Crispin, my Friend....
I'm glad I don't know details of your difficulties, yet, I certainly would have contributed my "expertise" (APD's. "Anti-Personnel Devices") to the situation. Of course, finances and proximity limits such an offer.
I am searching for a location and College to continue my academic pursuits to fulfill my goals.
It appears that there are several options available to me as a past
Honors Scholar.........
There are other "filtering" factors to be considered.
Such as:
Recreational opportunities like camping and hiking, amount of transferable credits, metal detecting locations and of course, the proximity of my Friends here!
There may be soon a complete "shake-up" of my life once again the first of the year.
I'm surely getting too old to be starting over again.
In a new town. A new state. Somewhere I've never been....
But, I will always be strong for my Friends, strangers and most importantly, myself.
There are no other options here....
Hope all have been well.
Best Wishes,