David and the Peralta stone maps.


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David, I have to admit that your heart is fascinating. I and ORO would definitely prospect that region.

Don Jose de La Mancha


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T. Parker - now THAT's the kind of evidence most of us like to see :)

You know I gotta ask you a question now don't you??? I won't make it specific, but will leave it VERY general... Is this in the Supers?

Is there any way you can go into a bit more detail - I'm really curious how you started this exploration - in other words, were you already onto it when you came across the heart stone and found it fit your location, or did the heart stone lead to the location?

Whatever it led to, congratulations as it looks to me like you followed your trail to something NOTICEABLE - again, compared to most all of the other postings we typically see here.

May I call your attention to the Intrusion (I) at lower left. It's faulting rings (R) extend almost into the center of the Heart, a prime geological target. Probably deep seated faulting. Send this one with your data to our friend for a possible permit.

Don Jose de La Manacha


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  • Intrusion in Heart ©@.webp
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One of the things I noticed about your picture, is the growth of lichen on the cross, as opposed to the area around it. I believe the lichen adjacent to the cross can give a very accurate date as to when the cross was created. :dontknow: Have you looked into that?

Very nice find. :icon_thumright:

Take care,


T Parker, you said:
Think of it this way.....Some people stumble on to things accidentally THEN study treasure hunting and signs and maps after the fact.

To be honest I'd say alot more "important" finds are made that way, than they are studying signs and maps and trying to figure out where they lead to. Not saying that doesn't work too, but an explorer is just that... someone who spends hours, days, weeks, months, etc... walking the area, taking note of things that look "out of place," following old worn out paths, climbing rocks that look worth climbing, looking into crevaces, etc...

Man, my blood gets warm just thinking about all that :)

cactusjumper said:

One of the things I noticed about your picture, is the growth of lichen on the cross, as opposed to the area around it. I believe the lichen adjacent to the cross can give a very accurate date as to when the cross was created. :dontknow: Have you looked into that?

Very nice find. :icon_thumright:

Take care,


Joe - although I'm not from the area, I've often wondered about stuff like you suggest. I'm not sure I really "get" how that's possible in a case like this. For example, if you look at that photo, you'll see lots of rock surfaces devoid of any lichen - does that mean all those areas are "older" than the spots that DO have lichen? Isn't it more probable that the lichen tends to grow over time in areas that get more water (for one reason or another)? In this case, are you assuming that lichen covered the whole area where that cross was carved, and that lichen was "removed" before the carving was done? I can logically understand the ideas behind lichen covered rocks giving an indication of long they may have been unmoved, and in what direction the stone most likely faced, but the idea of trying to age a carving based on lichen - unless it's positive that the carving was done on a spot that removed lichen - is hard for me to grasp.

HI ROOM: O K, since I can't find the orig. photograph any more, WHO posted the sat picture that I corrected and identified an intrusion in? Parker or David?

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. What do I do with this, - ©@ - and for whom, Parker or David?

I posted the Heart with the valley running through the center. Parker posted the Heart with the greyish rock around it.
Does that answer your question?


The idea hear is that the stones lead you to the heart, this is why the heart is a different piece then the other two that make up the trail.

It would be nice if you had a sencible talk with me, If you want to continue questioning me.
I am replying to all your questions, no matter how crazy they are. I will not be drawn into making fun of each other. If you want to know something about what i believe i have found and how i found the solution, i will tell you. All of you.

I apologise for posting images of those stones, I didn't know that I couldn't take pictures that are posted on the net for all to see and add them to my post has a refference. I never meant any disrespect to anyone.

Is this how you copyright something Tayopa ? @©


"The idea hear is that the stones lead you to the heart, this is why the heart is a different piece then the other two that make up the trail."

Well......the first sensible question that comes to mind after your last statement is:

How did they know that the trail leads to the heart, if it (the heart) could only be viewed from the sky?

Just askin.....



I do believe that i posted, that these people had an intimate know ledge of the land. They started out exploring and after they found the veins, they made the mines and covered the rest. When they left the area, they hid the entrances to look like they were never there. They made the maps in order to remember where they were.

I would have to disagree with you on your statement that the Heart could only be seen from the sky. If you go to the northern hump of the heart and look around, then go to the oposite side (east) of the canyon to where the highest point is nearest the point of the heart and on the north side of it, look around again from there and you will see the rest of the heart. The outer parts of the heart shows you the rest of the stone from those two places.

I guess i should be using this from now on...@©....


Your last post plainly illustrates why it's so important to put boots on the ground, especially in a place as rugged as the Superstitions.

You are asking for our respect and acceptance of your theories, without having paid any dues.........whatsoever.

Just post your "evidence" and get if over with. If it's good, it will stand on it's own merits. No need to get into a pissing contest with me or anyone else. That will not advance your cause, whatever that may be. No need to endlessly explain your motives or what kind of man you are. I believe we all understand by now, and admire your nobility. Now......just make your dream happen.

I wish you the best of luck,

Joe Ribaudo


Listen....I have payed my dues in this life whether you think so or not, thank you very much....

Now if you or anyone else on here thinks that i need to go there and do some foot work and pay some dues? then you guys don't know what I have done for others and what my life has been like for me. I am sorry but I just can't do that anymore. Now I have given you much of what I found and have done so, with the hopes that someone will listen but it seems it falls on def ears or you want me to think it does.
I have asked for help before showing you my findings, I have heard most of you mock me and i still show you more...this is done with an open heart and kindness to people i have never seen or known. If you take this information and use it for your own gains and you leave me out of the loop. Then Hear my words....
( This knowledge that you all now have, has been given to you with honesty and kindness and with an open heart...It is the one last thing I want to do for people before I die and If you gain from this information and plan on using it for your own gains? then know this. Anyone that does use my information and gains from it but doesn't tell me or share their findings with me? Great harm will fall upon you and your family. Has it is written, so shall it be done. In the name of YAHWEH, i comand it.)
You are warned....

Quinan Bear said:

Listen....I have payed my dues in this life whether you think so or not, thank you very much....

Now if you or anyone else on here thinks that i need to go there and do some foot work and pay some dues? then you guys don't know what I have done for others and what my life has been like for me. I am sorry but I just can't do that anymore. Now I have given you much of what I found and have done so, with the hopes that someone will listen but it seems it falls on def ears or you want me to think it does.
I have asked for help before showing you my findings, I have heard most of you mock me and i still show you more...this is done with an open heart and kindness to people i have never seen or known. If you take this information and use it for your own gains and you leave me out of the loop. Then Hear my words....
( This knowledge that you all now have, has been given to you with honesty and kindness and with an open heart...It is the one last thing I want to do for people before I die and If you gain from this information and plan on using it for your own gains? then know this. Anyone that does use my information and gains from it but doesn't tell me or share their findings with me? Great harm will fall upon you and your family. Has it is written, so shall it be done. In the name of YAHWEH, i comand it.)
You are warned....

BB is that you?? This just gets weirder and weirder every day!

Somehow I have a difficult time believing that my God would make it a priority to cause "great harm" to anyone who uses David's information to gain something, but doesn't share it with him - somehow I think my God has far more important things to do.

As I did with BB and others here, it's time I take a break from responding to this delusional craziness :) As with any good soap opera, I feel comforted in the knowledge that I can return at any time and pick up right where I left off :).

:BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead:

I was just stating something the bible says.
If you live without the knowledge of evil you can still enter into heaven, Those that hear my words and doesn't heed them, he may not enter. If you take from your neighbour, you will pay back 40 fold.

I asked for help.
You ask for my information to help convince the sceptics and I have given you much.
Now that you know and you use this information for your own gain without any thought of sharing with me or at least admit to the people that the information came from me. Then you have taken from me and you know that, What goes around comes around....

You may stop posting if you want, no worries. I will still be here answering questions from others.

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