Scott= Jah-sike. ( cross between Jurassic and Ga. Psych with an improvised dialect.) Ahem.
Shelter in place! Was going to warn you to squirrel an extra ramen and can of sardines for the cold headed your way.
I went grocery shopping in advance..( in theory , " did you get butter?" Huh? Ummm ,so margarine from the gas station).
The usual staples including dogfood , coffee , ect. No beer. ( What!).
So , all set right?
Why my girlfriend has to try to drive yesterday...
So ,out in the zero F windchill playing battery switcheroo.
Ice fishing would be better. Plus a single beer would chill nicely while at it.
Careful all not accustomed to a hint of winter. A quality blanket can be a help outdoors if short on outerwear. Even better indoors.
If you would be so kind as to point your fan north...It's 83 degrees here today!
USFS: Stay out of Chattahoochee National Forest, off A... |
Guess that is that....
Sorry, uncle Bill, I hate eggplant
Started up a batch of marinated eggplant....first step is peel and slice about 1/4" or so thick salt liberally and weigh down overnight with some food tins tomorrow step 2 will be the processing and placing in jars....I'll post up the recipe tomorrow if anyone would like to try it.
Regards + HH
Yes please! I'd like that recipe.
You just haven't tried the right version yet....this is an authentic Italian recipe and as we know the Italians love their food.
Regards + HH