I was just saying. Imagine if you had your magic glasses and were in Dealey Plaza and were trying to warn of the impending assassination of JFK...... People would have thought you crazy.....but if you could have changed history.....I wonder. I'll go with my opening move, I thought you pushed your pawn out from your Rook so I will play as Black......let it play out, we'll see how it works haha

Wait let me go back and make sure that is a play black can make.

I'll play as black. What's your opening move? I'm ready? Thanks buddy for all the encouragement.

I was just saying. Imagine if you had your magic glasses and were in Dealey Plaza and were trying to warn of the impending assassination of JFK...... People would have thought you crazy.....but if you could have changed history.....I wonder. I'll go with my opening move, I thought you pushed your pawn out from your Rook so I will play as Black......let it play out, we'll see how it works haha

For you, my Friend,
And ALL Americans.
I can "Imagine."
clint 2.webp

"I can see the liberal dream through Conservative eyes....."
Perhaps why I was highly recruited for the High School Debate team...

I can play 'The Devil's Advocate.'

(Ya need Glasses.....
Liberal issue.
Black frame.
THICK, rose-colored lenses...
Standard issue....)

Don't you see it, too?


See it now?

What does it take to be an "American?"

Oops! Politics...Can't have that now here, can we?

Yet, I CAN imagine, though, right?

To be a man?

To Stand,
And say, Yes! I'm a Vet, A Patriot and a Wolf Pack Member!

Veteran's day fast approaches....Nov. 11 this year?

Plan early, make a difference! :thumbsup:

Shall we play Chess, Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit or the pursuit of life?

Or All at once?

red green6.webp
"Yep. That Scott is a fighter, ain't he?
Too bad he never wins.....
Where the hell is his duct tape?"

{One day, his words will have attention}

I'm sure that you can relate.....

What shall it be?
Do you agree to the conditions?

Register and vote, Y'all!


Let's play some chess!

This Veterans Day, I will go once again to the Golden Corral, alone, and find another vet, alone, and share Blessings and a meal with a Brother MY Brother!
I have met and shared a meal with many of my Brothers the past few years.....

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This game ought to be good!...:thumbsup:

By the way....ever played "jail- house" chess?

Yeah, a story there, for sure....

Perhaps lyrics for a song?

Where's my box?

Time to tune up.....



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I have never played jail house chess. But I have played chess with a USMC F18 fighter pilot. The last day before the war started, we shook hands, gave each other a hug as men preparing to go into the unknown of war can only do. We just nodded our heads and I said. "God be with us all" .....,,, and we parted company.

As gars as conditions, I'm not a betting man. How about a couple good rounds of chess between friends? I have my board at home set up so I can keep track of the moves.

Played chess, never excelled consistently, but that depends on opponents..... rusty stuff now though.
Moved two pawns out to allow bishops movement usually, to start.
Or a bishop and a knight.


The story of Scott and Chess.

When I was about 5, my Grandmother knew that,
"The Boy was different."

I can remember her asking me one Christmas morning after opening my gift of a chess set if I knew how to play.
She said that she "sure would like to play" but didn't know how.
Maybe I could teach her....(wink, wink)

Of course, I didn't know how to play chess at 5 years old.

But, when I was 6....

I'd take on all who set up the board!

My Best to All!


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So today my wife is leaving on another cruise. There's a hurricane out there! She's had the flu been very sick for over 12 days. They were headed for is the hurricane. Does she listen to me? NO. I've been taking care of her and the boys and dealing with my knucklehead kids that think I still owe them something...... So we just got word the cruise line is changing. Itineraries because of the hurricane...... And she's leaving me in a mess to deal with. Said her sisters paid for this for her up and coming birthday. I said yeah birthdays are so important to you, kind of like you didn't even get me a birthday card this year for mine! So go be selfish, have your fun...... And I'll keep taking care of the boys, making ALL their baseball games like I always do..... Maybe when you get back, the boys and I can just walk away for a week! Oh and she's on another cruise in November with her employer.......they'll miss me when I'm gone...... I've become everyone's punching bag, but I'll take it for the boys

Kinda reminds me of when my "Queen" worked for a Funeral Home.

Yeah. Divorced now, Thank You!

Seems everyone was dying to get a deal. :tongue3:

For real.

My last, and I mean my LAST wife worked for a funeral home.
Selling funerals, plots, etc.

Damn good money.
No lacking of customers....

Just have to appear sad all of the time, I guess....:dontknow:

Seems we just couldn't get along. Me and Her......

After she shot me.

Yeah. No profit in my death!

Yet, Benefits to my life!

King to Win! Always! Checkmate!

(perhaps I have given clues to my chess play.
Then again, perhaps I am Drunk......Your call, Hoss....)

Again, Fine Portuguese Port.....

As I communicate with others world-wide concerning swaps of coins....

Sorry...were we playing chess?



All at once?

OH Crap!!!

Is it my turn?
Umm....Which Game?



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Here's a tune for you....

My Friend, Bill...

I notice that you are always on the scene at the right time, with just the right tune. :notworthy:

How is it possible? :icon_scratch:

"I know!"

My Best Wishes,



I try to sneak in a tune once in a while to entertain the crew.

Regards + HH


OK. Some of these, like the good conduct medal and the helicopter pin (for a pilot I assume) are obvious. I believe the large coin is a challenge coin? Noli Me Tangere is "Don't tread on me" ??

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The pic of #1 and #2 are Qualifying Badges. #1 is "Sharpshooter " and #2 is "Expert." The highest qualification awarded.
I know.....
The exact same Decorations that I'm Authorized to wear.

Look on the back for markings.
Silver "markings" would indicate the years of that award...



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Scott imagine those glasses..... And you went back in time to Dealey Plaza.......they would have locked you up!!


I was on the grassy knoll.



I was just saying. Imagine if you had your magic glasses and were in Dealey Plaza and were trying to warn of the impending assassination of JFK...... People would have thought you crazy.....but if you could have changed history.....I wonder. I'll go with my opening move, I thought you pushed your pawn out from your Rook so I will play as Black......let it play out, we'll see how it works haha[/QUOTE]

Was an EXAMPLE of the move notation I preferred.

You accept a Challenge?
Guess I better get that cheap chess set, huh?

Looks like I got a bite, Dobie!
"Day after day..."

Ah, Ham Bone Scott....
Let's play that song once again....
One more time......

Shall we, my Friend?
For the good times?

hee haw donkey.webp
"Now don't that just melt yer butter?"

My Daddy was a member of the
"Kansas Outkasts,"

A "motor" group in Douglas County and Franklin County.

Back in the '50's......

I helped him turn wrenches as early as I knew what a wrench was....



Couldn't find a cheap chess set at the Dollar store.

Still looking....

Just like textbooks for College...

I'll get caught up soon enough.....

Whom is what color?



Take us Home tonight, Brother.....


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You can be white I'm jiggly wit dat this time

Your massacre.webp
Sleep well, Y'all....

I do....'cause I do not fear the "Bogey Man,"

Because I AM the Boogie man! ~ Dig?

church lady.webp
"Well, now...Wasn't that Special?
Yep, That's our Scotty. Bless his little heart....."




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I woke up last night, drenched in sweat, about 3 AM, from a horrible nightmare!

The object of the nightmare?

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I won't go into details but a warm shower and fresh clean sweats did the trick. :thumbsup:

Seems like dropping this semester's Statistics class is still on my mind....

Has anyone done research of "Dream Meanings?"

What would our Friend, Freud, say of such things? :icon_scratch:
(Yeah. That cocaine addict, Freud)



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Scotty, I thought you meant Dobie Gillis

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