This morning when I went to my locksmith Friend's shop,
I felt creative; Inspired....
I created some new tools....
I'll try to show my thoughts of creativity and R+D.
Please forgive the bad photos......
Number one was how to open a "Kwikset" knob-type lock and many Weiser and Weslocks.
The cheap, "after-market" locks and others using an "open back" cylinder provided some thought.....

These lock sets go by a number of different brand names.
This is a "Defiant."
Another brand is "Gatehouse."
Now, Folks, I'm fairly adept at picking locks, but some can be time consuming.
The locks are easily breached by a tool I created.
On second thought,
Due to my personal design and possibly the rules here concerning opening locks,
I will not disclose more, other than to say that my design is patent-worthy.
The other tool I created assists removal of wafers for 10 cut GM ignitions,
with the pesky sidebars.....
Maybe I'll post about that in "Scott's Locks."
I shant disclose
ALL details, though I have taken photos and can described usage....
Still holdin' on for a miracle.....That one idea, that one song, that one opportunity.
I'm gonna work on making opportunities come to me, so many, that soon they will be fist-fightin' each other to gain just one place in line!
Ramen for Dinner? Again? OK. Yeah.....
At least I have a dinner to look forward to.
How many Veterans have less to look forward to at the end of their day?
My Best,