I was just saying. Imagine if you had your magic glasses and were in Dealey Plaza and were trying to warn of the impending assassination of JFK...... People would have thought you crazy.....but if you could have changed history.....I wonder. I'll go with my opening move, I thought you pushed your pawn out from your Rook so I will play as Black......let it play out, we'll see how it works haha
For you, my Friend,
And ALL Americans.
I can "Imagine."
"I can see the liberal dream through Conservative eyes....."
Perhaps why I was highly recruited for the High School Debate team...
can play 'The Devil's Advocate.'
(Ya need Glasses.....
Liberal issue.
Black frame.
THICK, rose-colored lenses...
Standard issue....)
Don't you see it, too?
See it now?
What does it take to be an "American?"
Oops! Politics...Can't have that now here, can we?
Yet, I CAN imagine, though, right?
To be a man?
To Stand,
And say, Yes! I'm a Vet, A Patriot and a Wolf Pack Member!
Veteran's day fast approaches....Nov. 11 this year?
Plan early, make a difference!
Shall we play Chess, Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit or the pursuit of life?
Or All at once?

"Yep. That Scott is a fighter, ain't he?
Too bad he never wins.....
Where the hell is his duct tape?"
{One day, his words will have meaning....pay attention}
I'm sure that you can relate.....
What shall it be?
Do you agree to the conditions?
Register and vote, Y'all!
Let's play some chess!
This Veterans Day, I will go once again to the Golden Corral, alone, and find another vet, alone, and share Blessings and a meal with a Brother MY Brother!
I have met and shared a meal with many of my Brothers the past few years.....