bill from lachine
Platinum Member
Lighthouse Family - Free
Lighthouse Family - Free
Woo hoo! I just finished installing the floor in that little bedroom I'm working on. Now I just need to make some baseboard. I can feel Florida getting closer! Lol
Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!
Houseboats are still awesome. Problem is this one is land locked in Tennessee .......wait.....they'd never expect to find me there..... Hehehe
Very Nice!
Are the baseboards gonna be the same stain as the window casement and door and trim?
What a day!
Final post about the safe.
I got it open.
The mechanism shown earlier is not even like what this safe had.
NO FENCE for the gates! A straight open gates to the bolt lever.
Therefore, the first hole I drilled and got numbers, wasn't in the right location.
After about 5 more holes drilled, not knowing the mechanism, I found the sweet spot!
Did I mention that this is the first safe I have ever drilled?
Here's some pics and I'll try to describe what they show...
View attachment 1281452
Here is the safe open and cleaned up a bit.
View attachment 1281453
The cover inside on the door that shows the mechanism and how you change the combination.
View attachment 1281454
Cover removed showing the bolt extended and the wheels. You can also see some of the other places that I drilled.
View attachment 1281455
Wheels lined up. I now now the combination!
View attachment 1281456
Pop-riveted the face plate back on and put the dial back on and I now have another nice fire safe for FREE!
SNAFU ........ Remember that one?
Well done Scott! Free is always best!
Yes baseboards are going to be pine and stained like the door and window casing. Simple in design as the house is rustic decor.
I'll post a picture of some baseboard in another room I have done a little later.
Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!
Lol! Here's a boat to make a fast getaway with! Lol
Gotta love the diesels!
Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!
Ovations are a tuff find here in small town USA. I have worked on gits from Coos Bay OR (100 miles away) Eureka CA (about 100 miles south)
And medford area (100 miles away)
ovation? sure. very few, peeps seem to hang on to them. What model Ovation?
Speaking of ovations.....heh......
Umm... I just might....
May I quote you?
Tailored a bit to my particular vein of humor....Including the mention of paddles and ritualistic procedures....
View attachment 1278046
"Did someone mention, "Taylor?"
If bail needed, please respond....
View attachment 1278045
"Andy, you just have to get Scott out of jail.
I'm sure that he wasn't getting loaded in a "No Loading Zone!"
Thank, RC, for the only real laugh that I've had all week.
You do not get special clues!
Thank you for NOT asking.... Huh?
English and Composition.
The first class I took to decide if I could earn a Degree.
I paid all of Tuition, Fees and book costs from my own pocket, Delivering Pizzas.
Now, here I am Today!
Where will I be Tomorrow?
Where will you be tomorrow?
Where will any of us be tomorrow?
My Best,
"Welcome To The Club"
Standin' in the runway,
Wavin' at the plane...
There goes everything you own.
You called home collect
And they didn't know your name.
Starin' at the telephone....
You thought he was a doctor,
Now he says he's not,
But the voices seem to tell for sure.
And according to the symptoms
It isn't all you got;
A shame they haven't found a cure.
Didn't know the reason
You start to feel the rub
You know it isn't easy
Well, welcome to the club
Well, you thought they'd take it lightly
They're actin' kinda rash...
Caught you in a loadin' zone!
So they smile very politely,
Relieved you of your cash!
Suddenly you're all alone....
You play the double agent
You bug eachother's phone
You got the place surrounded
There ain't nobody home
It's gettin' hard to please 'em
You start to feel the rub
You know it isn't easy
Well, welcome to the club
Come on and join us in the club
Mando lin!!
Lets play a song or three...
If someone can find a better version...Post it bro!
Scott YOURE KILLING ME MAN what's in the SAFE?