Silver Member
Whoa...... So that's what happened to that bottle of Jack Daniels..... Hehehe........
My 9 y/o grandson was born 3 months early. He weighed 1 pound. He was in the Neonatal ICU for 3 months. Several times the family was called together to say good bye. He is my best friend. I am his biggest pal and protector. We knew there would be developmental issues and there are. I hate labeling children. It wasn't until the second grade did he decide he was left handed. Remember he failed kindergarten, but they waited until the last semester to make that determination. School is hard for him. I am his teacher, his advocate, his mentor. I go to bat for him. I do homework with him when he breaks pencils because he don't want to be there. I take him to tutoring. I am the face his school knows...... His dad when he was around use to slap him in the head homework time. He tried it in front of me I grabbed his hand said if you touch that child, I'll break your arm!!!!!! He is dyslexic. He has dyscalculia....... I'm tired of being nice to his teacher. One damn thing I'm good at is research. I'm about to let his school, his teacher and the principal have it!!!!!!!!! Sent a note home last night quiz tomorrow on 5 times tables..... SORRY YOU CANT DO THAT WITHOUT PREPARING HIM!!!!! Damn school system what's their purpose? Stump the dummy ? Ok we can play this game, not my boy....,,,,,,,,
Your post got me to thinking of my childhood days in school.
Being left handed.
In the early 60's.
I came home crying one day,
because the Teacher said I am not allowed to write with my left hand any more.
Let me tell you that my Mom and I went to the school the next day and she demanded a meeting with the Teacher AND the Principal!
She said, "You leave my Son to write however he wishes to write!"
I was never admonished about being left-handed again!
I went so far as to learn how to write with my left hand and draw with my right hand.
At the same time....
Anyway, I thought of my younger school days and dug deep.
WAY back in my files....
I found report cards from my youth. Nearly complete through High School....
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While I was in Scott's archive, I found some stubs of concerts and such....
Sad. The Volunteer Jam I had a pair of tickets but no one to take.....
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I also found other past mementos,
Like the first time I donated 12+ inches of naturally curly hair to Locks of Love!
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Here is an inventory of weapons I gave an auction estimate for a collector a few years ago.....
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Culling through the archives is pleasant; Remembering the past.
It can be painful....
My Mom's original Birth Certificate.
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I'm sure that further search in the "archives" would produce her Death Certificate and I should discontinue further perusal at this time.
Ticket stubs....
Steve Miller, Styx & REO or Heart in Topeka,
where Phred Phelps and his clan were protesting.
I'm sure I've told the story before.....
We rode in to Topeka on my Bike.....
Back in 2000....
Heart it is!
For Carol.
I miss you....
My Best Wishes,
Scott, that is a good thing to do sometimes. However I find thinking about my past leaves me feeling sad about the things I have lived through, so I usually try to only think to the future or the few happy memories I do have.
Thanks for sharing this.
Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!
Yada, yada, yada....Whoa...... So that's what happened to that bottle of Jack Daniels..... Hehehe........
No child is stupid..... Like I always say no bad crews only bad leaders
Ah! The vile ramen is always ready......
Your Dinner?
Pasta, I hope....
Screw my dreams.....
You sure about all that, Boss?
Nah. But Let's play it though, Son.....