Quinan Bear said:
Listen....I have payed my dues in this life whether you think so or not, thank you very much....
Now if you or anyone else on here thinks that i need to go there and do some foot work and pay some dues? then you guys don't know what I have done for others and what my life has been like for me. I am sorry but I just can't do that anymore. Now I have given you much of what I found and have done so, with the hopes that someone will listen but it seems it falls on def ears or you want me to think it does.
I have asked for help before showing you my findings, I have heard most of you mock me and i still show you more...this is done with an open heart and kindness to people i have never seen or known. If you take this information and use it for your own gains and you leave me out of the loop. Then Hear my words....
( This knowledge that you all now have, has been given to you with honesty and kindness and with an open heart...It is the one last thing I want to do for people before I die and If you gain from this information and plan on using it for your own gains? then know this. Anyone that does use my information and gains from it but doesn't tell me or share their findings with me? Great harm will fall upon you and your family. Has it is written, so shall it be done. In the name of YAHWEH, i comand it.)
You are warned....
Hola amigos Quinan Bear and everyone,
I was tempted to just post, "HUH?" but perhaps there is good reasoning here. Did you not consider what the possible outcome may be, when you posted your info here, on a public forum? Surely you thought of the possibility, that some person(s) reading our discussion here, might just run up into the Superstitions and start digging up all the gold, church vestments etc which you have stated are buried/concealed there. I think we even covered this earlier, didn't we? I think I suggested to post only what you are comfortable making public knowledge, with the certainty that some not-so-honest types are definitely reading what is posted right?
Posting threats like you have in this post, are not generally a good idea.
I do wish that you could put yourself in "our" shoes, even for a moment, and try to see how this whole thing appears to us. I have tried to put myself in your shoes, to consider what I would do if I had figured out what you believe you have done - but I think I would collect it all into an article and sell it to Western & Eastern Treasures magazine. That way you would at least get something for your story and info, and would reach a large "audience" including many who do not have internet access etc. They don't pay a
lot for articles of course but you could at least be able to put it all together, arrange it the way you want it, get it published, NOT have to deal with guys like me that are just too unreasonable as our amigo Santa Fe NM puts it, and get the recognition you clearly desire. Kind of a "one way" talk, instead of a discussion that can get 'ugly'. After your story is published, you could return here for an in-depth discussion too, if you should care to.
It is just a
suggestion of course.

I don't understand your negative reaction to those whom have a wealth of experience in exploring the Superstitions, 'boots on the ground' style; as a prospector you know the value of field exploration and no prospector would simply dismiss the results of field examination, panned samples, assays etc in favor of data obtained via satellite or aircraft. I know a bit about physical impairments too, as do
several of our amigos here - you may not be able to scale a cliff-side, but perhaps you may even surprise yourself at what you can do? I still think you would not regret making a trip to the Superstitions in person, and 'hook up' with a partner to do some exploration.
Have you compared any of the other Treasure Maps with your satellite and geologic data? Like this one:
...there are several others in their collection, which may be relevant for comparison with the Peralta stones and your data. Thank you in advance,