Did yall know its illegal?

It is ironic that is illegal to render aid to an Eagle or Hawk that is injured but at the same time, it is illegal in most States to not render aid to a human that is injured. I believe that if a I came across an Eagle and a Politician that collided and both were injured, I would rather render aid to the Eagle and leave the Politician where they lay.


Hmmmm, I'm probably a criminal then too. Two years ago the office girl at my apartment building called me and was frantically telling me there was a injured or sick hawk at the edge of the lake, the reason she called me is although I live in the city, I have a reputation as an outdoors guy. I told her I would go look at it, we walked down there and sure enough there was a red tailed hawk sitting on the ground by one of the boats that was pulled up on shore, something was obviously wrong with it. Office girl asked if I could catch it while she made some calls, it never occurred to either of us to check the legalities. I ended up catching it, keeping a make shift hood on it to keep it calm and a raptor center employee drove out, thanked us and took the hawk away to help it. The hawk made it and was released. No one ever told us we did anything illegal, but I bet a quick search would surely reveal I am indeed a hawk helping criminal. I agree that when there is a conflict between doing what is ethical and what is legal, the law in my eyes falls to the way side temporarily. You didn't do anything wrong here and any law enforcement official who would pursue charges on such an infraction needs to be sentenced to watching a full season of diggers as punishment.

Never try to pet a Raccoon after You been drinking !!! Just Saying ...LOL... You Did the Right thing , You had No idea of the Sad Laws But Jeff of PA. is correct, If people start to use them they will become popular and People will start Killing them ... I pick up Turkey Feathers that's about it, even Small endangered Bird and Waterfowl Feathers are Illegal to have in New York State .

Rules of man will eventually strangle our survival as a species. Long live the cock roaches. :BangHead:

Way to go mamabear, WE LOVE YOU GIRL! You'd be quite fine on the legal ramifications (where I live anyways). There are 2 elements needed to constitute a crime. Mens rea, and actuesreas (? about the spelling). "Wrongful act" and "Guilty mind". You had committed neither of them. Give me 10 minute's with 3 TV news crews, a kind caring person tagged "mamabear", and an injured bird of prey, and old Uncle Sam would be like that guy in the commercials, "what was I thinking"....lol.

"Way to go mamabear, WE LOVE YOU GIRL!"

You done good trying to save the bird.

it amounts to legally speaking -- did you have the "criminal mindset" and "knowledge" that said act was wrong / illegal ? clearly you did not know it was or mean to commit any crime --only to help an hurt animal ==birds of prey have long been killed for their feathers , thus the law prohibiting folks from having one "in hand" -- some folks would say they were taking the hurt bird to a vet when in fact they killed it and were just transporting it to harvest it * thus the "no having / touching / moving " rule -- yes its bad , but without it law enforcement would not be able to make a case against eagle and other bird of prey killers. --only native Americans with "special' permits can harvest dead eagle and bird of prey feathers for their holy rite dressing clothing.

i have a prob with some geese, because of the ....Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918
i got tired of all the bird doo, and chased them off with an air horn, wildlife told me
leave them alone, big dam park behind my land, but the birds land on my land
and i cant chase them away, they should be here soon, every dam spring, makes
me want to plant about 500 more trees on this acre, guess i wouldnt have to mow then LOL

Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

i have a prob with some geese, because of the ....Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918
i got tired of all the bird doo, and chased them off with an air horn, wildlife told me
leave them alone, big dam park behind my land, but the birds land on my land
and i cant chase them away, they should be here soon, every dam spring, makes
me want to plant about 500 more trees on this acre, guess i wouldnt have to mow then LOL

Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Put up fake owls. Helps to keep other pesky birds away.

I'm on the other side of the "save the Hawk" issue. You have a kind heart, Mammabear, and I like to help animals in need, but being in the pheasant and quail business most of my life, Hawks are on my enemy list.

If I was in that position, I would have grabbed a shovel from the bed of my truck, and simply ended his suffering.

This past summer I came upon a Red Fox that had his hind end run over by a car. I noticed a middle aged couple standing beside it watching it struggle. It's back was broken. I grabbed the shovel and ended it's suffering. They both thanked me.

It's sad the amount of wildlife that gets hit on our roads, but that's just how it is.

I could NEVER leave an injured animal on the side of the road. Ever, no matter what the penalty is. I'll deal with the consequences after the fact. You have a kind heart mamabear and you did a good thing.

Well after reading this thread I'm never going to eat another hawk sandwich covered in eagle sauce

i have a prob with some geese, because of the ....Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918
i got tired of all the bird doo, and chased them off with an air horn, wildlife told me
leave them alone, big dam park behind my land, but the birds land on my land
and i cant chase them away, they should be here soon, every dam spring, makes
me want to plant about 500 more trees on this acre, guess i wouldnt have to mow then LOL

Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I lived in Waco, Texas from '79 'til '07. When the egrets (cow birds) got really bad; making noise, nesting in the vacant lots, etc., the city started using the propane 'canons' to scare them away. Was that illegal? After seeing your post, I'm wondering about it. It would be interesting to see the reaction of the city if the Feds told them to stop. These birds came in every spring and really made a mess of everything they were around. Maybe they weren't covered by the law for migratory birds?

Mamabear, I think at least 75% of the people would done just what you did, even if they knew about the law!

Seems I read of an individual being arrested for possession of an eagle feather, that was a few years ago.

And if they'll put an elderly 81 year old lady in jail for feeding birds.....

i have a prob with some geese, because of the ....Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 i got tired of all the bird doo, and chased them off with an air horn, wildlife told me leave them alone, big dam park behind my land, but the birds land on my land and i cant chase them away, they should be here soon, every dam spring, makes me want to plant about 500 more trees on this acre, guess i wouldnt have to mow then LOL Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There is a pond in a nearby town that has a goose problem. The pond neighbors are overwhelmed by them and the people across town amplify the problem by visiting the pond and constantly feeding them. After the start of hunting season, our local conservation officer will drive by the pond blowing his siren. That chases the birds outta town to some rural ponds where waiting hunters have a chance to balance the population. A bunch of geese are disgustingly dirty.

A bunch of geese are disgustingly dirty.

Yep, walking the sidewalks at GM Tech Center in Warren, MI is an obstacle course. And the critters are meaner than heck too.... They're protected, but we weren't..

I'm on the other side of the "save the Hawk" issue. You have a kind heart, Mammabear, and I like to help animals in need, but being in the pheasant and quail business most of my life, Hawks are on my enemy list. If I was in that position, I would have grabbed a shovel from the bed of my truck, and simply ended his suffering. This past summer I came upon a Red Fox that had his hind end run over by a car. I noticed a middle aged couple standing beside it watching it struggle. It's back was broken. I grabbed the shovel and ended it's suffering. They both thanked me. It's sad the amount of wildlife that gets hit on our roads, but that's just how it is.
I too understand why mamabear did that, and I too understand what Gold Maven says. I've raised beagles and bird dogs all my life. There are no wild quail, wild grouse, wild pheasant or cottontail rabbits left in south central Pa because of the big boom in predators. They need harvested too, to keep a balance. I can spend a couple hours in perfect habitat trying to jump a rabbit, all the while seeing redtail hawks in every other tree. I was a trout nursery manager for about ten yrs and had a similar problem with great blue herons. They don't kill what they will eat, but will kill just to kill. I've seen them kill dozens of trout in a day and leave them lay as one makes a meal. They also will fatally wound a trophy trout that is way to large for them to lift or eat. They drive their beak down thru their back and the fish dies hours or days later. They are also protected federally and they have no real pedator. Predatory birds can have accidents tho. Lol

Thanks everyone for your replies & support. I would do it again, even knowing it is illegal. I never knew we had so many criminals on Tnet! Gold Maven, I understand putting an animal down when there is really no hope for it. I have done that also, but this hawk was alert & responsive, so I thought perhaps he could be saved. It is probably illegal to kill a wild animal even if it is evident it will not make it.
On another note, it is skunk mating season, they get kinda goofy. That's why there are so many dead skunks on the roads this time of yr. So watch for skunks or you'll get skunked.

As much as you guys want us to take back Justin Beiber, I think Canadian geese are a far worse problem.
Wayyyyy too many of them and I've watched small lakes and ponds go completely stagnant thanks to all their feces.
Those birds should not be protected at all and we need more hunters or population control.
As for the hawk, I support your actions Mamabear, as I would have done something too. Whether it's getting help or putting it out of its misery.
Laws or no laws we have to follow what feels right.
You're a kind lady! :icon_thumright:

Wait a minute! I have a pair of vultures that live in my barn and rise one young vulture each year. According to this, they belong to the US government. Now I am wondering, shouldn't Uncle Sam be paying me rent? Frank...
No that's a Raven, no vultures on the thumb drive. 6 06-2 YELLOWSTONE 056-1.jpg

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