Perhaps to further explain....

Well they called the flat plains Kansas a long, long time ago
When they'd seen the gates of glory and the fire down below
The many great decisions of the people in this place
You could tell the strength within them, you could see it their face

Well it's been 9 or 10 years since I started my ramblin' round
And from hand to mouth I was livin' playing every bar in town
Though a dollar a day didn't go too far I could never deny my pride
I couldn't lay back and be taken care of while the world went by outside

So I went to school to learn but I didn't like what they'd teach
And I went to church to pray but I didn't like what they'd preach
I was hard-headed, young and angry, and I felt I could take the heat
And I had to find out my own way how to live out on the street

So I packed my bags and I left here to peruse the streets alone
And I saw that side of midnight where the beggars howl and groan
Faces filled with desperation where the future ain't so bright
But I remember back in Kansas when we sang a song at night

We sang every step of the way
Know your dreams can be real don't let them slip slide away
Doesn't matter at all, let them do as they will
Someday you'll hear them call for you

Goin' around and round from town to town I tried to make my way
I believed that all my searching and struggling would payoff big some day
As a teenager I was rowdy and I played for good and bad
Though I knew my songs had meaning at times it made me mad

And I'd fight the wars of nations if it brought somebody peace
Yes I'd fight the wars of madmen if I knew the fight would cease
But this ol' world never stopped turning when my mind was full of doubt
So I went on and played for a dollar a day and I sang this song straight out

Hey hey, every step of the way
Know your dreams can be real, don't let them slip slide away
Doesn't matter at all, let them do as they will
Someday you'll hear them call for you
Oh yeah , for you
When they call out your name say it loud and clear
Come on, come on

You must have seen me traveling' around you must have seen me there
Tryin' to find out where I was heading you could have chose to care
Well, I had all the questions, I wanted the answers
I knew in my heart it was all part of the game
But every step was so much harder, every step of the way
I knew that time would beat me someday

Hey hey, every step of the way
Know your dreams can be real, don't let them slip slide away
Doesn't matter at all, let them do as they will
Someday you'll hear them call for you
Oh yeah, for you



Yankee by birth,

Southern by choice.

'Nuff said.


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Having sold some collectible currency in the last week or so on eBay,

A woman just called me about selling her collectibles on eBay.
We had discussed potential opportunities about 6 months ago....

Comic books, Stamps, currency and who knows what else?

I'm to meet with her in the morning and we'll see where this goes....

Got tuition and books to pay for, don't you know?

I'll be fair and honest, as that is my nature....



My locksmith Friend and I have encountered a potential Friendship ending situation.

I hope that I don't lose his Friendship....

I have applied everything I have learned to prevent that loss.

I have been supportive of him in texts but fear that we have reached an impasse....

I've never been so sad.....

He called me a liar.

I texted that "we are done here."

I wished him a great weekend, but on Monday, I will collect my tools and R+D achievements, including tools I have created for specific applications.
Hopefully, differences can be worked out on Monday....


If so, well......never mind.

BTW... I am close to another tool for opening locked residential doors.....
I'm sure that my design is worthy of marketing.....

Anyone know of a Great College, offering a Premier Psychology Program, close to a VA, where locksmiths are needed?

Guess I'll be movin' on.....again.....

And that road goes on and on into the sunset.
And my destiny is bound to move me on.
And I'll never find the one to satisfy my soul there.
Friend, I want you but I just gotta go.
Friend, I want you but I just gotta go.
Friend, I want you but I just gotta go.

[1st Verse]
Movin' on,
From town to town.
I'm alone,
On my own.
All my life,
When I been movin'.
Don't know why,
Just gotta go.

And that road goes on and on into the sunset.
And my destiny is bound to move me on.
Never find the one to satisfy my soul there.
Friend I want you but I just gotta go.

(Guitar lead solo)

[Repeat Chorus]

[2nd verse]
One day soon,
I'll stop my searchin'.
Find a Friend,
Hey and settle down.
Don't know how,
But I keep movin'.
Lot's of places,
I've never been.
Final chorus -
And that road goes on and on into the sunset.
And my destiny is bound to move me on.
Never find the one to satisfy my soul there.
Friend, I love you but I just gotta go.
Friend, I love you, but I just gotta go.
Friend, I love you, but I just gotta go.

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I hope you manage to get things sorted out with your buddy.

Here's a tune for you....



I fear that it is not possible...

I've had my "Fill."

grumpy old mam.webp

Thanks for your best wishes.....

And, Scotty will move on, to success, leaving behind ALL of those who disparaged me for my academic knowledge, successes and pursuits.


You had doubts? Really?

"Back of the line, Clown..."


"Ha, ha ha...
I told ya so...."


Obviously, Music will sustain my progress and success!
As well as my "sick" sense of humor...:thumbsup:

Now then,
"Whar's my box?"

Oh! Here we go. I still got 6 strings on my music rocket.....!
(after the last "Fandango.") ARF!

Gimme a minute or two to tune up....It's been awhile....

Let's play a song or many together!

Your first choice!



By the way,

Nobody wants a shot of my Single grain?

Pouring your shot...

How 'bout a "double shot?"


Best Wishes, my Friends!



  • roadshouse.webp
    3.7 KB · Views: 61
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A study visit recommended before committing to Ann Arbor. I'm not knockin it but it is what it is and where it is..
Hey Minnesota is on the list too. Should be cold enough come winter.

"Oh my, I see that you're applying psychology with your
friend, aren't you, Scott?"

"Never mind me. I'm only your government here to protect you."


I meant no political discord....
Please forgive me.....


"One ringy-dingy...."



{Yes, I'm still texting with my locksmith Friend.....}


No opportunity to correct spelling, punctuation and such....

"Have, perhaps, I possibly missed something here tonight?"

"Two ringy-dingy's"

Nothing to see here, folks.....
However, for those who may STILL be curious, I suggest looking at this....

men in black.webp
I passed all tests.
30 plus some years ago and can do the same tomorrow.
Try me......

American Strong.
American Proud.

A Wolf Pack Howl for Tom!



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Well now. Put on the gloves!
Scott I see you as an individual that could work things out. I do NOT see you as hard to get along with....but....unless....:laughing7:

How 'bout some campfire coffee, one morning, on top of a mountain and I toss you a pick and we bring the day in right!

What song would you want to play?

My Best,



Perhaps this...


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Ya know, if I don't tell this story, I'll bust wide open.....

So, here goes....

A few years ago I dated a girl, nearly my age, maybe a year or three older, who had some kind of accolades from some university.... yada, yada, yada ad nauseum.
Fancied herself as smart. (that's what drew me to her initially).
Then she began acting and thinking that she was smarter than me.

This was back, lemme think a minute....
Back about the 90's? :icon_scratch:
I had previously attended a semester or three at Kansas University, but had dropped out.
(And tuned in?)

Anyway, one evening, after some drinking, she suggested playing strip poker.

"How juvenile!" I replied....

"Let's go for strip Scrabble!"


Soon, Chess was mentioned and we ended up playing both. At the same time......NAKED!

Hope your day was as fun!




"By the way, Scotty, old bean,who won those games?"


Really? You still can't figure that out? Sheesh.....

Think about it....


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Eva puppy sits in my lap while I type away on the keyboard. She finds the rhythm of my fingers tranquil and will soon fall asleep. There is very little space between my leather and wooden chair and the heavy wooden desk in front of me. She does not mind as long as there is enough room for her to curl up in a little ball. I bought this chair when I was an undergraduate at UVA. It is one of the few possessions that I own that has been with me that long. It was not expensive when I bought it and it has little monetary value now. It is beat up around the edges, screws are missing, and both armrests have chew marks in the wood where Eva puppy left her mark. It is comfortable and familiar. I have been typing from the chair for many years. My friends and family know that anything that I have owned that long must be special to me. They have all been witness to my many moves across the east coast. Up until a little over a year ago I owned a very economic Mazda Protégé from 1998. It did not have automatic locks or windows. It always helped me look chivalrous on dates because I would walk around to open the car door. Most of them realized I did not have automatic locks, but in our age of automation in stuck out as an unusual gesture. The air conditioner in that car died after my intern year in Gainesville, Fl. A buddy of mine tried to fix it to no avail. I drove the next four years without air conditioner, in Florida.

Eva puppy sits in my lap while I type away on the keyboard. She finds the rhythm of my fingers tranquil and will soon fall asleep. There is very little space between my leather and wooden chair and the heavy wooden desk in front of me. She does not mind as long as there is enough room for her to curl up in a little ball. I bought this chair when I was an undergraduate at UVA. It is one of the few possessions that I own that has been with me that long. It was not expensive when I bought it and it has little monetary value now. It is beat up around the edges, screws are missing, and both armrests have chew marks in the wood where Eva puppy left her mark. It is comfortable and familiar. I have been typing from the chair for many years. My friends and family know that anything that I have owned that long must be special to me. They have all been witness to my many moves across the east coast. Up until a little over a year ago I owned a very economic Mazda Protégé from 1998. It did not have automatic locks or windows. It always helped me look chivalrous on dates because I would walk around to open the car door. Most of them realized I did not have automatic locks, but in our age of automation in stuck out as an unusual gesture. The air conditioner in that car died after my intern year in Gainesville, Fl. A buddy of mine tried to fix it to no avail. I drove the next four years without air conditioner, in Florida.

HA! Your "Post' bought back memories for me; my older brother has HIS desk & chair from his UVA years (1961-65... was playing baseball for 'em as scholarship)... he STILL has it in his "home-office". He said it was a desk from the White House (Kennedy Administration... has WH "Seal" & ID number)... WA HOO!

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Ya know, if I don't tell this story, I'll bust wide open.....

So, here goes....

A few years ago I dated a girl, nearly my age, who had some kind of accolades from some university....
yada ad nauseum.

Anyway, one evening, after heavily drinking, someone suggested playing strip poker.

"How juvenile!" I replied....

"Let's go for strip Scrabble!"


Soon, Chess was mentioned and we ended up playing both......NAKED!

Hope your day was as fun!



"By the way, Scotty, old bean,who won those games?"


Really? You still can't figure that out? Sheesh.....

Think about it, Scotty....

surely you have pics of that game?

you know the song that may apply most to the critters is " I won't back down"


Thanks for the reminder.....I played that one for Crispin early on in the thread....and yeah most of the critters tend to have hard


Eva puppy sits in my lap while I type away on the keyboard. She finds the rhythm of my fingers tranquil and will soon fall asleep. There is very little space between my leather and wooden chair and the heavy wooden desk in front of me. She does not mind as long as there is enough room for her to curl up in a little ball. I bought this chair when I was an undergraduate at UVA. It is one of the few possessions that I own that has been with me that long. It was not expensive when I bought it and it has little monetary value now. It is beat up around the edges, screws are missing, and both armrests have chew marks in the wood where Eva puppy left her mark. It is comfortable and familiar. I have been typing from the chair for many years. My friends and family know that anything that I have owned that long must be special to me. They have all been witness to my many moves across the east coast. Up until a little over a year ago I owned a very economic Mazda Protégé from 1998. It did not have automatic locks or windows. It always helped me look chivalrous on dates because I would walk around to open the car door. Most of them realized I did not have automatic locks, but in our age of automation in stuck out as an unusual gesture. The air conditioner in that car died after my intern year in Gainesville, Fl. A buddy of mine tried to fix it to no avail. I drove the next four years without air conditioner, in Florida.

Hey, a chair fits your butt you keep it.
I have a heavy oak upholstered rocker of Gramps back in the basement from teeth marks.
His ancient dresser a visiting dog chewed on one drawer pull.
A heavy walnut coffee table from my youth, most of the women in my life have suggested needed to be upgraded and learned quick to leave where it sits.
It's just stuff. Like most the other detritus that makes where I am a home, it will be tossed or sold cheap one day.
The stuff of value, really for what little exists; is usually unseen.
A sister said her husbands sail boat has been in a barn a long time.
I said a guy has to have something, and it prolly does him good to know it's there.

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