question ? Second, since he won't answer my requests, why should I honor his?

Don Jose de La Mancha


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Yes... "degenerated" is the right word. Seems there's more sniping on this thread than anywhere else on TNet. Heck, in Afghanistan. But, in the final analysis who gives a flying (sorry for the pun) pooper scooper. It's all in the name of "science."

Life can be interesting star. Frequencies 'are' the answer for digital camera to record hidden metals, our basic problem is which, and how do we manage to get the digital camera to record them ?? Do we skip the Ir signatures to what??

Perhaps we must turn to the IR range digital cameras now in existence for a partial answer. Some can show where a squirrel was yesterday by the residual heat sheesh. How do we measure the heat on a distant planetary body ?

We are still on track.

Don Jose de La Mancha

I Agree Don My Old Man Was 14 When He Enlisted In The Navy Back Then He Was a Monster Of a Boy
From His Pictures


Well, things were moving along just swimmingly, until JG dropped his Roman Grasshopper bomb on us, and then began distributing wholesale insults to everyone who didn't have the opinions that he wanted to dictate to them.

Other than that, everything is copacetic. :icon_thumleft:


Oh chocolate! How sweet of you to be so thoughtful for Valentines day :love3:! I’ll keep the nuts for you after I spit them out. :love4:

Bar EE, that is a wonderful answer to your request for a contribution to the thread. Is Thermographic too big a word? Break it down into little pieces so you can say it: Therm-O-Graphic. A Thermographic camera does exactly what some claim a digital camera can do, but it is designed for the job. Like a wise man once said, the right tool for the job is what is needed. A digital camera does record a little infrared, but don’t you think a better one would be desired? Does that question insult you or is it the new word? I think people can make their own minds up on the idea and can formulate their own opinions, you don’t have one yet so I was just doing a little mental navigation for you so you don’t look lost, sigh.

Don-Don, nice pictures. Sorry about the age misunderstanding, I looked at your profile for your age. What kind of plane is that upside down? It looks broken. Is that the war finish look? That big prop job looks interesting and all shiny. I’ll bet one of those could carry a whole lot of suff. Trig is basic navigation skills, why make a claim on harmonics and mixers and frequencies and back down from a little trig? Sigh!

mr. don jose: i thank you for your service. if it was not for men like you in world war11,and,the hard work,fighting the enemy i do not know where our world would be today! at 87 years your still sharp as tack with the way you present yourself on this forum. i enjoy the things you say even though some of it goes right over my head ,but, as we go on here i might understand some of this better. don't let anybody get you down. i believe you will be the key to somebody finding out what is going on here. some of us younger ones want anwsers quickly,but we need to take time and smell the roses,and,i think it will work out better with better understanding. again thank you don jose.


You might be starting to get the idea, but slowly.

When you post a link, you're supposed to give the reason, that is, how it relates to the topic or previous post. Which you did do, but in the wrong post.

You see, you're supposed to give your message about the link in the same post. Get it?

Link + related communication about why you post it. Both at once. In the same post. OK?

:sign13: :sign13: :sign13: :sign13: :sign13:

Maybe you will get the hang of it soon. Maybe this is just all too new to you.

Now re-read this post. There will be a quiz. :read2:

P.S. I feel sorry for your friends, if you're a spitter. But then I feel sorry for you and them anyway.

No mention of using cameras except to observe visible ground disturbances of archaeological import. Don’t you think these disciplined scientists would be using digital cameras to find buried objects beyond the surface if it were possible?

Next: 10cm depth in a controlled evaluation is not going to compete with a metal detector. “Because of its small penetration depth and slow velocity of propagation "Thermal Waves" normally are used for thin materials with high thermal conductivity (e.g. metal plates).” Get that Boys? When the pros say small penetration depth, they mean it. Industry does not agree with the statement that a digital camera can see buried gold. There is nothing to measure or observe. That is not an opinion. See here boys:

There is plenty of data if you can digest it. No out-gassing or spooky images of ghosts to look for. Civil engineers would have the equipment if it existed. Any discovered parameters would have been explored and exploited by now by many industries. All the science would be defined and not left to guessing hobbyists with little digital cameras.

Now you have some new words to use and exploit so you can sound real scientific even if it proves Pygmies do mate with Elephants in the darkest recesses of Africa. A little girl’s grade school science project will prove you wrong. Measure the temperature of the ground at one inch intervals below the surface. All you have to do is go down six inches to see the sun does not get too deep in thermal conductivity. Therefore, no thermal waves, no gold.

Joseph Curry, I pity you. Taking people into the pit with yourself is not nice. It goes with the times and the times, they are a changing.

Good morning: It was askerd --> What power level of THz waves are necessary to do this? Do these levels of power, at these frequencies, exist anywhere besides the laboratory

Yep, in most airports. Called by various names, but 'body scanners' will do.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Hayman I thank you for your thoughts, however I have no doubt that under the same circumstances, you, and the others, would do the same, it was just something that had to be done, heroics didn't enter.. In the Navy I was a master horizontal bombardier, In the USAF a pilot .

Son Jose de La Mancha

hI JG again: You posted -->HOW GEOPHYSICAL METHODS CAN HELP THE ARCHAEOLOGIST -- Don’t you think these disciplined scientists would be using digital cameras to find buried objects beyond the surface if it were possible?

Of course they would, but who will finance the research and development for just a handful of cameras for Archaeologists, or a few THr's?
you posted -->Industry does not agree with the statement that a digital camera can see buried gold. There is nothing to measure or observe.
A bit presumptuous no? And just who is Industry?
You also posted -->Civil engineers would have the equipment if it existed. Any discovered parameters would have been explored and exploited by now by many industries. All the science would be defined and not left to guessing hobbyists wi

Thermal cameras DO exist and ARE being used by Civil engineers. but the statement that 'All science would be defined' is extremely myopic, or to put it kindly, greatly misinformed.

Don Jose de La Mancha

HI JG: That was an interesting article, thanks for posting it to back up our theories. If the basic process can be used to effectively find cold spots, naturally it can be used to find hot spots also, no?

From the article --> "While observing the temporal changes of the surface temperature distribution with the infrared camera near surface inhomogeneities will be detected. The differences between temperature transient curves at surface positions above non-defect regions and above inhomogeneities include information about defect parameters like depth, lateral size and the type of material."
Isn't this technique precisely what we have been saying in here? However, We are relying upon a long period of heating by the solar effect, not the pulse thingie. So it would have more ability to penetrate the soil. In our case it is the rate of cooling that is to our interest.

The article also stated --> A crucial improvement of active IRT is achieved by analysing the experimental data in the frequency domain instead the time domain by means of Fast Fourier Transform

Interesting no? he he he

Don Jose de La Mancha

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
JG posted -->Any pilot military or civilian would have no problem with a little trig proofing and would easily convince anyone what Carl was asking for.

Nope, and just how would a simple trig factor, if it were possible, answer his question ? Second, since he won't answer my requests, why should I honor his?

DJ, let's take a look at what was said:

Good morning EE: You posted -->Whenever you add two frequencies, you end up with four frequencies: the original two frequencies, plus the sum frequency and the difference frequency. The sum would be a higher frequency, and the difference a lower

You are correct, plus the intermodulation of their combinations and on to infinity.

EE's statement was wrong; adding 2 frequencies does not produce 2 add'l frequencies. Because he knows what he is talking about, he recognized his mistake, and immediately corrected it.

Your "agreement" added even more wrong. And because you didn't know what you were talking about, you defended your mistake by doing the only thing you could do: toss out an irrelevant web link.

Then you said...

Heterodyning --> In radio and signal processing, heterodyning is the generation of new 'frequencies' by mixing two oscillating waveforms. ...

The Subharmonics / harmonics that are produced causes two tones to form a second pair of tones, one being a difference between the two and the other being the sum. the sub harmonic / harmonic combined with one of the orig frequencies again produces two more frequencies and on to an infinite no of combinations, all progressively weaker

If you knew anything about signals, you wouldn't have said this. For those who know what they are talking about, the mathematics of signals (frequencies) using sines & cosines is easy. Since you have no idea how to do this, your response is limited to

Radio theory doesn't apply here, so forget it.

Besides directly contradicting your own prior post (I highlighted that little bit so you wouldn't be tempted to pull an Artie), signal math works the same way whether your dealing with radio, sound, light, or water waves. The signal math won't work, of course, for WishScience applications, where claims are pulled from thin air, with just enough misapplied scientific terminology to sound technically impressive.

So I say again... Show Me. If adding 2 frequencies produces "intermodulations to infinity," then show me the math that supports this claim. Here, I'll get ya started:

sin(w1t) + sin(w2t) = ??

Or, if heterodyning (multiplying) 2 frequencies produces an "infinite no of combinations," then the math should be simple:

sin(w1t) * sin(w2t) = ??

This is Signals 101, simple stuff. Remember, you didn't preface your claims with your usual "couldn't it be possible...?" disclaimer. You were saying, "this is what happens." But it's not what happens, so it's all disinformation. How in the world can anyone seriously discuss these kinds of topics when people just freely toss around nonsense?

Show me, and stop blaming me for your inability to do so. You are free to retract your claims; a simple "I really don't know" will suffice.


Either you haven't read all the pages of this topic, or you have merely contrived your own Straw Man to argue against.

Surface penetration of IR sensing devices has not been the concept of discussion here.

Go fish.


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