
Since if Friday evening.....something a bit heavier for the crew.

Led Zeppelin - Whole lot of love.


Mind if I throw this in Bill? Was on another thread and it came to me, Because I am a mellow fellow!

There, I feel better now.

I had to hit the like button and get it off of 6665.

Now, no likes for 15 minutes please while I admire my handiwork...

Screen Shot 2013-10-18 at 7.24.49 PM.png

BTW, the devil made me do it. Full moon and all that.


Good luck on your hunt's hoping you all come home with some gold.

Regards + HH


Have a great hunt ,Don,t get corrupt and sing the house rent blues!

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Thank You All
for the well wishes.

I been pretty sick....
I'm sick.gif

The VA chest x-rays showed some fluid in my lungs.
Again, there was talk of hospitalization.
I repeatedly declined the invitation....

I was prescribed some type of "mycin" antibiotics (synthetics) and told to


I made the right choice in withdrawing from classes because
I could not focus on assignments and was not able to keep up with
schedules and responsibilities.

Good news and bad news...

The good news is that I barely made the cut-off date for withdrawal and
thus not be penalized in GPA.
(although I was at an A to a B in both classes....)

The bad news is that I may have to pay back my
Pell Grant and/or Scholarships.

I have communicated with Sonja, at Disability Resources, of my situation
and received well wishes.
I WILL continue to volunteer when I'm able.

Perhaps I had spread myself too thin...

Made myself vulnerable through stress to weaken my antibodies
and allow this illness....:dontknow:

After all, I ain't as young as I once was....

I guess I should try to control my hyper-type personality
and learn how to age GRACEFULLY.

There were moments that I actually thought,
"Well Scott, your number is in the hopper and this is it."

Don't think I want to flirt with disaster again!

I have been taking my medicine,
(I hate pills, but better than a shot. I hate needles even more)
sleeping a lot and getting recharged.

I'm sad about losing the work already put into my classes,
and am not sure about Spring Semester yet....

I hope that y'all been playin' nice
and Hope that All have a Great Weekend!

My Best Wishes,
As Always,



For the first time since I went to the VA on Wednesday,
I stepped outside my door.

I was on a journey for chicken bouillon cubes and saltine crackers at the local grocer.

On the way home,
I stopped at one of the local retailers that I take rolled coin and my searched currency to.
I know every clerk by name and they know me.
I've been given opportunity to buy their coins they've come across or have had for some time.

I'm known for paying a fair price.

Well, Holly asked me if I've seen the new $100 bills.
I said no but they've only been released for a few days.

She said, "Ya wanna see one?"
I say, "Sure!"


Well, long story short,
I made a run to my bank ATM to get enough to
buy this new STAR note!
You payin' attention, Don? :laughing7:

Should I put it on feebay?

I seen one other star note with a half-dozen bids over $300

Love my Gals!
Gonna have to take her some donuts and coffee!



Great minds think alike, yes?


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One of my Favorite Pink Floyd Albums,

In it's entirety.




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I hope that y'all been playin' nice

{reading older posts....}


"Oh, My....."

Perhaps my opinion will prove my stance.

Number One:
I believe that mankind is allowed the fowl, fish and animals for sustenance per the Bible.
Don't make me quote....

Number Two:
I believe in honoring people's individual preferences.
That does NOT mean that it will change my beliefs.
It only means that I respect your opinions.

Number Three:
(Personal opinion)
Man has not clawed his way to the top of the food chain to eat salads.
I've heard, around many campfires, that the definition of a vegetarian is,

"Bad Hunter."

I LOVE, honor and respect all life,
especially animals.

My Love of Nature is not to be questioned.

Here's a pic or two from beyond my door during my illness.



Cute, aren't they?

But, if my survival came down to catching them and eating them,
Well, I'd have to catch at least two of them to make a sandwich.

Number Four:
I am sick and tired of one or two people trying to inject
their narrow mindset into the mainstream thinking and "taking over."
Why isn't the "Pledge of Allegiance" said in schools anymore?
Why isn't there more displays of Christmas anymore?
Why must you always be careful of whom you might piss off?

That's why.

Am I wrong?
Have I missed something?
A memo, perhaps?

All of that being said....

Here's a little hint about things I disagree with....

I have three, yes, only three choices in any matter, my Friends.
I can either put up with it,
Change it,
Leave it.

Now then...
Y'all figure out where you stand,
be secure in your decision and respect others in theirs!


{still waitin' on my sense of smell and taste to return}



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Just thought I would share this little tid-bit here as well...

When you need to make dead permanent.


For my Friend, Barb....

My Best,


My Father,

Who proved to be an alcoholic, and I chose to be there for him,

Was a good, kind and gentle man.
Perhaps he was submissive to my Mom (likely)
Or he was just a mellow fellow who went along with the plan waiting for his chance to go fishin'....

My Dad took me to my Boy Scout Meetings where I became a First Class Scout in the Senior Patrol having been a Patrol Leader of a Patrol that I created and built.

My Father also took me fishin' and taught me the way of the catfish on the river after midnight.
Love that catfish gumbo!
He also taught me how to shoot a rifle to bring meat to the table.
Wasn't easy; I am left-handed.
I eventually received a medal for my Marksmanship in the Army.

My Dad...




A little known fact....

I am the last of my Father's name.
The Family heritage dies with me as I have no progeny.

And so,
What shall we hear next?

How 'bout this?





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