Did yall know its illegal?


Silver Member
Feb 21, 2008
SE Missouri
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garage sale oldie
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Did y'all know it's illegal?

I found a hawk that had just been hit by a car, but was still alive. I grabbed cloth to secure it, & took it to our local Conservation agency, where I was told I should have left it there to die. & was told it is illegal to be in the possession of any bird of prey, even if taking it to a vet. I was lucky in that the people I took it to, were willing to give me the warning, & then take it for me. It was still alive when I got it there (I live way out in the sticks) but it was clear it would not make it.
I don't know about you, but to leave it on the side of the road hurt & struggling, in my mind is a form of abuse. It made me very sad.

Awww Momma Bear you law breaker. l.o.l.. Right we can,t even have their feathers in our possession without being natives or having a permit. Being born here is not being native either it sadly appeared to me one day. I would hope you caught a break,(seems you did) from prosecution due to your intent. I found an injured night hawk at a previous place of employment that while not seriously injured had at least suffered a confidence reducing collision. Talked a co-worker into taking it to nature center hours later as it did not want to fly but I did, and we know jailbirds don,t fly.:laughing7:

Yes! Mam! The same happened to me and my wife a few years ago. The very sad part is that it is all about politics and not the animals If you follow along and furthermore for a very long time now (wellover 100 years) the government/politicians and the creation of regulation/laws no longer do what is right/correct for animals and the people (us citizens) for that matter. However, I do know of a few folk that "do as they please" and are one with nature (original issue). They stay off "the grid" and also practice good OPSEC...and life goes on! Take Care, God Bless

well done for taking it mate...commonsense dictates that you shouldnt have been arrested and carted away....come on for christs sake...its an injured bird.

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The state of Missouri has a law on the books that says if you cross paths with a "downed or dead bird of prey".
hawk, owl, eagle, etc. it is your duty to report it at once to the state fish & game dept. "wait for the proper officer
to arrive" & point the bird out to them". "you are not permitted in any way to move the fowl to safety".
High finds if you dare to move the bird to the side of the road. Yet, you can move a dead/wounded rabbit, dog,
raccoon, etc. no find! Fish & Game Dept. will never show up !! BUT, if you tell them you move a bird to safety,
they will be all over you. This has happened to friends of mine.

yep, not sure I should say this but only reason to pick up any wild animal
is if your Very Hungry & are also Very careful

Mamabear - you did the right thing in my point of view! Congrats!
The powers that be have out lawed common sense ! They couldn't get out of their own way if their lives depended on it, and they THINK they know how we should live our lives better than we do! It's all that jet lag, they should stop flying every where and walk once in a while, then maybe they could see things the way they are!

you mean if a feather falls off a hawk and lands on my six acres I can't pick it up? (Should I call the FBI?)

That's exactly correct. If for some reason you should pick that hawk or eagle feather up and get caught with it by a LEO who knows what it is, you could be facing federal charges, and your home would most likely be ransacked by fish&game searching for more illegal animal items.

you mean if a feather falls off a hawk and lands on my six acres I can't pick it up? (Should I call the FBI?)

Nope, the point is they are afraid if they allow people to pick up feathers, Someone will kill an Eagle, pluck the Feathers to sell & say they found them :BangHead:

when it comes to where the feathers came from,
nobody is innocent until proven Guilty

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Nope, the point is they are afraid if they allow people to pick up feathers, Someone will kill an Eagle, pluck the Feathers to sell & say they found them :BangHead:

when it comes to where the feathers came from,
nobody is innocent until proven Guilty

They have way to many laws to break yo how can one break them all in one lifetime!

Legal and ethical are two different things. Sometimes they conflict. When they do, I go with ethical, because it's usually the right call, and to heck with the legalities of it.

I have what may be a hawk feather that I found. How do I tell if it is? Bow do you know what bird it's from? If it is I'll take it to my neighbors property and let him deal with it.

Wash everything that bird touched. Wild birds are usually lice ridden. Birds without lice are the exception, most have them.

it's been in my garage for years ( this is redjamescash if the nsa is reading this)

is there a website to identify feathers?

It goes bigger than that!

Everyone seems to be talking about hawks, eagles, and owls.

Just remember that all MIGRATORY birds are federally protected under the "Audubon" act of 1918.

Some species have a mandated season (example: Dove) and the migratory ones that don't have a season are protected at ALL times.

Depending on where you live in the US, this can account for up to 93% of your regions birds.

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I found a hawk that had just been hit by a car, but was still alive. I grabbed cloth to secure it, & took it to our local Conservation agency, where I was told I should have left it there to die. & was told it is illegal to be in the possession of any bird of prey, even if taking it to a vet. I was lucky in that the people I took it to, were willing to give me the warning, & then take it for me. It was still alive when I got it there (I live way out in the sticks) but it was clear it would not make it. I don't know about you, but to leave it on the side of the road hurt & struggling, in my mind is a form of abuse. It made me very sad.

mamabear, it may be illegal for you to have picked up that bird, but let me ask you a question:

In 100 square miles around you, of the 100's of thousands of people who may live in that geographic area of wherever you live:

How many of them do you think even know of such minutia? And of those that do (like the vet you took it to), how many of them do you think actually care, as if, to let's say "report" you to authorities to get some sort of repurcussion? And of anyone who actually had any authority to DO something about your actions (ticket you or whatever), how many do you think actually would ? (as opposed to, just like the vet, say you shouldn't have, as just a warning).

I'm guessing that you would have to look LONG AND HARD to find anything within 500 miles of you, who would ever had done anything about it, to have actually made any sort of crime on you, etc.... I mean, who really cares and could or would do anything? Probably 1 in your entire state? Not saying that let's all go touch birds of prey, but just saying, that such things may sound scary, but in actual reality, .... well ......

Way to go mamabear, WE LOVE YOU GIRL!
You'd be quite fine on the legal ramifications (where I live anyways).
There are 2 elements needed to constitute a crime. Mens rea, and actuesreas (? about the spelling). "Wrongful act" and "Guilty mind".
You had committed neither of them.
Give me 10 minute's with 3 TV news crews, a kind caring person tagged "mamabear", and an injured bird of prey, and old Uncle Sam would be like that guy in the commercials, "what was I thinking"....lol.

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