As some of you may remember, I have been going through orthodontic treatment for severally crooked teeth. I have root resorption on both my front two teeth and need a implant on the lower teeth. Had a routine cleaning the other day and was informed one of my front teeth is rapidly being destroyed and will soon need to be extracted, along with needing a bone graft from s cadaver and placing a implant. My general dentist estimated about $5000 to complete this. Not only does the cost scare me but the whole procedures does as well. This really sucks...
Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!
Started on my teeth around forth grade. Crooked sure, but one grew where a tooth shouldn't as well.
Sixteen extractions and braces resulted in twenty four teeth.
Many decades later...too many fights didn't help I'm sure, and sugar mainly, left missing teeth on each side to make chewing a new challenging sport..
Any way.
The eighth of Nov. I had an implant put in to replace a canine/eye tooth. I go back Feb.(?) for a torque test on it and if secure then on to a fake tooth.
A couple days of Motrin and the heat went out of the implant after seven or eight days.
Just local anesthesia ,a quarter inch hole maybe drilled and the implant screwed in and a cap screwed onto it to cover,left exposed.
Other types the gums are closed over while healing. Likely in a graft.
Bone grafting will lengthen time of project..
A friend had his upper front teeth all studded in his twenties (hit by car years ago) and results were great.
Bone strength and integrity the base needed.
I've debated dentures...
In time I'll have an anchor with this stud, as an option should dentures be required.