I need boat money. Me and the 9 year old are trying to figure out an escape in a log cabin the mountains..... Or do we buy us a sailboat and live anywhere the sea and wind takes us? The women and other kids are driving us crazy!!!!!!!!!!!

Ah, my Friend,
Research, and then research again for a treasure, an adventure to share!

Any close by?

My Best,


Oh ya, rollin in the hood. I'm all down wit dat!

We all straight, Brother?

bringing down the house.webp

Average White Boy. (Band)

Be Well, my Friend!




One more AWB from my youth, back in the 70's.....

Dang! Reminds me of "Block Parties" in the 70's.

Of course, I was the DJ.

I often took my gear to a "cul-de-sac," set up and had many popular albums at my disposal, and THERE WAS PARTY!

Until a shooting by "outsiders" that claimed the life of a Friend.....

For Russ.....(A FANTASTIC drummer)


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Ok my DJ buddies. I have another request. I think there is a song titled " Crystal Ball" maybe by Styx....... Anyone? Brother Bill, RC? Request please......... Thanks


Words, an' all.....ya know....
Words DO mean something....

At least to me.....
How 'bout you?

"Crystal Ball"

I used to like to walk the straight and narrow line
I used to think that everything was fine
Sometimes I'd like to sit and gaze for days through sleepless dreams
All alone and trapped in time
All alone and trapped in time

I wonder what tomorrow has in mind for me
Or am I even in it's mind at all
Perhaps I'll get a chance to look ahead and see
Soon as I find myself a crystal ball
Soon as I find myself a crystal ball

Tell me, tell me where I'm going
I don't know where I've been
Tell me, tell me, won't you tell me
And then tell me again
My heart is breaking, my body's aching
And I don't know where to go
Tell me, tell me, won't you tell me
I've just got to know

Crystal ball
There's so many things I need to know
Crystal ball
There's so many things I've got to know
Crystal ball

["extra verse" used occasionally live]
If you should see me walking
Through your dreams at night
Would you please direct me
Where I ought to be
I've been looking for a crystal ball
To shed the light
To find a future in me...
To find a future in me...

Crystal ball
There's so many things I need to know
Crystal ball
There's so many things I've got to know
Crystal ball




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This morning when I went to my locksmith Friend's shop,
I felt creative; Inspired....

I created some new tools....

I'll try to show my thoughts of creativity and R+D.

Please forgive the bad photos......

Number one was how to open a "Kwikset" knob-type lock and many Weiser and Weslocks.

The cheap, "after-market" locks and others using an "open back" cylinder provided some thought.....

These lock sets go by a number of different brand names.

This is a "Defiant."
Another brand is "Gatehouse."

Now, Folks, I'm fairly adept at picking locks, but some can be time consuming.

The locks are easily breached by a tool I created.

On second thought,
Due to my personal design and possibly the rules here concerning opening locks,

I will not disclose more, other than to say that my design is patent-worthy.

The other tool I created assists removal of wafers for 10 cut GM ignitions,
with the pesky sidebars.....
Maybe I'll post about that in "Scott's Locks."

I shant disclose ALL details, though I have taken photos and can described usage....

Still holdin' on for a miracle.....That one idea, that one song, that one opportunity.

I'm gonna work on making opportunities come to me, so many, that soon they will be fist-fightin' each other to gain just one place in line! :thumbsup:

Ramen for Dinner? Again? OK. Yeah.....
At least I have a dinner to look forward to.
How many Veterans have less to look forward to at the end of their day?

My Best,



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Full of awareness, I still don't understand....

Suicides occur mostly on....



What are the STATISTICS?

What are the reasons?

Knowing more helps me to help others.

What can be learned here?

Please give me your opinions and ideas.


I'm always the one that you expected to pay attention in class......

Yeah, I did and I got notes.....! :thumbsup:




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The importance of being specific...

View attachment 1180331

Why yes Nancy, I hired a clown for the kid's birthday party.

View attachment 1180332

You twisted, yet lovable son-of-a-..........GUN!

I'll see you in my dreams.....

Or you'll see me.....

View attachment 1181220
"I have questions for you and your Friends........."

"Nightmare Fuel" here, my Friends.....Let's begin, shall we?



For those I encounter who TRY to piss me off....
You play with fire....

You will certainly get burned.....

I learned early how to deal with clowns.....
sock-a-clown toy.webp

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You twisted, yet lovable son-of-a-.....GUN!

I'll see you in my dreams.....

Or you'll see me.....

View attachment 1181220

"Nightmare Fuel" here, Friends.....



You play with fire....

You will certainly be burned.....
View attachment 1181240
"Golly, Barney, I'm not sure here....
Is the Government following Scott?"


View attachment 1181245

"Ahem.... Now Barney and Gomer, lissen up. If the law was involved here, I'd certainly know 'bout it.
Least-wise not in this state and we have nary a single expedition paper on, ahem,
that feller what calls hisself 'AU24K.'
We have no escapees, nor any other wanted folks.....
So, put yer bullet back in your pocket, Barney, and you, Gomer, go on back to Wally's. I'm sure you got work just a-waitin' for you. I got this.

So, maybe y'all go on down to the Cafe an' have lunch.
I hear that roast beef with mashed taters, gravy and a vegetable is the "Special" today....."
View attachment 1181248
Who's your passion?

Thelma Lou or Miss Crump?

What Scotty be up to now?
"I Live. Therefore, you surely must also live.....And,
If I die, you know surely that of your fate in my life.....
All organic life is finite."

Scott. 2015


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Yeah Scott I had something to say on the political forum but I'm done. I'm not going back there. I don't need anymore drama than I already have in my life. So I'm staying here, at home, where I belong. We are all adults. At least I hope we are. Brother Bill before your post was censored I thought it was funny.....thanks for the few moments of laughter I had today. Yeah the 9 year old made up his mind today. He wants me to become rich and for us to save our funds for a nice catamaran. So he and I can get the heck out of here...... We have become babysitters and can't do anything without the little people tagging along.... So yesterday we went to the grocery store. But I had planned a little geocache stop before we got there. Before I was out of the house two 4 year olds were with us. We tried to shake them, but that didn't work. So we went thru the woods looking for our cache, getting cut along the way, and eat by Mosquitos..... We found our cache, signed our name, then off to the store. That was an adventure. God I didn't know kids could be so loud !!!!!!! Came home made dinner........ And the little people decided they weren't hungry! So the. 9 year old and I ate, the others food went in the microwave...... Then the male 4 year old starts whining " grandpa i have bites all over me. Well son, that's the way it is when us men go to the store! Then the little girl my legs are scraped. Yeup, that's what happens when you have to go get your dinner ....... Well I'm not going to get dinner no more!!!!!!!!! YES can I get that in writing? Cause I really can't put up with you 2 fighting, screaming and overall not listening to me either!!!!!!!!! The 9 year old said Poppy do you think they might leave us alone ? I said I doubt it, and today was worse. I thought being a grandparent I was supposed to be able to send them home. I'm raising 3 out of 5 and the other 2 well there's a reason young people have kids!!!!!!!!! The. 9 year old is my bestest pal, he's my Swim Buddy........ Lord help him and I. The kids and my wife are killing us!!!!!!!

Oh we decided if we get a yacht we are going to name her My Place........ So we can ask our friends hey like to come over to My Place for dinner? Haha........ Yes another sleepless night

Scott the song Crystal Ball rather describes me right now........ Thanks buddy


It just occurred to me.....

A "Fun Song!"

Well? Anyone else dig?

Saw them at Sandstone, many years ago with Charlie Daniels,
and I think that was the one that Hank Jr. Headlined....:icon_scratch:

So many concerts that summer...

I did some remodeling and landscape work for a guy in Lawrence, Kansas back then who got me GREAT passes to all shows that summer! :thumbsup:

I got pictures of the landscaping in my "suitcase of memories." It would probably take at LEAST a half-hour to find.....

When I post any of my old photos, know that it is a labor of love.
And memories....For my Friends....:occasion14:



Have you any "souvenirs?"

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Scott the song Crystal Ball rather describes me right now........ Thanks buddy

And, for you my Friends, Come along...

Come sail along with me...
I promise love, support and Friendship.

Shall we embark?

Bizarre offering?


What if you were called upon to be "the Devil's advocate?

"Whoa, Nellie! Hold your farking horses..... Gimme time to prepare an academic response, Huh?"



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Sail On one of my ALL time favorites!!!!!

Hey TGF, I solved a few problems by purchasing a small house.

Two bedrooms (one of which is my office) and one bathroom. A one car garage.

It's big enough for visitors, but not big enough for anyone to stay very long. If one of 'em stays, it's on the couch, a sleeping bag on the floor or a lawn chair.

My boat, although 40' long, only sleeps two...

Big enough for visitors, but alas, not comfortable enough for long term visits... Sorry, you have to sleep up on deck. I suggest you tie yourself to the grab rail in case we get a storm tonight.

Downsizing was my answer!

If you would like to poison your mind to sailing, I suggest you get a copy of Cruising Outpost magazine.

You can also download Southwinds Sailing Magazine for free.



"Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days." - Benjamin Franklin.

Thanks my friend...... You're living my dream! Haha Gorgeous vessel. Do you live on the left coast? Haha

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Yep, like it says in my profile.

The boat also serves as my Bug Out Vehicle in the event of a Zombie Apocalypse.

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