The problem with trapping after dark are all the other critters in my yard. The few times I did agree to set the traps at night, I caught three different possums and never caught a cat. The other issue is there's a mother raccoon with three small babies that come every night to eat any leftover cat food. There's no way I want one of those baby raccoons to end up in a trap and separated from their mother. Even worse would be catching the mother raccoon. What would the three babies do?
And eight to twelve hours stuck in a trap is way too long. I trapped one on a Saturday afternoon a couple of months ago and couldn't reach the ACO guy. After four hours, he was flipping out, urinating on himself and biting the metal trap. Bothered me so much that I let him go.
The fact that my shelter is only open 7-11 AM five days a week is a big problem here. If they were open from 7 AM to 9 PM seven days a week, for example, I could take any trapped cats to the shelter during that time period. Add to that the fact that the ACO guy only works 7-3 five days a week, so that limits when I can call him for help. To make matters even worse, Scituate handles animal control for Foster, the next town over! That makes him even less available than he should be around here. Why our town agreed to that is beyond me. Back door politics on that one, I guess.