
My Brother, 2GF,

I did this League baseball thing pretty much on my own.....

Sure, Pop would take me to games and even tried to be a catcher for my practicing.

But, he was more concerned with river cat fishing.

I LOVE to go river cat fishing!

:icon_scratch: Hmmm...
MANY stories here....

But, I had to make my choice;
Work on the Pitching goal in front of me, or blow it off and go fishing?

Kinda like making choices today: Study for Tests or go Camping.....
I'm sure that with your participation, win or lose any game,

EVERYBODY'S a Winner! :thumbsup:

My Best as Always,


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Gotcha. Hard, hard day today. Everybody raise your hands if you have pulled apart 2 60 pound Pitbulls determined to hurt each other.......whew all I was doing was looking for a baseball in the backyard the little threw over the fence when my trusty 8 year old sidekick female wandered in the back yard to be with me and my sons 2 year old got upset......I had to put 2 stitches in my 8 year olds ear....... The other 2 are caged for now. That was difficult. But I got ER done....... Damn dogs can't get alone. The 2 year old thinks she's the Alpha female, and the true Alpha is getting back aches that was hard corps

I didn't have time to get to my taser.......haha always works

Sent from a empty soda can!

"Andy, Where's Jeff? Is he "banned" again or traveling with the Swedish bikini team again?
Also, where is the current 'Critter List?'"

I remember glancing back to the very first list.......
And 2 posts later, WHAM!
Andy, I'm tellin' you,
Jeff was there!"

Who is now on the list,
and what page and post were you added to the "Critter List,"
or your first post on this thread?

Hope all enjoy your weekend!

Best of Wishes always,




First post: Page 6, #406.
Named as Ambassador to the "Wolf Pack" on the list--
100 posts later on page 7, post #506.

The "Wolf Pack."

usual suspects.jpg
(My picture can easily be accessed at any Post office.)

I came on board this thread, not knowing exactly what this thread was really about.

Wasn't long before I had Folks mad at me. :icon_scratch:

I remember once,
Jeff and I got into it, somewhat, somehow,
and I think that if we had been in the same room,
punches may have been thrown.....

Now, if Jeff and I were in the same room, hugs would be given!

As with all of my "Crispin's Critters" Friends!
Hugs and Ramen for all!

No matter how old we are, we all sometimes need to "grow up!"
As did I. :thumbsup:


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Back to my College studyin'? :icon_scratch:


"It's Math this Semester, Man!"

Some music to study by....

Got me some "fish to fry....."
"Chores to be done."
"Promises to keep, and lives to change for the better!" :thumbsup:

Gotta put in the work to see results.....Dig?
(Possible lyrics here, Folks?)

Where's my box?
I know that she is tuned....

I guess I'll play my guitar tonight, instead of anymore of this,
"Studyin'" nonsense....:laughing7:

Perhaps there is yet time this weekend for me to do as I choose.....
To please me.....
For a moment or two...

Just this once.....




I'll be here, late at night, ALL night, as usual.....:house:

A "POSSIBLE" photo of me heading to class.
With my "possible associates."

I Might be Mr. Blue....:dontknow:

res dogs.jpg




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Dano,hang on and find out. I look at it as crispins thread and its topic. I,m sure i,ve rubbed members the wrong way,even without trying. Bothers me more than when being deliberate, but they have been graceful about it.
AU24K is a friend who can decide for himself and still be respected.
I think we,re still crispins critters.
On the road to shambala? C,mon d.j.!

Perusing past posts, as I am wont,

I shall Honor a request.

Late, but yet Honored.



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the dj seems to be missing tonight

Something kettle, something pot...

Calling a Who, a What? :tongue3:

(Now I'm confused.....and believe me, at my age, it doesn't take much.)

Hope all is well with You, my Friend! :thumbsup:

Best Wishes,



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Scott, this thread seems really deserted lately...maybe some dancing girls could liven it up again!

Sent from a empty soda can!

Scott, this thread seems really deserted lately...maybe some dancing girls could liven it up again!

Sent from a empty soda can!

Send them to my Chambers.
ALL of them!

(Cue Marvin.....)



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Send them to my Chambers.
ALL of them!

(Cue Marvin.....)



They are on the way! I figured they would help get this thread "up" again! Lol

Sent from a empty soda can!

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Send them to my Chambers.
ALL of them!

(Cue Marvin.....)



Ya know, Folks,

I always try to carefully chose what words I say.
Most times, I get it right.
Sometimes, not so much....

However, I see that the wrong impression was given in this post referenced.

It wasn't what I said.....

By what I DIDN'T say!

They can come to my chambers AND receive their assignments.

I've got laundry, dishes, vacuuming, etc.

My hope is that when the maids finally DO show up, they are dressed appropriately.

Just as pictured! :laughing7:



I'd like to pause,
And give thanks to someone who inspires me.

One, who, in the face of adversity, chose to live a full life in only weeks.

What more can I say?

Lauren Hill's Foundation -- $42k Donation Surge ... To Honor Her Memory |

We all have the potential to change lives.

Why wait?

Do it NOW!

"Yesterday is a Memory.
Today is a Gift.
Tomorrow is promised to no one."

Hope All Will Make a Difference!

My Best,


(Buckle-up for a ride....)

"Yesterday's a Memory...."

For Lauren.

You will always be a part of my goals and my inspiration! :notworthy:


Check out Tommy's solo at about 3:10 or so......TRULY Amazing! 8-)

I sense "Classical" training here a 'bouts.....

(Same guitar maker. Different woods, different inlaid Mother of Pearl on the heads and frets, and an added pick guard? Also, Slightly different voices....
The bridges, nuts and design appear to be identical....
Can you name the Guitar maker?)

"Well, are they 'Taylor-Mades?' Maybe a coupla early, custom 'Fenders?'
What you think, Barney?"



"Can you take me higher?"

Back to my studies. Once again......
Such a "boring life" that I appear to have....
Just as I prefer.....

Yet, I find excitement in helping others!

Every Damned Day That I'm allowed to suck air!

Perhaps, I'll soon make a difference....:dontknow:


One day soon.....


My Best,




I will always Love you, Lauren, for the strength you have shown to me....

(I TOLD you to, "Buckle-up.")

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A light bulb just shot craps.

My only light bulb.

But I'm not totally in the dark!

I've got my kerosene lamps! :thumbsup:

"Keep on Studyin'!"

"Scott Can't Be Stopped!"

Guess it's time to sell some more of my collectible currency and coins again....



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Warren Haynes - One.

This guy was a long time member of the Allman Brothers Band.

Regards + HH


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