My mother is in Virginia at her summer home She's been canning blackberries. She was walking in her yard and her 73 year old cousin said "You need to hold your head up and look at me and walk straight to me ." My mom said "Ok but why?' He said "Just do it." There about 10 feet beside her walking with her was a 500 pound black bear!!!!!! She told me she did get a picture of him/her, so when she sends it to me I'll post my wife's sister was picking berries about 4 miles from my mothers summer house, and sent us pictures of bear tracks, probably the same fella........just making his rounds. I love bears. When I was 3 my mother took me to Montana on a train and she has old 8 milimeter film of 3 bears coming real close to me, I was too young to be scared but they grabbed me up and ran to the car with heritage is Native American, I am from the Iriqouis Nation and the Powhatan grandmother told me as a kid the Bear was my spirit animal, cool story huh?


I didn't know about your native heritage....something you should be proud of btw....Backbacon is also part of a bear clan.

Regards + HH


My mother is in Virginia at her summer home She's been canning blackberries. She was walking in her yard and her 73 year old cousin said "You need to hold your head up and look at me and walk straight to me ." My mom said "Ok but why?' He said "Just do it." There about 10 feet beside her walking with her was a 500 pound black bear!!!!!! She told me she did get a picture of him/her, so when she sends it to me I'll post my wife's sister was picking berries about 4 miles from my mothers summer house, and sent us pictures of bear tracks, probably the same fella........just making his rounds. I love bears. When I was 3 my mother took me to Montana on a train and she has old 8 milimeter film of 3 bears coming real close to me, I was too young to be scared but they grabbed me up and ran to the car with heritage is Native American, I am from the Iriqouis Nation and the Powhatan grandmother told me as a kid the Bear was my spirit animal, cool story huh?

Yes sir, one grandmother was named Creetie. The others name was Niki-tie. Pretty cool stuff. After returning from Iraq, my family took me to a pow wow where I was given a smoke ceremony, they sang songs and told me they were singing about welcoming a returning brave home from battle. I was given an Eagle feather..... I still get goose bumps. I have had a couple of occasions to attend sweat lodges here in Florida you know to clear the mind, body and spirit........ It's really great stuff but my grandmother passed away in 2009 after my last trip. She was full of knowledge, I miss her. She really was a larger than life fixture in my life. She helped raise me and taught me a lot including believe it or not was instrumental in teaching me how to trap. But also in how to prepare food. Bless grandma and the "old ways" do you know she use to make moonshine? Shine she called it hahaha grandma I miss you I still have questions you know, but I know you are watching over me, someone has to.......... I love you. I hope I made you proud and didn't waste my life. I tried hard to help others. Bless you grandma, rest easy its my watch now.......

Sent from my iPhone using TreasureNet

TGF you ought to write a book

Yet another facet you have provided of your past...
Yes, you should absolutely be proud of your Native American Heritage.


To add to the story of when I worked at the Kansas Color Press,
During the summer between Graduating High School and going Active Duty,
I'll try to post this with no additional editing.
Ya know, "One shot. One kill."
Classes start soon and this is good practice for "getting it right" the first time because
I feel a possible research project ahead in one of my classes. Or both....

So get a cold glass of your favorite beverage,
Scott will tell ya yet another story....


I had just graduated High School at the end of May, '77, and turned 18 a week later.

My Mom told me on my Birthday,
"I've carried your a** now for 18 years,
AND 9 months, Hit the bricks, Scott."

Best Birthday gift I ever got.
Made me more self-reliant.

I was ahead of her ploy because while I was a Senior,
I had already Enlisted in the Army as an MP in the "Delayed Entry Program."

I also had gotten the job at the Color Press working 3rd shift in the press-room.
They had four different 4-color presses;
Let's see.....a Meile, a Hansho, a Cottrell, and a ? :icon_scratch:
Folks that was a while back.....

I already had made arrangements to spend the summer, in the country,
with an older guy that I had been working for.
He was a retired Rural Postal Carrier and bought, sold and auctioned antiques.
I'd worked for him a couple of years in the evenings, weekends and summers.
We'd sometimes hook up his fifth wheel trailer and we'd head East.
(A song? Head East? OK...)

We'd have auctions to attend to buy all the way into Quincy, IL.
A circuitous route, ya know?
Then we'd get back home and repair, refinish and prep for a big auction.
Yes, I can still auction, but it's a bit rusty....

I told y'all that story to tell this story....

One morning, after working midnight until 8 AM at the Color Press,
I got home and was dead tired.
I went upstairs to my room to try to sleep.
No more than a half hour later, my dad saw my motorcycle outside
and came in to see me.

Well, my Dad was an alcoholic,
and he came in and started to rouse me in my room.
He had been drinking all night and wanted me to go drinking some more with him.
(another apropos song here...)

I kept trying to tell him that I was tired and needed to sleep.
He shook me one time too many....

I sprang out of bed and flew at him.
We both tumbled to the ground,
wrapped in combat for the first time in my life with my Father.
We rolled around in my room, struggling, and soon we were in the small hallway to the stairs.

We rolled down the stairs, locked in grip.
At the bottom of the stairs,
We struggled to the living room,
where I finally gained superior leverage and ended up sitting atop his chest.
Of course, his inebriation played a part.
I didn't want to hurt him....
He was pretty full of fire and I just had to play him.
Like a 12 pound catfish on a 3 pound line....

I made him promise to go lay down on the couch and catch his breath.
He did so and soon fell asleep.

I went back upstairs to my room.
I laid down to sleep but couldn't.
I couldn't sleep and after an hour and a half of thinking about how my
Father's alcoholism not only effects his life but just now effects mine, I got angry.

I have an idea for a lesson to teach.

I went back downstairs where my Father is asleep on the couch.
Snoring LOUDLY!

Now, the guy I'm spending the summer with, he has a daughter who lives at home.
She's a bit older and her room is downstairs.
Neither she nor the guy were home at the time.

I go into the bathroom and as you might can guess,
I found several items used by women called "make-up."

I spent nearly an hour applying eye shadow, mascara,
Blush and who knows what else to my Father as he lay passed out.
I even painted his fingernails bright red.

Then I roused HIM!

I said,
"C'mon, POP! Let's roll! I'm Buying!

He raised up, grabbed his comb, ran it through his hair and said,
"Let's go, young cat. You Drive."

So we get in his car and I drive to a "Big Boy" restaurant that "everybody"
who knows anybody goes to.
I tell him I just want to get a cup of coffee and see who's there.

We walk in and people are staring.....

We are sitting at the counter and he goes to light a cigarette and notices the fingernail polish.
He looks at me with a look that I'll never forget.

I tell him to go the restroom and look in the mirror.

He comes back out, after trying to clean his face and he's as mad as a wet hen.
Talkin' about kicking my a**.

I said,
"Look, you and I both know now that I can take you. Don't embarrass yourself anymore today."

I also told him that he was to never be around me again if he was drunk.

I drove him home, in his car, and hitch-hiked back home, out in the country.

And finally got some sleep.


Hope all are well.

My Best to All the "Critterz!"




A little practice and I can surely be as effective again....

I LOVE my Mom.
I cried when I saw her take her last breath....



JG thats cool, maybe I should..........I was wondering would I name it "Sympathy for the Devil?" Or "Dreams of an Insomniac?" deep stuff there huh?

My mother is in Virginia at her summer home She's been canning blackberries. She was walking in her yard and her 73 year old cousin said "You need to hold your head up and look at me and walk straight to me ." My mom said "Ok but why?' He said "Just do it." There about 10 feet beside her walking with her was a 500 pound black bear!!!!!! She told me she did get a picture of him/her, so when she sends it to me I'll post my wife's sister was picking berries about 4 miles from my mothers summer house, and sent us pictures of bear tracks, probably the same fella........just making his rounds. I love bears. When I was 3 my mother took me to Montana on a train and she has old 8 milimeter film of 3 bears coming real close to me, I was too young to be scared but they grabbed me up and ran to the car with heritage is Native American, I am from the Iriqouis Nation and the Powhatan grandmother told me as a kid the Bear was my spirit animal, cool story huh?


For my Friends,

And those who enjoy Guinness.....

We ALL can make a difference!



Bill, make sure you keep an eye out the demon Deer that's been hanging around my place recently.

JG thats cool, maybe I should..........I was wondering would I name it "Sympathy for the Devil?" Or "Dreams of an Insomniac?" deep stuff there huh?

Just 'cause you mentioned it.....



Or this.....

A fixation on this particular selection would indicate advanced discussion.....




Have I mentioned that I hate drugs?

Most problems are solved without drug usage.....

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I linger in wait....

You know what that means....

A '96 Audi A4 trunk lock.

Any help?



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Just 'cause.
Deal with it.



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