I just registered this morning about 6:30 am for the final class for my Associates Degree.
A course in the Science and Math Section called,
"Geographic Information Science."
And the required "Lab."
Here's the course description overview from the online syllabus:
GISC 2011 - Geographic Information Science An introduction to the principles and applications of Geographic Information Systems that examines the accuracy and applications of geographic information including spatial analysis, data management, data visualization, and data retrieval. Emphasis is placed on the interdisciplinary nature of GIS and its relevance to society. The course involves hands-on computer exercises. Corequisite: GISC 2011L.
2.000 Credit hours
2.000 Lecture hours
Levels: Graduate - Semester, Undergraduate - Semester
Schedule Types: Lecture, Asynchronous Instruction
Science, Engineering, & Tech Division
Evironmental Spatial Analysis Department
I'm Feeling this about now...
One step closer to my goal of helping.....
Hope all have a great weekend!