Evil moves fast but good moves faster...

"on the half shell" direct lyric

"April" showers: April O'Neil, the reporter in the comic and book.

If you play with wood you may get a SPLINTER....their sensai.

Obviously, the four artists are the names of the turtles.

M.C. Hammer, reference to style and age of music.

Then RC got it.

Stay tuned...I got another 20 hours to try and stump the DJ's again. Wish Au24k was on this one...wonder how he would have done.

Peace out...sleep calls.

"on the half shell" direct lyric

"April" showers: April O'Neil, the reporter in the comic and book.

If you play with wood you may get a SPLINTER....their sensai.

Obviously, the four artists are the names of the turtles.

M.C. Hammer, reference to style and age of music.

Then RC got it.

Hi Crispin! I see you watched the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as a kid. I did as well as we are almost the same age. The song was written by Chuck Lorre I believe. I had the trading cards years ago. Lol

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!


I'm humbled by your kind words.....we've shared a few experiences over the last couple of years some good, some bad and downright ugly but somehow we came out relatively

Regards + HH


Hey!!! Somewhere in this mess RC got the 17000th post! Rock on! :occasion14: Everyone give props to Bill, the soul of this thread...

Hi Crispin! I see you watched the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as a kid. I did as well as we are almost the same age. The song was written by Chuck Lorre I believe. I had the trading cards years ago. Lol

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

I still got the cards! Shouldn't you be out hunting with GIB?


I'm humbled by your kind words.....we've shared a few experiences over the last couple of years some good, some bad and downright ugly but somehow we came out relatively

Regards + HH


Unscathed? No, I wish. I can't speak for anyone but myself but over the last few years I am stronger for what I have endured. In the face of adversity one can fold and cry enough or stand up and fight with defiance. Like the rest of the people on this thread I am a fighter. I am a scrapper, I will throw down and keep throwing until my last breath leaves me. I come and go from this thread due to the life I lead but if I had the ability to be more consistent I would. The truth is that rare emotions materialized float effervescently throughout this thread. To share and absorb some of that is to empath those feelings. Wise men said in times of trouble, mother Mary come to me speaking words of wisdom, let it be, let it be.

My life was rocked over a year ago where I was forced to go into hiding (as much as I could.) I know my social media days were done for a period of time. However, life has brought me to a safer place where I can reenter the world safely and without fear.

I will say two things and never repeat them again. Over a year ago my life and that of my family's was in danger. I called Treasure Hunter at 8pm and at 9pm he showed up at my house fully armed to protect my family. I called GIB at 7:45pm and he developed a safety and protection plan. He was at my house at 7am the next morning and stayed for over 48 hours to protect us. Part of my safety plan was to get off social media completely, but as I said, I am safer now. Since then I have taken appropriate action and training to protect my family. Cameras line my house with constant monitoring. I feel safe again.

For all the bravado and posturing...every person I have ever asked help of in time of need from this thread has answered my call with open arms and hearts. I owe a great debt to this thread and these people. I only hope that I get the chance to pay it back in time.

Et nomine patris, et filis, spiritis sanctii,



Thanks for sharing this with us.....if you had of given me a heads up I would have been there on the next flight.

I'm glad you got it sorted it out though.....the bond that a lot of us have developed on this thread is stronger than a lot of us realize.....take care grasshopper.

Regards + HH


Crispin, my Friend....

I'm glad I don't know details of your difficulties, yet, I certainly would have contributed my "expertise" (APD's. "Anti-Personnel Devices") to the situation. Of course, finances and proximity limits such an offer.

I am searching for a location and College to continue my academic pursuits to fulfill my goals.

It appears that there are several options available to me as a past
Honors Scholar.........

There are other "filtering" factors to be considered.

Such as:
Recreational opportunities like camping and hiking, amount of transferable credits, metal detecting locations and of course, the proximity of my Friends here!

There may be soon a complete "shake-up" of my life once again the first of the year.


I'm surely getting too old to be starting over again.
In a new town. A new state. Somewhere I've never been....

But, I will always be strong for my Friends, strangers and most importantly, myself.

There are no other options here....

Hope all have been well.

Best Wishes,


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Good luck sorting out your way going forward.

Regards + HH


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