What is it that I want? Only to be loved. Loved without judgement. Without judgement. Because it's judgement that defeats us......... I would like to be held tightly, hugged as if by a bear and told for once"everything is going to be ok" is that too much to ask? So far I think it is. I stand alone. Lost in my own thoughts and facing my own demons.......I stand alone....... Good night all
:3some: :love9:
Only hug I know of, feels like that, was my mom's. You hang in there too, TGF.


(took me a while to find it, but I knew I had a special hug for you, somewhere in my files)

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What is it that I want? Only to be loved. Loved without judgement. Without judgement. Because it's judgement that defeats us......... I would like to be held tightly, hugged as if by a bear and told for once"everything is going to be ok" is that too much to ask? So far I think it is. I stand alone. Lost in my own thoughts and facing my own demons.......I stand alone....... Good night all

O.K. ,I'll say it will be alright. (usually heard before trouble occurs here). Yep, sometimes thoughts get heard. When I don,t drowned them out with a tune...
Hmmm, huntin a hug? I'll find a tune to divert that thought if loud enough...Hang in there. Good to have feelings compared to none, sometimes.


Been off flying again. My sailboat is sitting abandoned with bird poo... I've got some catching up to do.

What size and make is your vessel sir ? I love sailing, just don't know much about it . I just did what's friend told me to do . I think he had a 42' Beneteau

I've disconnected my home alarm system and de-registered from the Neighborhood Watch. I've got two Pakistani flags raised in the front yard, one at each corner, and the black flag of ISIS in the center. The local police, sheriff, FBI, CIA, NSA, Homeland Security, Secret Service and other agencies are all watching the house 24/7. I've never felt safer and I am saving $49.95 a month.

A wife comes home late one night and quietly opens the door to her bedroom. From under the blanket, she sees four legs instead of just her husband's two. She reaches for a baseball bat and starts hitting the blanket as hard as she can. Once she's done, she goes to the kitchen to have a drink. As she enters, she sees her husband there, reading a magazine. He says, "Hi darling, your parents have come to visit us, so I let them stay in our bedroom. Did you say hello?"

What is it that I want? Only to be loved. Loved without judgement. Without judgement. Because it's judgement that defeats us......... I would like to be held tightly, hugged as if by a bear and told for once"everything is going to be ok" is that too much to ask? So far I think it is. I stand alone. Lost in my own thoughts and facing my own demons.......I stand alone....... Good night all

Words for You, my Friend.

So many worlds, so much to do,
So little done, such things to be,
How know I what had need of thee,
For thou wert strong as thou wert true?

The fame is quench'd that I foresaw,
The head hath miss'd an earthly wreath:
I curse not nature, no, nor
For nothing is that errs from law.

We pass; the path that each man trod
Is dim, or will be dim, with weeds:
What fame is left for human deeds
In endless age? It rests with God.

O hollow wraith of dying fame,
Fade wholly, while the soul exults,
And self-infolds the large results
Of force that would have forged a name.

I Hope that you realize that all of the
Critters here have given you an "Internet Hug!"

Though we may sometimes disagree, we all still care for one another.

That's why this thread is the CHAMPION!

Hope All are Well,

My Best Wishes,



Scott you always come thru. I just can't figure out why everything I do is wrong. If I'm sitting on the porch, lost in my own thoughts, tears dropping down my face staring into another place, another time, millions of miles from senses are heightened, the smells are there, I'm dodging rockets, bullets, in my own mind hell I'm still fighting......and a grand kid says" high grandpa" and I don't hear it......I'm an *******....and that's pretty much how it goes on a daily basis.......WTF......until my son or my wife have walked a mile in these boots they will never understand and will continue to belittle me. Even though I leave the area when I get like that....,damned if I do damned if I do


I know it's probably a hard thing to do....but somehow or other your have to put that past part of your life in a separate compartment and try to leave it in the past where it belongs.

I know probably easier said than done but give it some thought...

Regards + HH


Scott you always come thru. I just can't figure out why everything I do is wrong. If I'm sitting on the porch, lost in my own thoughts, tears dropping down my face staring into another place, another time, millions of miles from senses are heightened, the smells are there, I'm dodging rockets, bullets, in my own mind hell I'm still fighting......and a grand kid says" high grandpa" and I don't hear it......I'm an *******....and that's pretty much how it goes on a daily basis.......WTF......until my son or my wife have walked a mile in these boots they will never understand and will continue to belittle me. Even though I leave the area when I get like that....,damned if I do damned if I do

old friend, whatever any of us go through has an effect on us. Maybe the way we were raised. Maybe choices we made, good or bad. Maybe things beyond our control, like health, employment, or other people. It all adds up and affects us all in different ways. All anyone can do is learn from our life, and try to be the best person we can be. And that's all we can do. And in the final analysis others can never know exactly what has shaped us. Perhaps we can take some solace in that, that they didn't have to go through what we have.
Never give up, never surrender..

My Friend,

No one knows every place you have been.
No one knows the things you have done.
No one knows the things you have seen.
Do not expect them to know; They weren't there.

YOU were there.
You saw those things.
You did those things.

And, at the end of the day, you survived.
To come back to the "world."
To come,

Welcome Home, Brother!

I'm always here for you! :thumbsup:

The stories I could tell of cold, winter, bunker TAC-EVALS,
when I "rented" my P-38 for smokes!

Who's got your back, Bro?

Very Best Wishes,


???P-38 can opener or P-38 ,clish, snick ,bang?

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Hey 2 G.F..
A swimmer pic. for ya..


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???P-38 can opener or P-38 ,clish, snick ,bang?


Back in the days of "C-Rats."

You have no P-38?

You "rent" one!
Or go hungry! :laughing7:



Yeah, I STILL carry my P-38.
Along with my magnesium stick.
'Cause ya NEVER know.....

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