I took the boys to baseball game tonight. Only the 9 years old had a game. We struggled at pitching so I told him it was ok. He told his coach he and I have been practicing pitching and he thinks he's ready. At batting he hit the fence but they called it a foul ball., bottom of the 6th inning, lose 2 runs we are tied no outs. I played baseball for 12 years......I knew how to coach him......no outs runners on first and second that's what he inherits...... Did I say he's never pitched before?!he throws very hard,very fast. First pitch strike inside..... Second pitch over the kids head. I yell to him 1-2-3....... Then rip it..... Strike. Change your fingers....... Strike 3!!!!!!!!!!! One down. Next batter hit off him, that's ok he's doing fine next batter strike one......inside........ Next pitch hits back to my boy who turns and burns and throws out the runner going to second...... Great move . 2 outs...... Next batter, hits the ball bounces off the rubber and hits my boy in the face........ Do you want to come out ? No I want to finish. Ok . Next batter 3 pitches, 3 strikes......... And that's my boy tonight and me !!!!!!!! Gosh was he sweating first game he's ever pitched. Oh yeah he hit a foul ball where he hit the left field top of the fence in the air !!!!!!!!!!!!! He just turned 9!!!!!!! I call him Smalls from that movie The Sandlot When he messes up ........ You're killing me Smalls..Quote from that movie makes the fans laugh, he laughs, and I laugh and everything is ok. He has a wicked fastball and we are incorporating his change up