Silver Member
My 9 y/o grandson was born 3 months early. He weighed 1 pound. He was in the Neonatal ICU for 3 months. Several times the family was called together to say good bye. He is my best friend. I am his biggest pal and protector. We knew there would be developmental issues and there are. I hate labeling children. It wasn't until the second grade did he decide he was left handed. Remember he failed kindergarten, but they waited until the last semester to make that determination. School is hard for him. I am his teacher, his advocate, his mentor. I go to bat for him. I do homework with him when he breaks pencils because he don't want to be there. I take him to tutoring. I am the face his school knows...... His dad when he was around use to slap him in the head homework time. He tried it in front of me I grabbed his hand said if you touch that child, I'll break your arm!!!!!! He is dyslexic. He has dyscalculia....... I'm tired of being nice to his teacher. One damn thing I'm good at is research. I'm about to let his school, his teacher and the principal have it!!!!!!!!! Sent a note home last night quiz tomorrow on 5 times tables..... SORRY YOU CANT DO THAT WITHOUT PREPARING HIM!!!!! Damn school system what's their purpose? Stump the dummy ? Ok we can play this game, not my boy....,,,,,,,,
My 9 y/o grandson was born 3 months early. He weighed 1 pound. He was in the Neonatal ICU for 3 months. Several times the family was called together to say good bye. He is my best friend. I am his biggest pal and protector. We knew there would be developmental issues and there are. I hate labeling children. It wasn't until the second grade did he decide he was left handed. Remember he failed kindergarten, but they waited until the last semester to make that determination. School is hard for him. I am his teacher, his advocate, his mentor. I go to bat for him. I do homework with him when he breaks pencils because he don't want to be there. I take him to tutoring. I am the face his school knows...... His dad when he was around use to slap him in the head homework time. He tried it in front of me I grabbed his hand said if you touch that child, I'll break your arm!!!!!! He is dyslexic. He has dyscalculia....... I'm tired of being nice to his teacher. One damn thing I'm good at is research. I'm about to let his school, his teacher and the principal have it!!!!!!!!! Sent a note home last night quiz tomorrow on 5 times tables..... SORRY YOU CANT DO THAT WITHOUT PREPARING HIM!!!!! Damn school system what's their purpose? Stump the dummy ? Ok we can play this game, not my boy....,,,,,,,,
In my research, much emphasis is placed on a 3 rd graders FSA reading test. You can not " opt out " however what he can do is open the test, sign his name, and return the test. He then is to ask to be removed from the others. He can not be pushed into testing he has now followed the letter of the law which is termed. " minimally participated" There are NO repercussions for him period. This can not be held against him in anyway. At the beginning of the school year I told his teacher he would not be participating in the FSA and directed her to open a portfolio which she did. His passing of the 3rd grade will be based on this portfolio which he has a current grade level of "B" and I too keep copies of all the work he does. Today his teacher informed me his multiplication tables are timed. He has 5 minutes to do the test. I reminded her that according to his IEP NO math tests will be timed....,,, I have hundreds of oarents backing me....,,, like a lawyer missy......ask an open ended question, but don't ask a question you don't know the answer too. These kids do homework every night and sometimes over the weekend and Holidays..... She informed me that she had sent me an email... I stopped her.. Xmas 'am did you send an email to me or an all call? Unless I answered it, there is no proof I received your email. Email Madame is NOT an effective form of communication, it is what some consider a convenient form of communication. Which means you send, I reply, we communicated. Which in this case did not happen... X sorry lady, you picked the wrong man to pick on..... See that? That's my ducks in a row !!!!!!
OMG !!!!! Where do you guys come up with this stuff? That my friend was a well needed laugh! Thank you....