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Yes please! I'd like that recipe.
I amuse myself with online poker....
Play money, of course.
I started with $1000.
Back about a month or few ago....
I now have a million and a quarter.
Give or take a grand or three....
Mountains this weekend or the casino?
(reaching for a coin to flip.....)
"Uh Huh. I told ya that boy is smart! He knows numbers and odds. He's on Fire!"
"No, I ain't talkin' about 'Kid Dy-no-mite,' JJ...."
"I'm talkin' 'bout SCOTTY!
(I still miss and play "Sugarfoot")
Best Wishes Always....
'I reckon' if you ain't good enough, I ain't neither.
We'll mosey on down the road a ways more....."
As promised here goes....started off with 2 medium sized eggplant about 2 lbs in total.
1:- Chopped off the ends and peeled and sliced in approx 1/4" rounds....
2:- Salted liberally and weighted down over night with some large food tins(after covering with seran wrap).
3:- Rinsed and squeezed out excess moisture and cut in narrow strips and placed in stainless steel pot.
4:- Thinly sliced some celery and added to the pot(to give a bit of crunch).
5:- Thinly sliced 4 or 5 good sized cloves of garlic.
6:- Dried oregano, crushed chili peppers and fennel seeds are required for the jars.
7:- Added about 1 1/2 cups of half and half red wine vinegar and water to the pot and bring to a boil.
8:- Once it comes to a boil cook for 5 minutes then take off of heat and add about 1/2 of the garlic, dried oregano, chili peppers and fennel seeds to the bottom of the jars.
9:- Add the eggplant with the liquid to the jars and tamp down with a wooden spoon adding the rest of the garlic, dried oregano, chili peppers and fennel seeds to the jars.
10:- Add oil (olive or canola oil your choice but Italians would use the olive oil).
11:- Use a butter knife and go around the inside rim of the jars to ensure no air pockets are in the jars.
12:- Seal and place in fridge preferably for a week or so to let the flavors blend.
This batch made about 3- 8oz jar....enjoy!
We're fortunate that we have an ethnic fruit and veggie market nearby where we can get eggplant year round for between 79 cents and 1.29 per pound so it's a very cost effective side dish.
Regards + HH
It's 83 degrees here today!
Yeah buddy. Thanks Uncle Bill. Freddy Mercury sure was the voice of Queen. After he died I knew they could never replace him in the band. I went to Middle school with a guy last name Queen....... he became very popular too. Lol