Deer jerky?
Ohhhh Yehhhhhh!!
I make it almost every year. The elk..... a little bit of jerky, the meat is so good for steaks, stew etc.

I bagged a turkey last year also. (bow) Next year I will go after wild boar with a take down recurve, no sights. It turns out I'm an instinct hunter.

You might like it here, in the mountains of North Georgia, as I do....

Trophy Trout streams, wild hog hunts, and all the deer and turkey you can shake your .223 stick at....



Did someone mention, "Shakin'?


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You might like it here, in the mountains of North Georgia, as I do....

Trophy Trout streams, wild hog hunts, and all the deer and turkey you can shake your .223 stick at....



Yes I would! I have been here, since the day I was born. a million plus acres of national forest 5 rivers within a 30 mile drive along the coast. (2 famous for salmon and steelhead..) Ocean fishing OMG.
I guess I need to travel though, still.

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Today, removing a door panel of a Honda for the "high security lock"
To rebuild.

Tomorrow, perhaps another lock to access and dis-assemble to make a key.....

I now grow weary of this profession....



Oh Snap!

That big bank job is soon...'member? With MY yet unpatented tools and knowledge....
Surely it is an "In and out job...."
One more "score?"

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Yeah, Sure, Bobby.

Read the morning news....

Has the world changed overnight?

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He's on our team, right. 2GF?
Most Certainly!



(He's a little bit in all of us....Perhaps...)

I was gonna report a post but realized it was MY post that I was gonna report! :tongue3:

(What to do, what to do?)

We shalll never lose!

Stone cold Steve Austin?
That's me 99%

This southern gentleman now sings (and has for years) for his fallen brothers band.
He had a great solo carrer!

He's on our team, right. 2GF?
Most Certainly!



(He's a little bit in all of us....Perhaps...)

I was gonna report a post but realized it was MY post that I was gonna report! :tongue3:

(What to do, what to do?)

We shalll never lose!

Stone cold Steve Austin?
That's me 99%

This southern gentleman now sings (and has for years) for his fallen brothers band.
He had a great solo carrer!

My Friend,

I've never been in a sanctioned ring but I've fought many times....
(Not always a physical fight.....)
Sometimes for my life....

Yeah, a black eye, a bloody nose, a bruised ego......
Been there, done all of that....
I'm always the winner!

I no longer feel any physical pain.....I sew my own wounds.....

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'I reckon' if you ain't good enough, I ain't neither.
We'll mosey on down the road a ways more....."


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This guy. Fanous, but not as famous as his brothers. One in 38 special the other..... guess.
He now sings for the brothers band.... But he had a solo carrer. Witness his WAY COOL hit!!!!


Just had a wild thought.....

What if I could convince my Congressman, Doug Collins, to a meeting with the Donald!
Concerning Vets~:dontknow:

Just thinking ahead, my Friends.
Just thinking ahead.....

Imagine that discussion!

O- Viking , are you still banned from the store where you shot your turkey?
Them folks shopping in the freezer section were sure upset.......:laughing7:


Thanks for the chuckles....I'm sure OV had his silencer on so as not to disturb the other shoppers....:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Regards + HH


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Dereck & The Dominos - It's too late.

Regards + HH



The back room, coin-flippin' weather folks are calling for a decent drop of snow this weekend.
Perhaps 3-4 inches locally and up to 6 inches in the North Mountains. Possibly with an initial coating of ice.
OK.....And? :dontknow:

What an opportunity to get Great Mountain Snow pictures during a "one-nighter!" :thumbsup:
On a mountaintop, in mind, for the view, that I once woke upon on Christmas morning a few years ago.....

Let's see how tomorrow plays out....

"You DO know that ascending a mountain is more difficult with snow and ice underfoot, right?"

"Yes Sir, Gunny. I'm from Kansas, where there's lots of snow yet few mountains.
I've put it all together and am ready for a possible mission. I'll move out on your word, Gunny!"



A bright, warm, evening cracklin' campfire, a warm sleeping bag, thawing the water in the morning for coffee...

Ah! I'm ready to ride ANY storm out!

Yes, the beard is coming along nicely! Just in time! :coffee2:



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The back room, coin-flippin' weather folks are calling for a decent drop of snow this weekend.
Perhaps 3-4 inches and up to 6 inches in the North Mountains. Possibly with an initial coating of ice.

What an opportunity to get Great mountain snow pictures during a "one-nighter!" :thumbsup:

Let's see how tomorrow plays out....

"You DO know that ascending a mountain is more difficult with snow and ice underfoot, right?"

"Yes Sir, Gunny. I'm from Kansas, where there's lots of snow yet few mountains.
I've put it all together and am ready for a possible mission. I'll move out on your word, Gunny!"



A warm, cracklin' campfire, a warm sleeping bag, thawing the water in the morning for coffee...

Ah! I'm ready to ride ANY storm out!

Shelter in place! Was going to warn you to squirrel an extra ramen and can of sardines for the cold headed your way.
I went grocery shopping in advance..( in theory , " did you get butter?" Huh? Ummm ,so margarine from the gas station).
The usual staples including dogfood , coffee , ect. No beer. ( What!).
So , all set right?
Why my girlfriend has to try to drive yesterday...
So ,out in the zero F windchill playing battery switcheroo.
Ice fishing would be better. Plus a single beer would chill nicely while at it.

Careful all not accustomed to a hint of winter. A quality blanket can be a help outdoors if short on outerwear. Even better indoors.

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I amuse myself with online poker....
Play money, of course.

I started with $1000.
Back about a month or few ago....

I now have a million and a quarter.
Give or take a grand or three....

Mountains this weekend or the casino? :dontknow:

(reaching for a coin to flip.....)




"Uh Huh. I told ya that boy is smart! He knows numbers and odds. He's on Fire!"
"No, I ain't talkin' about 'Kid Dy-no-mite,' JJ...."

"I'm talkin' 'bout SCOTTY!'"

(I still miss and play "Sugarfoot")

Best Wishes Always....

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A nickname?

Have you one?

Me neither.

Back in grade school, when I ran track, others called me, "Flash."
Maybe 'cause I could generally out-run the bullies and high jump backyard fences on the run....

I was thinkin' of "OG Scotty."

Meaning "Old Guy." :headbang:

Have you a better one for me?
(That you can post on a "Family oriented" web site?) :laughing7:

I have my own nicknames for most of y'all!



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