Xfacto Nervous single mom - she is so very good - and very feminine



Had this song bouncing around in my head

Cornelius Brothers + Sister Rose - Pool little fool like me.


It has come to my attention that a post made the other day by me has been

First, I would like to say that if anyone was offended,
I'm truly sorry.

I was weighing in on the subject of hunting, guns, etc.

I used to go hunting out of pure need to provide meals.

I have not hunted for at least 35 years.
I do not even own a firearm.
Don't get me wrong; I love shooting weapons, especially for the skill challenge.
However, I prefer to shoot at paper targets.

When others wish to discuss hunting and such,
I don't mind, I just scroll on by.

I am a meat-eater, but I disapprove of modern processing:

7. Cruelty to Animals
Chemicals, cost cutting and outsourcing labor take a toll on the birds whose lives and deaths are increasingly inhumane. Chickens were once slaughtered at 14 weeks when they weighed about two pounds but by 2001, they were being slaughtered at seven weeks when they weighed between four and six pounds Today they are even bigger and their lives shorter. In fact, chickens are now grown so quickly, if humans grew as fast, we’d weigh 349 pounds by our second birthday. As a result, chickens have constant bone disease, live in chronic pain and perish from eerie, factory-farm related diseases.
“Good birds on their sides or breasts, scattered in a random fashion in the pen also usually are considered to be dead from flip-over,” says Poultry News. “Diagnosis is supported by the full GI tract (particularly the full intestine); the large, pale liver; the large, normal bursa; the contracted ventricles and dilated, blood-filled atria; the lung congestion and edema; and the lack of pathological lesions.”
Assembly lines move so fast in today’s chicken slaughterhouses, poultry workers, the government and even the chicken industry admit that the birds break their own bones in struggling to escape the uncaring death that the pursuit of cheap meat forces on them.

(from: 7 horrifying truths about your chicken dinner -

Folks who hunt for their personal sustenance, I've found, are very humane in their practice
and do not "thrill kill."

Modern processing plants are evil and are only concerned with profits.

I believe that I'd rather eat meat harvested by our hunting Friends
than that which is processed by "factories."

Without getting political,
I strongly support the Second Amendment,
but, for the intent of the Founding Fathers: To prevent invaders both foreign and domestic.

The use of firearms at the time of the drafting of the Constitution was universal
for providing meat for the table
and was not even part of the considerations.

That's my opinion, which I have volunteered to protect as the First Amendment,
by joining the Army.

Once again,
I'm sorry if anyone has been offended.

My Best,


Crispin, Pat, and GIB,

Just bought the tickets south.....Cooper City, and Islamorada......March 11-27,,,,,,Whoopee!

Holy smokes,
Cooper City is about five hours away from GIB and I. Islamorada is even farther. Are you up for traveling North for a day or so and meeting in between? We can hunt anywhere, but GIB and I know the Gulf best. If you can commit to a couple of days and willing to travel North then I will take time off of work and plan something. Heck you can bring PTC up with you.


They bumped my cataract surgery up to last Thursday. And, I learned a whole lot!

I had asked the surgeon to put me out. He didn't. Yeah, they sent me elsewhere but I was completely conscious through the entire ordeal. I could feel them tugging and whatever they were doing. So it was about 45 minutes of unpleasantry. They did strap me down, my head, body and feet so I couldn't flail about.

I thought cataracts were trash they'd remove. Nope, they replaced my lens with a man made one.

Now I do have perfect vision, but lost a little of my peripheral vision - kind of a dark area on the right. And when I meet headlights at night, or look into a bright bulb, ray like beams shoot out diagonally to the sides.

Otherwise, the COLORS !!!! Colors are bright and beautiful now.

I had been diagnosed with cataracts developing two years ago. But the one in my right eye accelerated to near blindness in just a couple months.

I dread the left eye, I'll be demanding I be put out during that one, for sure.

Good doctors will not put you out. The risk of anesthesia is not worth it. Ask for Versed....You will not remember a thing. I promise.


We'll see what the spring brings, I would love nothing better than planning a trip to meet and share some good times!

Scott, really was touched by your post, and can only add that many people can't understand the heritage, and lifestyle that many of us hunter's and foragers provides us with a vast portion of our yearly food and needs.....and that's the last I will say on this matter. Hope your health is coming along, and remember that your mind is the greatest healing tool known, and you can will yourself back to health........Gary

I finished the regimen of the prescribed antibiotics and feel no discernible results.
Perhaps I need to make another appointment.
However, I'll bet the option of hospitalization will be more firmly
reinforced. I do NOT like hospitals.
Too many people I loved and cared about went to the hospital only to die.
And, I'm too good looking to die yet.
Alright, hold the snickers down!

If I intend on attending Spring Semester, I'll have to register in a week or two.
I don't even know yet if I'll have to reimburse my Grant and Scholarships....

I feel as if my Mom and Dad are watching me, wondering if I'll ever "make good..."

(with Jermaine Jackson on backing vocals and
Michael Jackson on chorus. Rockwell is the son of Barry Gordy Jr.)



It has come to my attention that a post made the other day by me has been

First, I would like to say that if anyone was offended,
I'm truly sorry.

I was weighing in on the subject of hunting, guns, etc.

I used to go hunting out of pure need to provide meals.

I have not hunted for at least 35 years.
I do not even own a firearm.
Don't get me wrong; I love shooting weapons, especially for the skill challenge.
However, I prefer to shoot at paper targets.

When others wish to discuss hunting and such,
I don't mind, I just scroll on by.

I am a meat-eater, but I disapprove of modern processing:

7. Cruelty to Animals
Chemicals, cost cutting and outsourcing labor take a toll on the birds whose lives and deaths are increasingly inhumane. Chickens were once slaughtered at 14 weeks when they weighed about two pounds but by 2001, they were being slaughtered at seven weeks when they weighed between four and six pounds Today they are even bigger and their lives shorter. In fact, chickens are now grown so quickly, if humans grew as fast, we’d weigh 349 pounds by our second birthday. As a result, chickens have constant bone disease, live in chronic pain and perish from eerie, factory-farm related diseases.
“Good birds on their sides or breasts, scattered in a random fashion in the pen also usually are considered to be dead from flip-over,” says Poultry News. “Diagnosis is supported by the full GI tract (particularly the full intestine); the large, pale liver; the large, normal bursa; the contracted ventricles and dilated, blood-filled atria; the lung congestion and edema; and the lack of pathological lesions.”
Assembly lines move so fast in today’s chicken slaughterhouses, poultry workers, the government and even the chicken industry admit that the birds break their own bones in struggling to escape the uncaring death that the pursuit of cheap meat forces on them.

(from: 7 horrifying truths about your chicken dinner -

Folks who hunt for their personal sustenance, I've found, are very humane in their practice
and do not "thrill kill."

Modern processing plants are evil and are only concerned with profits.

I believe that I'd rather eat meat harvested by our hunting Friends
than that which is processed by "factories."

Without getting political,
I strongly support the Second Amendment,
but, for the intent of the Founding Fathers: To prevent invaders both foreign and domestic.

The use of firearms at the time of the drafting of the Constitution was universal
for providing meat for the table
and was not even part of the considerations.

That's my opinion, which I have volunteered to protect as the First Amendment,
by joining the Army.

Once again,
I'm sorry if anyone has been offended.

My Best,


Scott and others,
Although I am no longer a member of the group, I want to make this final comment. ..
I don't know who you thought you may have offended, but certainly not me.
I have the feeling many misunderstand my feelings on this..
I have NO issue with people eating meat..personal choice for all including my family..I feel better physically meat free!
Others have posted hunting experiences, but have done it in a thoughtful manner and I have always appreciated that, as I would do for them.
What told me the other day that this was not the right place for me was the way it was handeled!
That's the real issue! Thanks for reading...

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4

Good doctors will not put you out. The risk of anesthesia is not worth it. Ask for Versed....You will not remember a thing. I promise.

Crispin, thanks for the tip! From my experience, maybe all the readers here will remember that too!

Good doctors will not put you out. The risk of anesthesia is not worth it. Ask for Versed....You will not remember a thing. I promise.
Thanks Brother,I've had one coming on 3 years now,if that target ain't shiny I just don't see it,guess I gotta get er done one of these days,I'd like to see a clear target.


Since I feel somewhat respondsible for your leaving us, I need to extend really heartfelt feelings, and sorry you have been taken from us. In know way was that the intention, and not what I desired. It was a conversation that is very common in my circle of friends, and one that is most likely taken for granted...I am truly sorry for your departure, and can only say that only the best thought s will follow you from me......Gary

Squig I shot a squirrel today,with a camera.
He and I share his park on occasions over a couple years now.( By clicking on largest tree just below foliage three times i can see him). IMG_0065_1.JPG

Last edited:

Since I feel somewhat respondsible for your leaving us, I need to extend really heartfelt feelings, and sorry you have been taken from us. In know way was that the intention, and not what I desired. It was a conversation that is very common in my circle of friends, and one that is most likely taken for granted...I am truly sorry for your departure, and can only say that only the best thought s will follow you from me......Gary

Thanks Gary,
I really appreciate your kind reply. ..:)
I do feel a sadness in leaving. ..I also know that is not what you intended.
I really am not some weird fanatic person as some might think, we just come from different parts of the country.
I know issues come up for us all and I always hope to resolve them. I can't help but think it's just not going to be the best match with the wildlife work I do and I don't want to set myself up.
I care for all of you, it's strange how that can happen even when you have never met someone in person.
My Best,

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk

Scott and others,
Although I am no longer a member of the group, I want to make this final comment. ..
I don't know who you thought you may have offended, but certainly not me.
I have the feeling many misunderstand my feelings on this..

What told me the other day that this was not the right place for me was the way it was handeled!
That's the real issue! Thanks for reading...

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4

Allow me to ask...

How was it handled to cause you to leave our group?
If it was me, please blow it off.
I meant neither disrespect nor animosities.

I meant no one in particular when I said, "It has come to my attention...."
It means that I re-read my post and it sounded a bit harsh....
So, I wished to clarify it in my mind...

If you feel that you are a minority in your beliefs,
sheeple follow the herd and the true thinkers are usually the minority.

Please don't leave--who else will keep Jeffers in line?

Also, Don't take Winston from us! :cat:

Please PM if you wish to talk about this some more....
I'm SURE that a solution can by found!

Always my best wishes,



Squig and I have walked the same path for almost a year now. We've been there and back again. We have seen the rise and fall of Miss Jackson. (incidentally, I'm sorry Miss Jackson, I am for real.) We both came to the conclusion that we were going to have to bend and give way more then 50% to reach an accord with certain things. I'm sure that she will stop in from time to time to keep an eye on all of us and make sure we walk the straight and narrow. However, she is putting a distance between herself and what is represented by bytes and icons. I have done so as well. We learn from our experiences and we have learned to protect ourselves as well. I am sure that when Squiggy "Fall down seven times...stand up eight."

Lets give this event a rest for a while and give time the room to do what it will do...

"Pity, it is pity that stayed Bilbo's hand. There are some who live that deserve death, and there are some who die that deserve life. Can you give it to them Bilbo? Bilbo's pity may one day rue the fate of man."


ok listen up men! Squig is a bit upset, she will return ( I am irresistable) . feelings get hurt but they heal, otherwise who could go on?

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