Well I am sitting at my 13 y/o first baseball game. This year he moved up to the Juniors. You know, the big field, where you can lead off and steal. He's fast. He plays anywhere they put him. Kind of like his pops. He's like an octopus behind homeplate, but we have a few catchers. I'm guessing he'll start center field.....he's just an athlete!!!! 7 minutes to game time, now where's my popcorn ??? This was when I started loving baseball well I always did, but this is AWESOME!!!!!

Sorry for not getting on sooner, it's been one of those days of putting out fire after fire. Dang Diesel not good, it sounds a lot like your ACL to me. The surgery have come light years in just the past 15 years alone. There is also some laser stuff that is new that is supposed to be incredible on the healing time. More than likely they will send you in for an MRI. There is no set time for recovery, everyone is different, I had one miniscus repair were I was back at it in 6-8 weeks another was darn near 6 months all depends on what they find when they get in there. Best advice is get the best rehab physical therapist you can. They can make all the difference in the world. If all they want to do is Ice and stim, followed up by a massage get another quick. Find one that will work it, it will cut the healing time way way down. If there is arthritis or any cartledge loss look into the microfracturing as opposed to bone shaving. Always better to add to the bone rather than take away. Good luck man, feel free to holler if you need some info or advice.

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Sorry for not getting on sooner, it's been one of those days of putting out fire after fire. Dang Diesel, sounds a lot like your ACL to me. The surgery have come light years in just the past 15 years alone. There is also some laser stuff that is new that is supposed to be incredible on the healing time. More than likely your they will send you in for an MRI. There is no set time for recovery, everyone is different, I had one miniscus repair were I was back at it about 6-8 weeks another was darn near 6 months. Best advice is get the best rehab physical therapist you can. They can make all the difference in the world. If all they want to do is Ice and stim, followed up by a massage get another quick. Find one that will work it, it will cut the healing time way way down. If there is arthritis or any cartledge loss look into the microfracturing as opposed to bone shaving. Always better to add to the bone rather than take away. Good luck man, feel free to holler if you need some info or advice.

Thanks, I really appreciate everyone's help and advice. I go to see a specialist Friday, my family doctor believes I tore some cartilage. I just spoke with my aunt who is a strong believer in homeopathic medicine. She suggested taking Arnica as well. Does anyone have experience with that? The reviews on Amazon sound promising. I need the healing time to be quick! Lol
I will ask doctor about the microfracturing, bone shaving sounds miserable for sure.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Woo hoo! I just finished installing the floor in that little bedroom I'm working on. Now I just need to make some baseboard. I can feel Florida getting closer! Lol

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!
High temps in low 80's for the next 10 days...Woo Hoo!

High temps in low 80's for the next 10 days...Woo Hoo!

Lol! I wish I was down there right now. I'd have never gone skating if I was!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Hey guys, I might be in s real spot here. Today we took all three boys to Great Skates in Bangor for some roller blading. Well with about ten minutes left before they shut the rink down I fell and really hurt my knee. It made a loud popping sound as the roller blade rolled across floor and steered my foot pretty much backwards. It's swollen up now and excruciating pain. I'm really hoping I didn't do some major damage. I'm heading to doctor in morning as the doctor advised me to do. I'm thinking I should've just gone to ER instead. Wow this hurts...

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

ice ice and more ice and an antinflammatory like ibuprofen

Well I am sitting at my 13 y/o first baseball game. This year he moved up to the Juniors. You know, the big field, where you can lead off and steal. He's fast. He plays anywhere they put him. Kind of like his pops. He's like an octopus behind homeplate, but we have a few catchers. I'm guessing he'll start center field.....he's just an athlete!!!! 7 minutes to game time, now where's my popcorn ??? This was when I started loving baseball well I always did, but this is AWESOME!!!!!

Did you say Center Field?


wow you guys make me feel young and healthy

We won!!! 16-1 !!!! We used 1 pitcher all night. They used 5 !!!! Yeup Centerfield. Normally he plays catcher but we have 5 catchers !

Awesome! Tell them well done!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Thanks he says thanks!

Hey everybody turn on the History channel. 1000 -1100 it's that show Billion Dollar Wreck I love this show. Wish I was diving there helping out!

Hey everybody turn on the History channel. 1000 -1100 it's that show Billion Dollar Wreck I love this show. Wish I was diving there helping out!

I'm going to see if I can get it off their app

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

I'm going to see if I can get it off their app

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

That sucks, all episodes are locked unless subscriber.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Bummer bro

Yeah it sucks lol. But I'll see it eventually. I'm just to cheap to pay for Safelite or cable. We've used Ricky for a couple years now.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

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