You let the smoke out of it. Not good.
Your likely icing it ,that don't cut the pain out though.
My worn knee is throbbing just reading about yours.
Maybe call the Doc. again .
Depending on insurance they often want to approve non office visits first ,but with after your Docs office hours situations , or emergencies , policies vary.
If you go to an E.R. be prepared to be patient time wise. Better than not being prepared and being there a while ,just in case.

Yeah not good. I'm really trying to stick it out to avoid ER as the cost is much higher. What makes it even worse is all my vehicles are stick shift. Left knee so it's going to be interesting just getting there.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Ya, I'm all about auto trannys.
Don't tell anyone but there was a couple weeks I had to grab the top of my pantleg to raise my only leg off the gas to swing it onto brake...
A clutch ..ummm nope. Not even a fine tuned engine could help me. But I was a grinder usually anyway with a stick.

Ya, I'm all about auto trannys.
Don't tell anyone but there was a couple weeks I had to grab the top of my pantleg to raise my only leg off the gas to swing it onto brake...
A clutch ..ummm nope. Not even a fine tuned engine could help me. But I was a grinder usually anyway with a stick.

Yeah, I've always had sticks, only exception was wife's car up until a few years ago. After loosing two automatics in two different vehicles ( dodge caravan, Dodge Durango) I bought her a Honda Civic with a cvt transmission. Honda fixed that transmission twice, third failure I traded it while it still drive for a new Subaru with a stick. It took a while but she learned to drive stick. Right now I wish we had one automatic.

Man that's tough driving like you had to!

I'm a wimp with medical stuff, this is certainly going to be interesting, I can't even get comfortable and it hurts just trying to move a little. Wife put some icy hot stuff on it after icing, and wrapped it in some sort of blue veterinary tape like an ACE bandage...

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

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A lot of different possibilities for your wronged knee.
Worse you won't heal as fast like you did a decade ago.
No work a while.

Should have stuck with fart sounds at home...:laughing7:

A lot of different possibilities for your wronged knee.
Worse you won't heal as fast like you did a decade ago.
No work a while.

Should have stuck with fart sounds at home...:laughing7:

Yeah you ain't kidding. I should've known better as I should have stuck to clinging to wall! I wasn't horsing around or anything, just inexperienced. At least the kids had fun. His buddy's are good kids and I couldn't be more grateful that he has really good friends.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Yeah you ain't kidding. I should've known better as I should have stuck to clinging to wall! I wasn't horsing around or anything, just inexperienced. At least the kids had fun. His buddy's are good kids and I couldn't be more grateful that he has really good friends.

Really hoping no surgery required. I've never had surgery other than oral.
I bought a circular buffer today at harbor freight tools this morning with plans of getting s jump start on the boat. Was going to try to remove all the oxidation from the fiberglass and make her shine again. Looks like that project is dead in water along with the baseboards at least for awhile...
Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

You might need a ride in the morning. Cab ,or dial a ride.
A pair of crutches..
Hang in there.
I got to cut out, the chaos here is starting up.

Have a good night. Thanks

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Did the knee lock up, or is it popping or catching? Where in the knee- inside, outside, under the cap down in the knee? What kind of pain sharp or constant and dull. I'm somewhat of a knee expert, unfortunately, 4 scopes, 1 replacement and next week I'm getting the replacement rebuilt. If its popping, catching, or locking up it will more than likely be a miniscus disk tear. If it is a sharp constant pain in the joint especially when you put weight on it and you heard a pop, it's probably your ACL. Elevate, Ice, anti inflammatory's. Good luck hope it's just a sprain.

Did the knee lock up, or is it popping or catching? Where in the knee- inside, outside, under the cap down in the knee? What kind of pain sharp or constant and dull. I'm somewhat of a knee expert, unfortunately, 4 scopes, 1 replacement and next week I'm getting the replacement rebuilt. If its popping, catching, or locking up it will more than likely be a miniscus disk tear. If it is a sharp constant pain in the joint especially when you put weight on it and you heard a pop, it's probably your ACL. Elevate, Ice, anti inflammatory's. Good luck hope it's just a sprain.

It aches right now no matter what, the pain is really bad if I try to bend it, or any force other than staying perfectly still. The pain feels like it's under knee cap in middle of joint. I haven't heard it pop, but I've pretty much kept it straight since it happened but my knees crunch and snap all the time anyways. Only way I can put any weight on it is by keeping my leg perfectly straight, pain is still there but less that way.
Sounds like you've had just about anything that can be done to knees! Was there much pain after surgery? Leave much for scarring?

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

My meniscus is split. Surgeon made two small slits below knee cap and cleaned it out ,trimmed rough pieces off . Used as needed the first day , then used near normal after.
It won't heal completely ,lack of blood flow in older bodies ,despite my youthful appearance.8-)
When it gets stiff ,by swinging it forward and back it will pop and relieve it quite a bit. No lock up though.
Originally it felt like it had been tackled the wrong direction.
Or like a vertical double pointed nail was holding bones together instead of cartilage when putting weight on it.
A.C.L. a whole nother critter .....a very common injury but varied in amount of damage if other knee components are affected. ....hope that's not your case.
You will know soon.
Stay positive and try not to stress.


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My meniscus is split. Surgeon made two small slits below knee cap and cleaned it out ,trimmed rough pieces off . Used as needed the first day , then used near normal after.
It won't heal completely ,lack of blood flow in older bodies ,despite my youthful appearance.8-)
When it gets stiff ,by swinging it forward and back it will pop and relieve it quite a bit. No lock up though.
Originally it felt like it had been tackled the wrong direction.
Or like a vertical double pointed nail was holding bones together instead of cartilage when putting weight on it.
A.C.L. a whole nother critter .....a very common injury but varied in amount of damage if other knee components are affected. ....hope that's not your case.
You will know soon.
Stay positive and try not to stress.

View attachment 1282522

Sounds like you've had your share of knee issues too.
Family doctor thinks I tore cartilage and will need surgery. I have a appointment with a specialist Friday. In the meantime I now have a knee immobilizer I have to wear.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Hey that will be fun to wear.
On the toilet , tying your left shoe ,picking up a dropped pain killer before the dog grabs it...swimming in Florida ,ect...

Now you need something to keep your self from getting bored a while. Crochet maybe? :skullflag:

Well son of a biscuit eater...... I don't post a little bit and Dram goes and does a 2GF .... Well I'm smart enough not to skate! Haha. Damn buddy that sucks...sorry to hear about this. Yeah see that specialist soon. Wish the best for you friend!!!

Yeah, this ain't going to be fun. At least I'm going to get some reading done. I'm really hoping doctor is wrong and it's going to get better. Lol, I prefer knitting!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

That damn ground has a PK of 1.......probable kill..... Gravity always wins!!! Hey you guys watching this great new Treasure hunting diving show on History Channel it's called Billion Dollar Wreck.... It's a good show. Better than that Oak Island crap

Well son of a biscuit eater...... I don't post a little bit and Dram goes and does a 2GF .... Well I'm smart enough not to skate! Haha. Damn buddy that sucks...sorry to hear about this. Yeah see that specialist soon. Wish the best for you friend!!!

Yeah, I never skate. I'm always the cautious one, I look like a kid, but I sure don't move like one! Lol

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

That damn ground has a PK of 1.......probable kill..... Gravity always wins!!! Hey you guys watching this great new Treasure hunting diving show on History Channel it's called Billion Dollar Wreck.... It's a good show. Better than that Oak Island crap

I've seen the trailer for it, not sure history will unlock it. I only stream my tv. I am watching a ship wreck show right now though, Secrets of he Deep

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

I hope you guys are OK. My knees still seem to do alright...carrying 275 lbs.....long skinny legs, you think the knees would be screamin' for mercy!!:icon_scratch: But...I was holding a coil nailer...extended way out to the left (trying to nail fast) with my left arm, and my elbow felt like it was shot!. It won't heal,:BangHead: I think I have "tennis elbow" In my younger years I got the same pain in my right elbow, swinging a hammer all day. I would use the left arm for hammer duties and after a few days right elbow felt much better...

Yeah man jumping out of anything that flys for 30 years was fun.....I didn't think about growing old. Blew the left ankle on a freaking beautiful static line drop at Bragg back in the day. Full moon, light winds, let down my ruck and landed on it "Snapped my left ankle, knee later on. I think I'm 2 inches shorter, helo crashes, back pain Hell yea I'm glad to be ALIVE my friends!!!!

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