DR said he impacted a wall in gym class...... I said I bet that gym wall is still standing meaning he has issues...... But that wall don't! Well she called me for about 2 minutes last night. I thought she would be home today...... Oh no..... They are going to Ensenada Mexico, won't be home til late Monday night...... I'm beginning to think that woman don't like me ..... Oh well, basketball game soon and we bought some new lures headed to a new place after some bass all day tomorrow and NO GRIPING!!!!!! Hehe

As some of you may remember, I have been going through orthodontic treatment for severally crooked teeth. I have root resorption on both my front two teeth and need a implant on the lower teeth. Had a routine cleaning the other day and was informed one of my front teeth is rapidly being destroyed and will soon need to be extracted, along with needing a bone graft from s cadaver and placing a implant. My general dentist estimated about $5000 to complete this. Not only does the cost scare me but the whole procedures does as well. This really sucks...

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Started on my teeth around forth grade. Crooked sure, but one grew where a tooth shouldn't as well.
Sixteen extractions and braces resulted in twenty four teeth.
Many decades later...too many fights didn't help I'm sure, and sugar mainly, left missing teeth on each side to make chewing a new challenging sport..
Any way.
The eighth of Nov. I had an implant put in to replace a canine/eye tooth. I go back Feb.(?) for a torque test on it and if secure then on to a fake tooth.
A couple days of Motrin and the heat went out of the implant after seven or eight days.
Just local anesthesia ,a quarter inch hole maybe drilled and the implant screwed in and a cap screwed onto it to cover,left exposed.
Other types the gums are closed over while healing. Likely in a graft.

Bone grafting will lengthen time of project..
A friend had his upper front teeth all studded in his twenties (hit by car years ago) and results were great.
Bone strength and integrity the base needed.

I've debated dentures...
In time I'll have an anchor with this stud, as an option should dentures be required.

My boy got his Dolphin project back yesterday. Out of 150 possible points, he received 150 points! The kids had to present their project before the class and answer questions. They do this to make sure the student actually worked on the project and not their parents. As we all know talking before a group of people is a huge phobia. Well he performed well. He participated in every process. I drilled him on questions, besides he knows a lot about dolphins. The ocean is his passion..... I wonder where he gets that from? I'm proud of him!!!!

I ordered my first "part" for my dive helmet! Ah yes. Ok I need some input from everybody. I have 2 options here. My dive helmet needs repainted so I've been thinking of taking it to an auto body shop ( one of our friends thru baseball is the owner) or calling a couple high schools and asking them where do they get their football helmets painted..... What do you guys think? Bueller, Bueller anyone, Bueller hahaha

Unless you are going to submerge with it , and your purpose instead will be using it as a display type item , I would not have it painted.
Used parts would be sought to compliment it's condition.
I understand gear to be used needs to be kept in prime condition but a worn piece for display I'd shoot for a "patina" of sorts.
Anybody can acquire a mint, refinished or unused one...

Airbrush folks that do custom painting on motorcycle gas tanks would be my choice if painting was the course decided upon.
A custom job of personal choice of subject or characters painted on would be worth the greater cost me anyway.

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I like your idea buddy. I just want it looking nice and shiny. It will never submerge again and now that you mention that I know a guy that builds motorcycles thanks!

Orders from headquarters

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Dang it!
You break ribs it will hurt for a month. Whiplash is never good either.
Hope nothing worsens for anyone and a relief all survived. Some one needs to keep an eye on every one a while.
Your sons condition?

Something like that wreck can make you gun shy about driving quite a while....

O f HQ

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Wow! TGF, I'm glad everyone is still with us. Car wrecks are always scary! A few years back my wife hydroplaned her minivan and hit a telephone pole resulting in a ruptured spleen. Intensive care for a week if I remember correctly.
Was the girl that hit you drunk? Texting? Hopefully has really good insurance...the truck is a minor issue in the big picture. Hopefully your sons neck is ok, that's some scary stuff for sure. How fast you think she was traveling?

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!


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Good night to all my wonderful friends that standby me. Where would I be without you all Scott?Patcat oh yeah she's still cruising not a worry in the world,,,,,,,, haha me neither right guys? Me too neither. Ok the migraine rules ....... G'night mates . Go see tomorrow what's left of my truck tonight we nurse the pain .......HOOOOOOYYYYAAAAHHHHHH GREENFEET

This war will never end......... For me. I don't know . I think she was doing over 60 in a 35. I was stopped. My son was stopped. This kid kept checking on me. I just wanted to be left alone . I was embarrassed after I realized I wasn't in Afghanisuck...... The older lady told me the younger kid had lost his father to a MVA a week ago. After she said that I couldn't find him. I wanted to hug him. No the lady said she was doing " a little over 60" the speed limit is 35. I'm still mad at myself that I couldn't do more for my family. Then I said I have to do something this is bad on all of us. I walked over and hugged both the ladies as well as the boy in hi early. 20's . I said " sometimes we don't know what gods plans are for us" the female cop took me aside and said I saw what you did and I know how upset you are. We need more caring people like you!" Maybe that's why it happened . Maybe that lady was having a horrible day and she saw that people do care . I don't know......she wasn't drunk, texting or whatever but honestly she wreaked of marijuana. How she got by with that is beyond me and her car went under my truck lifted us up then slammed us down. Her car was obviously totaled.

I think my frame is bent . DR if so what do you think about acF250 4 door diesel?????

I'd like a H2 Hummer or 4 door jeep with rag top. Any 4x4 of course. Any words of wisdom gang? I'm hurting here good night lads and ladies.

TGF, if frame is bent many times they can pull it back straight. Depends on how much other damage there is as to if its worth repairing. If it was mine and I had a choice I would say goodbye to it. It doesn't matter how good the shop is that repairs it, a vehicle that's been hit is never the same again. Even the paint will fade differently over time where it's been resprayed vs the original paint. Vehicle age plays a factor here...
Hmm a ford diesel. NO!!!! At least not one with a 6.0 or a 6.4 diesel (these have been out of production for a couple years now). The new Ford built diesel I can't say as I have yet to drive one. I haven't heard bad about them but I also haven't heard good either. I strongly believe the best option for a diesel in a pickup is the cummins found in the dodge trucks. Are we talking brand new? If not a second generation Dodge Ram with a twelve valve cummins is by far the very best choice...hands down.
Got any pictures of your truck?

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

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Called me a little while ago...........thought she was due in Saturday.......oh no, still have to visit Mexico. Wont be home until Monday..........


The wait makes the "patient spouse" secure! :thumbsup:



Scott, that is a good thing to do sometimes. However I find thinking about my past leaves me feeling sad about the things I have lived through, so I usually try to only think to the future or the few happy memories I do have.
Thanks for sharing this.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!


My past proves that I should not be alive today.

Suicide has been attempted more than once.
Yeah, I'm a failure....I'm still alive....

I once went "On the hunt" for Crack dealers in Wichita, Kansas with,
Ahem, several weapons....
(Now THAT'S a story, huh?)

I had went from not even knowing what crack looked like to being able to cook up an elbow at a time....


One early morning, I was sent to pick up....

Never mind.


Lost everything.

And was shot.

Sometimes, the past is painful....
But, Don't we learn?
Yeah. Didn't we learn....

Your Friend,


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I wish I had some words of wisdom for you....let's just hope that things work out ok for all involved.

Regards + HH


Thank you. Unfortunately my sorry ass had a GD flashback thought the loud noise and smash was another damn IED.....I grabbed my little buddy and threw him over my shoulder and ran towards a ditch told him not to move. The cops showed up...... I ran back grabbed another grandson and that's when my son and the cops started talking me down....... All I knew was I had to get everybody away from the threat....... Yeah......a GD flashback......I'm hurting man physically, emotionally. My son is waiting for an MRI on his neck, X-rays of his chest and one arm. Yes my friend praise The Lord on the surface we are all ok. Thank you so much for being my friend!!!!!!!

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I ordered my first "part" for my dive helmet! Ah yes. Ok I need some input from everybody. I have 2 options here. My dive helmet needs repainted so I've been thinking of taking it to an auto body shop ( one of our friends thru baseball is the owner) or calling a couple high schools and asking them where do they get their football helmets painted..... What do you guys think? Bueller, Bueller anyone, Bueller hahaha

I'm sorry to report that you have been gigged.

You have failed to present a suitable picture relevant to your post.
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"Mr. Bueller, are you paying attention?"

"Perhaps you will pay attention from now on, Son."

Let's say....A coupla thousand interweb points for punishment? :laughing7:

My Best,


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And tonight,
I enjoy Sushi that I made!
(Screw Ramen....)

(And Saki!)




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