I understand all that.
My view is only good at a high level, but it is still quite good for seeing the "big" picture, things like the fault lines, cracks, ranges, valleys. Rocks the size of cars are seen well and the shadows of them give you an idea of hieght and the curser will show you the same when you pan over it. The only thing i can't see are the sides of sheer cliffs and holes in them or under overhangs. This is where the photos that I recieve come in handy. I can get an even better idea by looking at geology and magnetic maps and compare them together. I think i could come quite close in this way of seeing things from afar. If i had someone that would like to join forces, then perhaps more things about the Superstitions might be known. I am sure that the Government has a better idea of what is really there then we think they do. I have noticed that many of the geology maps of that area, don't show anything in those areas. There are many places on google, where you can zoom in and see the ground close up and others that are out in the middle of no-wheres and only allow you to zoom in so much.
There are some "Facilities" that are allowed to have a few minutes with the satelite and are able to zoom in and read a newspaper. If they have images of the whole world, then why not show what it looks like up close? minus the private areas and such, but not for public lands or forest that belongs to the people as a whole.