You only live once so squeeze every ounce of joy and life out of it, your family and friends will love it too!
You only live once so squeeze every ounce of joy and life out of it, your family and friends will love it too!
Around these parts the police call it a pit maneuver.... what was she running for?
By the looks of the ground under the tire I can see you are still hoarding snow. Good God man... don't you know it's spring?
LOL! (Answered via empty STARBACKS coffee cup); going to Va. Beach next month, before it disappears...
I hope your empty Starbucks cup has wifi like my empty soda can! Lol
Sent from a empty soda can!
How does your wife like the XV Crosstrek? My wife is looking at one.
Frozen snow banks? Man....I wish we would get some snow out here....61 today!
DR why would anyone in their right mind live on the edge of the arctic circle? Where you drunk buddy?
75 today me and the 8 year old are fishing......haven't had a nibble, but I didn't check Rebels Voodoo book to see if we should be fishing haha
In a round about way I was! I have lived here three times and next time I move away I am NEVER coming back, not even for a visit. My wife's grandmother died March 8 and so one more reason not to be here. Once this house is finished and my wife completes her degree we are going to be down in Florida!
Sent from a empty soda can!
For the animal lovers on the thread....this is a pretty special story.
Regards + HH