1.Sharpshooter rifle
2. Expert grenade
3. US Army Signal Corps - Lapel
8. Air Assault wings - School at Ft Campbell Kentucky
9. US Lapel pin
20. !st Battalion, 4th Infantry Training command challengse coin
30. US Army Good Conduct Medal
Block of 4 left to Right - National Defense Service medal - Vietnam Service Medal (no reason for all the stars!!!!!!!), Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, REpublic of Vietnam Campaign Medal.........maybe Scott can help you with the others............time to get the boys ready for bed..................Air Assault is a School, look it up...........

Thank you! Someone mentioned to me 4 stars, 4 campaigns.


You obviously know your military stuff....and you, Scott and others have my utmost respect for the service you've done for your country you both should be proud...hats off sir.

Regards + HH


As I'm sitting here thinking to myself, the only reason those stars would be on thatVietnam medal is that person might be saying they served that many times in Vietnam. But that don't make sense to me........I don't have multiple medals for OIF/OEF that serve the same purpose

30 years my friends thank you.

Glad I could help some. I'll have to ask my dad if he got 2 Vietnam campaign medals. He did 2 tours.....Thank you Bill

I was thinking the stars, just the stars, were each for a campaign. They are removable. I was told at the garage sale that these medals/pins no one seemed to want, so they were included in a boxed lot. I think they are very interesting and as I research them...I'm also learning.

Yeah they are removable. I have a large "salad bowl" myself. So if you get a repeat medal, you get what's called a " device" like the stars or usually an oak leaf, or a "V" or silver oak leaf. For instance, most commanders during this war received a Bronze Star when they came home....... Sounds good huh? NOPE it's a misuse of what the medal stands for. In that case it really was a meritorious service medal in combat. As for me, the Bronze Star has a "V" device which means for valor..... And there's the major difference. I'm not a medal counter but I have quite a few medals, with a few repeats. When I wear my wings, and stuff they are almost on top of my shoulder..........but I was just doing my job. Chris Kyle was a hero. He had 5 Bronze Stars and 1 Silver Star...... Unheard of decorations for a sniper......,

This has to be one of the best singles ads ever printed. It appeared in The Atlanta Journal.

SINGLE BLACK FEMALE seeks companionship, ethnicity unimportant. I'm a very good looking girl who LOVES to play. I love long walks in the woods, riding in your pickup truck, hunting, camping and fishing trips, cozy winter nights lying by the fire. Candlelight dinners will have me eating out of your hand. I'll be at the front door when you get home from work! Call and ask for Daisy.

Over 15,000 men found themselves talking to the Atlanta Humane Society about an 8-week old black Labrador retriever.


Hey OV just got off the phone with my dad. Those stars show that person deployed to Vietnam 5 times, 1 for the actual medal, then once each per star!

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Hey one of the schools I went thru is on Discovery Channel right now. Combat Diver. It's on Surviving the's what busted my cahones and made me a Frogman!!!!!!!

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Well show was good, but things sure have changed since I went thru. Funny thing is they always show these courses likes it's a gentlemans course.......BS they ARE NOT. They are ball busters!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't think the public needs to know the training we go through, or the missions we do...... Just know that men stand ready to do Americas dirty work!

This has to be one of the best singles ads ever printed. It appeared in The Atlanta Journal.

SINGLE BLACK FEMALE seeks companionship, ethnicity unimportant. I'm a very good looking girl who LOVES to play. I love long walks in the woods, riding in your pickup truck, hunting, camping and fishing trips, cozy winter nights lying by the fire. Candlelight dinners will have me eating out of your hand. I'll be at the front door when you get home from work! Call and ask for Daisy.

Over 15,000 men found themselves talking to the Atlanta Humane Society about an 8-week old black Labrador retriever.


The T-net (political forum) is not that bad. You can cut loose...not bat **** crazy...but you can engage in political views/subjects.
I can deal with it. Some get carried away, but their passion drives them.

Third queen(thank you pawns) to sector 12.:headbang::headbang:
(Oregon Viking pours another Makers Mark...)

It was late in the evening.

In the evening....

Reminds me of Tet stories I heard from my Brothers who survived.........
Fire fights all night long....

{Y'all know I got this album. Pristine. For sale. Right? And I heard something about a shot of "Maker's Mark...." Where?}

How late?

Who can say?

If y'all know Scotty, it's all night long!


My Best Wishes,


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I see that you choose an opening move, usually employed by White, that is commonly known as the "Fool's Mate" opening.

"Son, you ain't,
I say, you really ain't tryin'.....Are you, Boy?...."

"I get it now, Son... You're tryin' to play me for the Fool, right?"
Heh, Heh....

"I'm already, I say, I'm already a fool"

So, the joke is on you, Son!"
"Don't ya see it?"

"Sometimes inside information is a help...You payin' attention here, Son?"

"This, I say, this ought to be like shootin' fish in a barrel."
"That darn Boy, Scott, he's the only one that I know who needs a flashlight at noon.......Sheesh!"

Saxophone wins!

"Fetch me my shotgun, Jed."

"I see liberals. And wild rabbits for supper."
"I'm sure to hit one or two of 'em...."

"Hush, Jethro. Maybe I'll hit a moose fer ya. Now don't spoil my aim, boy!"

That boy, Scott, didn't eat glue or paste in kindergarten but instead ate dirt on the playground....ALWAYS hungry....."

Not really ate, but tasted, smelled and learned to identify the area's soil.

Within 1 mile.

Yeah. Always hungry.
For knowledge.

How well do you know your Hometown?

Within a mile?

Your Neighbors? NEXT DOOR?

Have you REALLY "sampled" your home?

For reference and survival?

Have you tasted the soil?
The soil of America?

I have.
And still do......


Since you have chosen to acknowledge my notation preferences, how shall we choose whom is what color?

You DO want to play for the above mentioned stipulations, right?

Have you any rules that you wish to discuss before possible 'engagement?'

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"Take your time. All I have left is time...."

Have you ever check-mated with a lowly pawn?


I have....

Back about '68. At a sleep-over with 6-8 Friends.
I was the "nerd," but earned respect that night.....8-)

And a few times since.....

"Insult to injury?" Your call.....

Hope you are well, my Brother!



This will be the first game I've played in over 10 years..Can't change the rules....

Only an adjustment of vision that is granted to
Decision-making skills? :icon_scratch:


Let's get it started!


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This song...this guy...made me say, wait a minute let's learn to play that guitar son!!
Mr. knopfler inspired me as much as Hendrix, page, Clapton and Blackmore. I left out Van Halen, Randy Rhoads...but that is another story.

This is what dun it fer me, Brother!

The first time I played a 12-string felt magical!


"Live Life to the fullest, my Friend, and have no regrets!"



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So today my wife is leaving on another cruise. There's a hurricane out there! She's had the flu been very sick for over 12 days. They were headed for is the hurricane. Does she listen to me? NO. I've been taking care of her and the boys and dealing with my knucklehead kids that think I still owe them something...... So we just got word the cruise line is changing. Itineraries because of the hurricane...... And she's leaving me in a mess to deal with. Said her sisters paid for this for her up and coming birthday. I said yeah birthdays are so important to you, kind of like you didn't even get me a birthday card this year for mine! So go be selfish, have your fun...... And I'll keep taking care of the boys, making ALL their baseball games like I always do..... Maybe when you get back, the boys and I can just walk away for a week! Oh and she's on another cruise in November with her employer.......they'll miss me when I'm gone...... I've become everyone's punching bag, but I'll take it for the boys


At times you may feel like a punching bag,
But think of it as being a "Port in the Storm."

You show strength, leadership and wisdom.
Others look to you for guidance.
You certainly will never let them down.

That's why I call you, "Brother." :notworthy:

"Carry on, Soldier!"

My Respect and Best Wishes,


"Soldier! Private Scott, Come address the Colonel{name is security redacted}Properly!!"

(A FULL Bird!)
"So what?"

"Nah. I think not. Not today......"


Security issues were then discussed, among other topics.....

Representing myself.....18 years old....
Didn't want an article 15 on my record.....
So I went for broke....
{And WON!}

JAG was on standby.....

I know the UCMJ.

Wanna dance?
Seems like that's another story.....


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OK. Some of these, like the good conduct medal and the helicopter pin (for a pilot I assume) are obvious. I believe the large coin is a challenge coin? Noli Me Tangere is "Don't tread on me" ??

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What 2GF said.

Also, it looks like many Unit Crests,

If this one individual served under this many units,
He's Superman wearing an American Uniform! :notworthy:




I lost all during a nasty divorce and had to find replacements for my decorations and found everything I needed except unit crests and patches here...

Military Medals | Challenge Coins | Military Gear | MOA

Just saw in the latest catalog that I should have 2 more medals......:icon_scratch:

Be well, my Friend!


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#20 is 1st Battalion, 4th Infantry Division.

Hope this info and my Friend's, 2GF helps....



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Scott imagine those glasses..... And you went back in time to Dealey Plaza.......they would have locked you up!!

What do mean by, "Back in time?

Some of us have learned to master TIME!

Think about it.....Don't really need statistics here, Bubba....



Ever hear of "string theory?"

Early this morning, I found myself helping my locksmith Friend at his shop.

He had a new electronic console or some such to deal with about cutting "Tibbe" keys,
on a $10,000 High Security machine.


For Jaguars and such.....

We're cuttin' edge, Baby!

No one within 200 miles can do everything that we can do....

I kinda understand Tibbe concept.....



I'm an expert....
Yeah...I pay attention....

He also got a Tibbe rebuild kit and
I'm soon to learn how to disassemble and rebuild tibbe locks and ignitions.....


An older woman came in with a safe in her trunk.

Wanted it open.

Said there were papers and a pistol inside.

It was her husband's safe......
He recently died....

Yada, yada.....


It's a "dial" with a relocker key.

She tells me she hates safes and wants it open and will sell the safe.

I ask...$20-$25?

She asks how much to "open"

I say $20-$25.

We strike a deal.

Long story short,
I got a new safe for my growing coin and currency collections and.....




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