Fixed it for you! LOL!
I'm talking with folks in my area to purchase some deer meat this season.
I still have my Mom's meat grinder, that was once my Grandmother's and....
I'm a hoarder.
"My name is Scott and I'm a hoarder."
"Hello, Scott...."
I watched a couple of shows recently, and.....
Maybe not so bad as to be on the TV show....
Because I also collect cigar boxes, smaller boxes to fit into them, and.......
Bags! I love ziplock bags. Of all sizes...
Compartment containers? I buy every one that I see at thrift stores!
I have coins sorted into smaller matchboxes in cigar boxes.....
I'm an "Organized Hoarder!"
...forgive my digression....
I have a pretty good recipe for deer jerky...
I'll post a picture of the vintage meat grinder soon.....
My Best,
View attachment 1398051
(one of MANY cigar boxes....)
Another example of cigar box usage....
View attachment 1398062
Any takers for "Executor of my Estate?" Might pay well.....Sheesh! I don't even have a will.
Guess I can forget about livin' forever....
By the way, the distinct flavor of this recipe lies within the anise.
You see, anise is the flavor used for licorice!
If you do not wish the alcohol, find some star of anise in the spice aisle of your market.
A little dab'l do ya...
Wonder how this would work as a substitution for anise.....