The next death trap I encountered was after I had discovered tnet and sandy1, and had also researched as much as I could on death traps since I had already encountered one and might also encounter more in the future. That one is not one I had heard mentioned before. I was exploring a sink hole on my friend's property. I seen the hole opened up into a mine shaft. I climbed down inside with the help of a rope. I went as far as I could in the mine shaft, it only went back about 12 feet before it abruptly ended. You could obviously tell that it kept going but was completely blocked from the ceiling to the floor, completely flat though. So slope at all of what I believed was dirt to block the shaft. It had a super thick layer of mycelium growing all over this wall that was the blockage. I was not interested in exploring that start at the time. I just considered it my wine cellar, as it was always the perfect temperature given if it was 110 degrees Fahrenheit just 10 feet above at ground level. Anyhow, the sinkholes was on one side of a dirt road and there was what I discovered to be a small hole on the other side of the road. When I stood close to it, I could tell that if I was down in the mine shaft, I would be at what was the back of the wall in the mine shaft the obviously blocked part. One day I decided to start digging in that hole, that was right above the end of the mine shaft. The dirt looked very out of place. It was a different color brown than any other soil in the area. It looks like soil after it is contaminated with oil. Like darker brown and almost wet looking. As soon as I moved the first shovel of dirt out of that hole, all of my mucus membranes started excreting mucus with eyes watering profusely and saliva profusely coming from my mouth and also feeling terrible bad, very quickly. Very nauseous all of a sudden. Before I could even think about it, I made a few quick, large strides away from that hole. I immediately felt better. Took 20-30 seconds to feel way better. I was quite stumped about that experience for some time. I believe I did eventually figure out exactly what kind of death trap it was, and how it was formulated and also how I can one day reverse that trap. Any educated guesses as to what I had encountered that day?