Thanks Bill she's very loyal already. Can always count on that in my dogs. Not many Critters out tonight? It rained all day here today so I accomplished something I didn't think possible. I use to take my grandson fishing a lot. He loved his casting net. The last time we went fishing he tore a big hole in the net. So I used my skills and some fishing line and patched a large hole in his casting net!!! Surprise you what you can do with a little time on your hands. He'll be proud! LaterCritters

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A fine art.(Yes Gramps, the mending also.:laughing7:)


RC you aLWAYs Know what to say or what pictures to say at the right time. Yeup thats the right kind of net. Thank you my friend.....

Good night my friends, shall your night be full of dreams of beauty and wonder and your tomorrow well ill be thankful for every breath I take and another day I'm above ground. I thank the the good lord for this second gift he gave, now it's up to me to pull it together and make the best of it!
Keep the faith

Sent from my iPhone using TreasureNet

It is with a heavy heart that I have decided to not go camping.
(wanna just cry....)

I have so much to get caught up on....

I finished the "5 Point" lawn care and it looks GOOD! :thumbsup:

Tomorrow, I rest.

I'm off on my rounds of donating and volunteering!

Hope all are Well!

My Best,




Here's the story of me "secretly" living in a VA Facility....

Back in early '98,
I was basically homeless; living in my car.

Parked in various places that I felt would not attract attention of criminals and the law....

I landed a Temporary job at the Wichita, Kansas VA Facility to help with updating computer furniture and office design.


At the end of the work day, I clocked out and left with everyone else.

Got into my car, drove to the closest grocery store and bought lunchmeat and bread.
I'd then go to a park and have a couple of sandwiches until dusk.

Then I'd head back to the VA and park in the lot close to a wing that was shut down, once used for "older" Vets.

I would, ahem, enter and pick the room that I wanted to sleep.

There was a nurse's station complete with a refrigerator.

Since this area was my "Base of Operations" to assemble the new furniture, I kept my "groceries" in the refrigerator.
If anyone asked, that was my lunch.

There were still security patrols in the closed wing, but I quickly learned their rounds.

I was able to time the rounds to allow showers and even to watch a bit of TV.

It really wasn't too bad, but,
knowing how to "sleep lightly" paid off.

I was never discovered.
Although some close calls....
In fact, this is the first time that this story is being told.....

In the morning,
I slipped out and joined other workers arriving for the day.

When the assignment was completed,
I asked for a letter of reference...

"...On a regular basis he has shown up and been on time."

Best of Wishes,



Wichita, Huh, Scotty?

Park City?
Wasn't that where the "BTK" killer was from?
About when?

I was kinda worried about where I parked for the night to sleep....
The safety of the VA was a welcome option....​

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"Hmmm... All righty then...."

"Now, Let's give it up for the Bay City Rollers!"

{"What? Not Bay City Rollers? Oh! FROM the Bay City....Johnny, you make me look like a schmuck...."}

"Now, Here's our Favorite band, FROM THE BAY CITY....."

(just tryin' to be being professional here.....)



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ed sullivan.png


("you've got the Bay City Rollers ready, DON'T YOU? JOHNNY? Bet your a$$ you do...")

"Ahem..Without further adieu,
I give you..."

"The Bay City Rollers!"

My Best,



(previously posted on another thread....)

Was so good, it should be re-posted!

Possible future study music?

Do yourself a favor and go "Full Screen" here, Folks....

You can thank me later....

Watch for the "Snow Bird" Peavey 6 string electric....
first seen, in a video shop, at just bebore 13:00

Wow! Stevie's playing a different guitar!

All of a sudden....


I notice even the smallest of things....

My Best,


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While searching for the recommendation posted earlier,

I came across these items from my dossier....

Received from,
Never mind....

"Application For Benefits."
(through service related injury)

And recognition and correction of awards and Medals.
DA Form 1577, Aug 90

Seems I got to be on top of the Bullshiat at the VA if I want to help.


"Oh, Yeah, I smell a hot new reality show....something with music.
And Bands!"

Of Course with Vets.

Do you play an instrument?

(So deftly, I am skirting politics....)



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I do know that I'll see my Friends at Disabilty Resource, and my Friend, Julie,
Who is now interim director of Hall County Animal Shelter.

Oh! And donations to others....

Hope to see you soon, giving a minute of your time for another.....



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My life has been a journey....

You really have no idea....
I'm sorry if my posts have offended anyone.........


You're welcome to share my bunker.
At -15 degrees.

For Days.

And nights....

My Best,


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I just spoke with my Landlord, and he was Pleased with my lawn-care efforts

Talk of a grill-out has been completed!

I'll supply the filets and pork ribs,
He will provide the side dishes....


We'll see.....




Reminds me of this....

In some twisted way...

Yeah, Don't even try to understand me.....

I'm what's known as "Rough around the edges."

I can win shooting pool,

I can win kicking your burro...

(I always do....)

Local Townsfolk said, "That Boy will never make good......"

It's not worth your effort to follow........
'cause you can't.

Any Questions?



Ah! Crap!
Gotta apply for scholarships, too.​

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Guess it's time to grow my final beard before
I receive my Degree.
Dancing across the stage, long hair flowing.....Video?



This time, next year, I will have received my AA Degree and will hopefully by helping my Brothers and Sisters at ANY VA facility! :thumbsup:

You Surely know of my soul by now,



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You, my Friend,
Obviously sees life as one who's been there.
Yes, it is obvious...

You try to hide your participation, though,

By your postings of "anomalies..."


Your passions, I can read.
Your beliefs? Your desires?

I Know...



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Quite the story on the VA sleeping arrangement......heh whatever's amazing how resourceful you can be with a bit of street smarts.

Regards + HH


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