I see that you choose an opening move, usually employed by White, that is commonly known as the "Fool's Mate" opening.

"Son, you ain't,
I say, you really ain't tryin'.....Are you, Boy?...."
"I get it now, Son... You're tryin' to play me for the Fool, right?"
Heh, Heh....
"I'm already, I say, I'm already a fool"
So, the joke is on you, Son!"
"Don't ya see it?"
"Sometimes inside information is a help...You payin' attention here, Son?"
"This, I say, this ought to be like shootin' fish in a barrel."
"That darn Boy, Scott, he's the only one that I know who needs a flashlight at noon.......Sheesh!"
Saxophone wins!

"Fetch me my shotgun, Jed."
"I see liberals. And wild rabbits for supper."
"I'm sure to hit one or two of 'em...."
"Hush, Jethro. Maybe I'll hit a moose fer ya. Now don't spoil my aim, boy!"
That boy, Scott, didn't eat glue or paste in kindergarten but instead ate dirt on the playground....ALWAYS hungry....."
Not really ate, but tasted, smelled and learned to identify the area's soil.
Within 1 mile.
Yeah. Always hungry.
For knowledge.
How well do you know your Hometown?
Within a mile?
Your Neighbors? NEXT DOOR?
Have you
REALLY "sampled" your home?
For reference and survival?
Have you tasted the soil?
The soil of America?
I have.
And still do......
Since you have chosen to acknowledge my notation preferences, how shall we choose whom is what color?
You DO want to play for the above mentioned stipulations, right?
you any rules that you wish to discuss before possible 'engagement?'
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"Take your time. All I have left is time...."
Have you ever check-mated with a lowly pawn?
I have....
Back about '68. At a sleep-over with 6-8 Friends.
I was the "nerd," but earned respect that night.....
And a few times since.....
"Insult to injury?" Your call.....
Hope you are well, my Brother!
This will be the first game I've played in over 10 years..Can't change the rules....
Only an adjustment of vision that is granted to
Decision-making skills?
Let's get it started!