There were "Contents."

I will contact my LEO Friend for info.
Until then.....




I thought I said, "Final Post about the safe...."


Scott here's one we used when I was in Recon And Surveillance. NSTR....... Basically real quick STFU and get off the radio do you know that one brother?

"Roger that you Sierra Hotel. Over!" :laughing7:



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Mando lin!!
Lets play a song or three...
If someone can find a better version...Post it bro!

Perhaps not a better version of that tune, but..
"Close yer eyes and enjoy the sweet music of a mandolin."
I suggest BLUEGRASS!

Let's hear some a that 'bout now, what you say?

Shore 'nuff!



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I keep saying..Chicken pot...Chicken pot...Chicken pot PIE!!!
A line fro m a movie? a song? I cannot remember...

Close to the price of ramen....

Thanks for not for getting into my head, thinkin' about ideas for hot, cheap and easy meals.

For a "Confirmed" bachelor.
Never say never.
Never say always.
One example shown to be different proves your infallibility of premise....

SAY WHAT!? :dontknow:

Where's Scott off to now? This weekend? "Lord knows......"

How 'bout you?

Spring is near!
Plant some crops and see what comes up....

Drive to the country.

Get out...
Take a deep breath.....

Smell the smell of Life!



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With all this talk of boats lately, I had to watch Captain Ron tonight. I'd never saw it until tonight. For an old movie, it was great!
There's something to be said for old boats, and there's even more to be said about just sailing around with no particular place to go...

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Can't do just one Dr. Hook, it just wouldn't be right:


TGF- I wish I would of thought of this one for you last week!

I'm off to studyland.

Won't you come along?

Feel me?



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It's going to be a long night, my son has two friends over and all three boys are one upping themselves with downloaded fart sounds! I didn't provoke it I swear!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Oh Dram yes you did start that! In the movie Captain Ron they sailed. Beautiful 51 foot Formosa...... Beautiful wasn't she?

Watching it right now, second time! Lol

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Well today we buried Grandaddy. I HATE funerals..... I've decided I'm not going to my own, I've been to too many

Hey guys, I might be in s real spot here. Today we took all three boys to Great Skates in Bangor for some roller blading. Well with about ten minutes left before they shut the rink down I fell and really hurt my knee. It made a loud popping sound as the roller blade rolled across floor and steered my foot pretty much backwards. It's swollen up now and excruciating pain. I'm really hoping I didn't do some major damage. I'm heading to doctor in morning as the doctor advised me to do. I'm thinking I should've just gone to ER instead. Wow this hurts...

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

You let the smoke out of it. Not good.
Your likely icing it ,that don't cut the pain out though.
My worn knee is throbbing just reading about yours.
Maybe call the Doc. again .
Depending on insurance they often want to approve non office visits first ,but with after your Docs office hours situations , or emergencies , policies vary.
If you go to an E.R. be prepared to be patient time wise. Better than not being prepared and being there a while ,just in case.

Ouch again..

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