
He couldn't because most of his military career is highly classified and he'd have to kill if you read

Regards + HH


Hey Jeff:
You know this guy?


Oh yeh!!!..........


Well ...guess I'm done plowing snow for a while.
Slid the truck sideways down hill inbetween two stumps.
Dug it out three or four times and it keeps sliding down hill till I'm nearly touching a tree ,with a stump up front and one rear.

Jeff funny you should ask that . You are the second person this week to ask me that same question . I have thought about writing a book but I don't think many would read it. I do however have a title in mind. If I ever wrote a book I would call it " Sympathy for the Devil " yeah let that sink in for a few minutes........thanks friend.

Well ...guess I'm done plowing snow for a while.
Slid the truck sideways down hill inbetween two stumps.
Dug it out three or four times and it keeps sliding down hill till I'm nearly touching a tree ,with a stump up front and one rear.

Man, that's no fun. We need pictures though!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Got it out.
I did not even think of is still in a hunting coat.... somewhere. Probably frozen in the truck.
You'll have to picture a one legged guy with an army shovel digging out multiple times.
Found two more stumps. One was blocking a rear wheel. I dug some holes for sure.
The neighbor girl helped shovel the only path forward while hitting yet another stump.
Rear end cover thumped the stump in the rear of truck a few times.
I drove over two or three stumps with tires ,,drifted closer to the standing maple but did not have to fold the mirror in. It would have folded any way but did not want to acknowledge that one more slide would not be good.
Wrecker friend was heading hours north to pull another garbage truck out. Friend with tractor(and better chainsaws than mine) is out of state at a meeting.
Then he had a road grader waiting for a second pull out...
My neighbors yard is now about ready for planting though.
A game of inches getting out. Twas much easier drifting in.
I wiped the mud off the windshield and can see good now.:thumbsup:

Jeff funny you should ask that . You are the second person this week to ask me that same question . I have thought about writing a book but I don't think many would read it. I do however have a title in mind. If I ever wrote a book I would call it " Sympathy for the Devil " yeah let that sink in for a few minutes........thanks friend.

you could make a deal to tell your story and let a pro write it up for ya

now, who would play you in the movie?? (ummmm clooney?)

Got it out.
I did not even think of is still in a hunting coat.... somewhere. Probably frozen in the truck.
You'll have to picture a one legged guy with an army shovel digging out multiple times.
Found two more stumps. One was blocking a rear wheel. I dug some holes for sure.
The neighbor girl helped shovel the only path forward while hitting yet another stump.
Rear end cover thumped the stump in the rear of truck a few times.
I drove over two or three stumps with tires ,,drifted closer to the standing maple but did not have to fold the mirror in. It would have folded any way but did not want to acknowledge that one more slide would not be good.
Wrecker friend was heading hours north to pull another garbage truck out. Friend with tractor(and better chainsaws than mine) is out of state at a meeting.
Then he had a road grader waiting for a second pull out...
My neighbors yard is now about ready for planting though.
A game of inches getting out. Twas much easier drifting in.
I wiped the mud off the windshield and can see good now.:thumbsup:

Yup, I know that feeling! Lol sucks when your axle deep and the water is rising!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

you could make a deal to tell your story and let a pro write it up for ya

now, who would play you in the movie?? (ummmm clooney?)

An old neighbor of mine who had two separate head injuries (on disability because of it) went through a divorce, six or seven serious car crashes, bad girlfriends, and on and on told me after he lost his house to foreclosure, he was going to buy a old Winnebago (like a 1973) and was going to just cruise around the country stopping at rest stops for the night and he was going to keep detailed notes about each stop. The notes were going to help him remember each stop so he could write a book detailing each one...the title of his book was to be "At Rest in America" lol!
Now that's a true story!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

For all you sports fans...

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Haha that's a good one Jeff who would play me in a movie? Hhhmmmm Clooneys a good choice. I'm in my 50's but yet to have gray hair, but a full head of hair ( thanks grandpa) Hugh Jackman? Keanu Reeves? Jason Statham maybe...... All can be the quiet types in their movies. Believe it or not, around folks, I'm quiet, keep to myself.But none have Southern accents like me

Haha that's a good one Jeff who would play me in a movie? Hhhmmmm Clooneys a good choice. I'm in my 50's but yet to have gray hair, but a full head of hair ( thanks grandpa) Hugh Jackman? Keanu Reeves? Jason Statham maybe...... All can be the quiet types in their movies. Believe it or not, around folks, I'm quiet, keep to myself.But none have Southern accents like me

Southern accent? Matthew McConaughey!

Yeah I thought of him he'd work. Thanks. I guess I need to start the screen play huh? Haha

Yeah what was that chick in "Fools Gold?" She could be my wife...Kate Hudson... Haha

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Releventchair, here's a funny video for you!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

I'm at three minutes..he's high centered and a total non logical....
Geez , hope I never see his vehicle for sale...
Wow ! What a hot head!
Great narration in the vid..

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I'm at three minutes..he's high centered and a total non logical....
Geez hope I never see his vehicle for sale...

I think he even drops his cell phone and runs over it! Lol

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Ya he is defiantly P.O.ed beyond max.

Snow was like this video today.(I'm not too sure what the heck they are doing .. plus they gotta turn the yellow traction lite on top of the cab on firstly.:thumbsup: Hmmmm..... Maybe I better get one of them.) Similar depth, well around 11 inches anyway and when compacted turned to Crisco too like they were doing.
I usually knock out where I'm headed before driving in it , or clear an area to pull snow into ect. but slid into unplowed area,with attendant obstacles , due to right front being off compacted drive (again) riding the sloped ground into , someplace I need to stay out of..:laughing7:
Folks in Florida are missing out on some quality entertainment. Ain't going to miss it though are ya...

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