Good luck no best of luck brother. I'm pulling for you . I'm going thru hell right now....... So do you know what I have to do ? Keep going .... God bless on your final.......



Everyone knows that I dabble in magic, and I do use that term very loosely. I am an amatures, amature........I like the stuff that David Blaine and Criss Angel do I like to call "Street Magic" I went to Publix the other day for whatever and the young cashier just looked very depressed. As I was checking out I asked her if they sold playing cards she said yes and told me where they were. I said wait one (no one was inline behind me) I ran and got a deck of playing cards and purchased them too........I started to leave and urned around and asked if she ever heard of "Criss Angel" She said "Yes and her face brightened up" I said do you mind if I show you a Criss Angel card trick? Oh No please another girl showed I did one of the simplest card tricks out there, but quite effective, had them pick 4 cards, return them to the deck, snap your fingers 4 times, tell them a story and Presto change-o their cards are the only cards in the deck upside down when you display the cards.........its pretty effective............I made her day and her everytime I go to Publix, she asks me for another trick, which I can usually pull off a good one now and again..........Magic, its great for breaking the ice, and great for helping someone in a slump and most of all its great giving someone a smile............

Magic, as you call it....



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"A Bulletin!
And this just in.....

Scott is a fool.
Some..... May say an idiot....

We go now to Quahog and ask Brian Griffin..."

Always knew he was a dick....."

"And that's the way your America is tonight, Folks....
This Sunday evening, April 26."
Good night and God Bless America."


Give it a minute to sink in....

There it is!


A spark?
A passion?

Perhaps a desire....
That brings about a flame!

I want so much to tell the stories of my Brothers.

But cannot.
And will not.....

What is your passion?



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We now have further breaking news!

jack and diane.jpg
"Oh, Diane, you pedophile, where were you in my youth?"


We're live?"




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My Semester ends on Tuesday.

Good luck finding me on Wednesday.....

Probably best bring maps and compasses.
If you're new to Scott's Mountains.

Still... Won't do ya no good.....


Never mind.

There's bears possible. Sure.

If you don't want to come along, I understand.

But, I'm still going!



"Yes, Let's go. You lead....."

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Hello everybody. Well she came home yesterday. I dont really know where to start. I asked why she never called, she said she didnt have service and couldnt. Well there's a small problem. I called our carrier and EVERY island she went to, she had coverage and could have called........She basically just left us for a week and forgot about us. Now, I am truly truly hurt. I know where my allegiance is. I know where I stand in this f***ed up family. Yesterday was my birthday. When I woke up the 9 year old was looking me in the face and he said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY POPPY".....he's so awesome..........and that was it.....the wife left the house for 2 hours, she was arguing with my drug head birthday cards from my wife, my daughter, my son, my grandchildren (5 of them).....and no one else said Happy Birthday but the 9 year old..........and it still hurts me.......I left the house about 2am this morning and I sat on a bridge and I thought for a very long time.......I'm not important.......only to a 9 year old..........the only reason they stay around is because I am the MONEY in this house........and I cried and cried and realized, I'm nothing, nobody........just a damn punching bag.......always have been.....and then i thought of the one person that I am his world, the 9 year old, and I came home.......I made an appointment at the VA today. I'm tired of this mistreatment of everybody, I'm tired of being told "You were never there" FOR GOds sake, get over yourselves, your in your 30's...........GROW UP!!!!!!!! But I provided for all of you......I'm sick, I hurt, this is the only place I can come too for understanding, without judgment and I thank all of you for your friendships and just being here. Of course I was going to drop off a song for you to play and you tube keeps timing out.........anyway, I'm going to play baseball with the 9 year old.....thanks for listening to me. i dont know what I would do without my friends here.......God Bless

Hello everybody. Well she came home yesterday. I dont really know where to start. I asked why she never called, she said she didnt have service and couldnt. Well there's a small problem. I called our carrier and EVERY island she went to, she had coverage and could have called........She basically just left us for a week and forgot about us. Now, I am truly truly hurt. I know where my allegiance is. I know where I stand in this f***ed up family. Yesterday was my birthday. When I woke up the 9 year old was looking me in the face and he said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY POPPY".....he's so awesome..........and that was it.....the wife left the house for 2 hours, she was arguing with my drug head birthday cards from my wife, my daughter, my son, my grandchildren (5 of them).....and no one else said Happy Birthday but the 9 year old..........and it still hurts me.......I left the house about 2am this morning and I sat on a bridge and I thought for a very long time.......I'm not important.......only to a 9 year old..........the only reason they stay around is because I am the MONEY in this house........and I cried and cried and realized, I'm nothing, nobody........just a damn punching bag.......always have been.....and then i thought of the one person that I am his world, the 9 year old, and I came home.......I made an appointment at the VA today. I'm tired of this mistreatment of everybody, I'm tired of being told "You were never there" FOR GOds sake, get over yourselves, your in your 30's...........GROW UP!!!!!!!! But I provided for all of you......I'm sick, I hurt, this is the only place I can come too for understanding, without judgment and I thank all of you for your friendships and just being here. Of course I was going to drop off a song for you to play and you tube keeps timing out.........anyway, I'm going to play baseball with the 9 year old.....thanks for listening to me. i dont know what I would do without my friends here.......God Bless

Happy birthday! Now you have two people saying it to you. I am out of the loop about what's been going on but it doesn't sound good. I know you have been around awhile and have seen many things and your no fool. That being said you know what you have to do and what's best for you. Whatever happens from this point forward just make sure you take care of that 9 year old. Maybe some professional help/guidance would be for the best.

Sent from a empty soda can!

Happy belated 2 G.F..
No, no obligation to parade naked, despite the appeal.:laughing7:
Despite the joy's of your relationship the only way to take care of Jr. is to take care of yourself. But you already know that.
Plan your work, work your plan. Cover your six.Only you know what is needed. A vacation of your own after all assets are secured? Or a variety of changes.
Time can help deal with change, and with as much patience as you can muster with the V.A. appointment(s) help with goals.
Civilians wait times are now extending appointments too for many.

Sometimes a relationship brings us to the question of,am I happy with my relationship?What can be done? and if giving it serious attention, what are the results and what is next? Ya we know you been there...
Getting back what you put in to it can be to much to ask sometimes. Sometimes you get nothing, or even a deficit beyond what was ever even considered.
Individual tolerance and expectations vary. So will planning.

You are special to us for your service, but as a person among us today you are special too.
Careful on the roof....or more, the landing/dismount.

we wish you the most special birthday in the entire universe!

I am eternally grateful to all of friends. The 9 year old is my sons son, and my biggest fear is if she and I split, he will take the 9 year old claiming some BS that I alone can't take care of him . But we all know he is my life, and without him........ I probably would have jumped off that bridge last family has painted me in a corner. I can do nothing right and after years of this abuse , I can't take it anymore. I have an early morning appt at the VA tomorrow........I'll be there. Say a prayer for me if you believe in the man up stairs. I wish to thank each and everyone for responding. I'm a good person, I'd give my life for these boys. I guess I'm just surrounded by people that have gone bad. They sure play the blame game. God I'm sick inside out, I feel horrible, but I was able to make the time to play baseball with the boys don't know when it will be my last time...... Make the best of this moment right here right now! And thank you all so much for the Happy Birthdays..... Someone cares.....

. It is my wish that all of your wishes come true... Every single last one of them. Now. If you see a silly girl sawing down every last bridge she can find, that would be me! [emoji512][emoji512][emoji512][emoji512][emoji512]

:):):). I didn't marry my soulmate. I married my high school sweetheart after I joined the Army I went back and swept her off her feet. Truth be known she didn't love me, she just wanted a ride out of those mountains..........I fell for it and there's a lot more. She cheated for years and got sick. So I said I would take care of her........why because that's who I am.
However, nuff about me and my mistakes. You are a very, very special person. Your comment means so much to me because I know you care! Maybe someday I might meet someone half as nice as you are. Look...... There's a tear running down my face...... Thank you for caring and I mean that from my heart.....

I just took my 9 y/o out for my birthday dinner to our favorite local diner. Yes I did it. New waitresses, broke out the cards, showed a few tricks, had them giggling and for about an hour I felt awesome again!!!! Life will be good...... Just keep a deck of playing cards in your pocket and some magic up your sleeves..... Keeps the girls screaming or at least grabbing my arms and chest!!!! Haha thanks to all


I'm kind of at a loss as to giving advice....obviously a lot of dysfunctional stuff going on at your end.....try to stand back and digest what's going on and decide your best moves going forward.... a belated happy birthday and stay strong especially for special grandson.

Regards + HH


Hello everybody. Well she came home yesterday. I dont really know where to start. I asked why she never called, she said she didnt have service and couldnt. Well there's a small problem. I called our carrier and EVERY island she went to, she had coverage and could have called........She basically just left us for a week and forgot about us. Now, I am truly truly hurt. I know where my allegiance is. I know where I stand in this f***ed up family. Yesterday was my birthday. When I woke up the 9 year old was looking me in the face and he said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY POPPY".....he's so awesome..........and that was it.....the wife left the house for 2 hours, she was arguing with my drug head birthday cards from my wife, my daughter, my son, my grandchildren (5 of them).....and no one else said Happy Birthday but the 9 year old..........and it still hurts me.......I left the house about 2am this morning and I sat on a bridge and I thought for a very long time.......I'm not important.......only to a 9 year old..........the only reason they stay around is because I am the MONEY in this house........and I cried and cried and realized, I'm nothing, nobody........just a damn punching bag.......always have been.....and then i thought of the one person that I am his world, the 9 year old, and I came home.......I made an appointment at the VA today. I'm tired of this mistreatment of everybody, I'm tired of being told "You were never there" FOR GOds sake, get over yourselves, your in your 30's...........GROW UP!!!!!!!! But I provided for all of you......I'm sick, I hurt, this is the only place I can come too for understanding, without judgment and I thank all of you for your friendships and just being here. Of course I was going to drop off a song for you to play and you tube keeps timing out.........anyway, I'm going to play baseball with the 9 year old.....thanks for listening to me. i dont know what I would do without my friends here.......God Bless

Dear 2gf,
would that I had some magical healing words of wisdom for you.
When you were in battle, while expecting your mates to come through, was it not known to you that YOU were the one you could count on?
Whenever we depend on others for happiness we will be disappointed. Your happiness is within.
See the moments of happiness in the grandkids faces
see it when you are well fed
see it when you see a nice day and you feel good
cherish every breath
cherish every pleasant moment as it comes
Don't allow others to bring you down

2GF, just remember many of us have been through it too so your not alone. My kids were 8 and 13 when I caught my ex having an affair with a coworker.

All of you are very special to me. I can't thank you enough. In combat as the leader yes I still looked to my right and left but knew they had my back. I'm having issues adjusting to this civilian life because no one has my back........ But you fine folks so many miles away but in my heart and in my mind. I hope to find out a lot tomorrow. I've written a small novel tonight with questions. Cozily girl we gave never spoken, I praise you for your words of wisdom. I won't be able to sleep tonight, that's normal for this vet, but I'm going to stay grounded and try my best to do what I was taught. Deep meditation, hopefully visit my happy place....... And thank all of you for being my friends. Oh yeah get this- you know she's a nurse and does in home health care. She's at work said her patient has an early appt so she won't be coming home tonight!!!! I could have predicted that!!!! So I am reminded of an old saying from my ancestors that I shall practice. To the Apache -- stillness is pleasure....... God bless all of you my friends

Are you ready to die?

How do you really know if you are ready to die? The way I see it, the only way to know if you are ready to die is to be faced with death. To stare down the potential of death, completely powerless to save yourself, to be a victim of the sudden whim of another. Then, and only then, in that moment will you know if you are ready for death. Only when staring down the demon(whatever shape it may take) can one truly know if they are afraid of death and ready to die. Our soldiers (God bless them) face this down almost daily. Our police force, (god bless most of them) go to work not knowing if today could be the day to test them. Our doctors? Rarely do they think a second thought about it. Until they are staring down 6'3, 200lbs, 28 years old of solid muscle. Psychotic, angry, paranoid, delusional, foaming at the mouth and ready to die to save themselves from the imaginary torment that racks their brain.

Call for help...hit the panic button...

Ain't nobody coming fast enough to save the poor psychiatrist staring across at insanity. Nobody is coming fast enough to help the man who daily puts his life in danger to protect society from what they don't know exists. A peaceful psychiatrist, an educated psychiatrist, a pacifist. Where is his hero? Where is his Saint? Who will save him from death? Surely he has helped dozens of patients pass peacefully from the world; but, is it his turn, is it his time? Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, guess the panic button ain't what it used to be.

No worries, no worries, the psychiatrist is trained to defend himself. He is versed in martial arts. Yet he stares down the barrel of 200 pounds of solid, psychotic muscle that does not see or feel defense.

Who do you call? Do you call the Ghostbusters? Do you call the police? Do you pray for security to show up and do nothing? is over, it is all over. All the years of education, all the sleep deprivation at hospitals, and the lonely nights your family spent while you worked. It all means nothing when you stare down death.

When death stares you down you have few options. You can lay down and die or you call call up your buddy's Smith and Wesson, you can ring up you friend Colt and buy him a drink. Or, you can take the Springfield XDS out of Illinois and pack some hollow suitcases as you stroll out of Dodge.


Death my friend is inevitable......I made peace with that a long time ago. I use to say before every training mission, before every real mission "Today is a good day to die" my friends thought me insane, and maybe I was. But inside I already made peace with death, with my I could carry on. That's my point of view. I like the piece you wrote here

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